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Tag: Diabetes - Organic Lifestyle Magazine Tag: Diabetes - Organic Lifestyle Magazine

Sugar Pearls: Dangers Associated with Excessive Sugar Intake

The largest source of calories for individuals living in industrialized nations is sugar.  Sugar increases insulin levels, promoting fat accumulation and inflammation throughout the body.  Sugar consumption and elevated insulin accelerate the aging process and create an environment conducive to degenerative disease.

The chemistry of sugar is based on the number of carbohydrates and includes monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides.   The most important monosaccarides are glucose, dextrose, and fructose.  The primary difference in these deals with the way they are digested and metabolized.  Glucose and dextrose are basically the same form of sugar.  Many sugars can be identified by their characteristic “ose” ending.

Many of these sugars also combine to form complex sugars such as sucrose.  Sucrose, typical table sugar, is a disaccharide (2 sugar forms) that is half glucose and half fructose.  Meanwhile, high fructose corn syrup is 55% fructose and 45% glucose.

Massive Increase in Sugar Consumption

In the year 1700, the average individual consumed about 4 pounds of sugar each year.  In 1800, it was about 18 pounds of sugar per year.  In 1900, the average person ate 90 pounds of sugar per year.  In 2009, the average individual consumed 150 pounds of sugar per year.  Half of our society consumes ½ pound of sugar per day.   Most of this is in unnatural, man-made forms such as sucrose and high fructose corn syrup.

Most forms of sugar (other than fructose based sources) metabolize quickly in the body into a simple glucose form.  This glucose is then funneled into cells by the hormone insulin.  This process is performed very well in our bodies when the cells are kept sensitive to the circulating insulin.

Lifestyle behaviors that lead to chronically elevated blood sugar and insulin levels cause a cellular resistance to insulin.  These behaviors include excessive sugar intake, processed foods and sedentary lifestyle.  Elevated blood sugar and insulin cause excessive free radical damage and inflammation throughout the body.

The Major Problems with Elevated Sugar & Insulin Include:

  1. Mal-coordinates the immune system and reduces its functional ability.
  2. Dehydrates the cells and depletes the body of critical electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, & sodium, leading to cell death and chronic muscle spasms.
  3. Depletes the body of chromium, copper,and  zinc, and other trace minerals that help sensitize cells to insulin.  This further accelerates cell membrane insulin resistance
  4. Induces cancer cell division and proliferation and inhibits mechanisms that slow down tumor growth and inhibit cancer cell apoptosis (programed cell death)
  5. Creates tissue damaging Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGE’s)
  6. Depletes the body of anti-oxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
  7. Inhibits Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and elevates cortisol levels
  8. Inhibits cellular protein synthesis which results in dysfunctional bone, muscle, and joint chemistry.  This accelerates the risk of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and chronic muscle and joint pain.
  9. Promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria and parasites such as Candida and other yeast-like organisms.  This also depletes the body of good bacteria and can lead to chronic infections in the gut, respiratory tissue, and sinuses.
  10.  Leads to obesity, elevated triglycerides, abnormal LDL:HDL cholesterol levels, elevated arterial inflammatory risk factors.
  11.  Opens up the blood brain barrier, depletes the brain of trace mineral stores, and allows toxins and other heavy metals to accumulate in brain tissue
  12.  Destroys nerves leading to chronic pain, neuropathies, vision disorders, and accelerated organ dysfunction.

Sources For This Article Include:


Cherry Pie and Whooping Cough

Bet you thought I gave up already—that I fell off the diet and crawled away to hide. Nope. Here’s what I have to report: the weight loss isn’t going so well, but other things are great.

The best news I have to report is that I am not smoking. Not at all. Not one bit. Nada. (I am taking a pause here to listen to imaginary applause. Yes, I really am doing that. It helps.) Other good news is that I’m not thinking about smoking, either…except when I see someone smoking on TV, or I feel stressed out by a work deadline, or I am writing about how I am not thinking about smoking!

Not smoking is already helping my circulation. Aside from my optic nerve, I have another marker to measure my progress. My right thumbnail thickened, pulled away from the nail bed on one side, and curved inward (think of an ingrown toenail). Now the root of the nail is adhering to the nail bed again—a sure sign of increased blood flow.

Now the not so good news.

A little more than a week ago, I had a run in with a cherry pie. Did you have one favorite food as a child? Something that you rarely ate? A food so magnificent it topped every other food by a mile? For me, that food was cherry pie.

When I grew up, I still didn’t eat it very often. But it remained my favorite food.

When I stopped eating gluten 7 years ago, I stopped eating cherry pie—except for the two times I bought a tiny, one person size, gluten free pie from Whole Foods for the outrageous price of ten dollars apiece. So imagine my surprise when my son Joel brought home a nearly normal size, gluten free cherry pie on his birthday.

I was all ready to politely decline cake, cookies, hard apple cider, or any other treats he and his wife brought home to celebrate the day. But when Joel asked me if I wanted cherry pie, I said, “I just started a diet! Yes, please!”  There wasn’t even a decent pause between the two sentences. And the, “Yes, please!” was much louder and emphatic than the sentence that came before.

The next day I told Michael about how I had emotionally beaten myself up for having absolutely no control when it comes to cherry pie. I loved his response. He wants me to end the guilt, to find every way I can to stop beating myself up about food. I am going to break the cycle. And I am going to start by preempting guilt; I will earn treats ahead of time.

Michael used the analogy of purchasing something I want with cash vs. credit. The next time I really want cherry pie, I will exercise especially hard BEFORE I eat it. No punishing myself after, no negative talk, no punitive exercise. I will earn it. I love that idea. I love it so much I have not had to use it. There is a real security in knowing you can eat whatever you want. Then, you don’t necessarily want it.

The day after the cherry pie, Joel brought home something else—a horrible virus, one related to whooping cough. I know this because we have had whooping cough. Like that monster virus, this one produced tons of mucous and coughing fits that persisted until he vomited. Luckily, I skipped the vomiting. Instead I perfected the art of coughing uncontrollably and sneezing at the same time. That was a new one on me. And it was very entertaining except for the explosive dynamic of it all causing me to wet my pants on more than one occasion. TMI?

So I, the woman who prides herself on never getting sick, have been really sick for the last week. I still am. I have not been following my eating plan of all raw food. And I have not lost any more weight. However…

  • I have eaten one large very healthy salad every day plus raw fruit.
  • I have continued with my organic raw lemonade with cayenne and stevia.
  • Other than the cherry pie, I have not eaten any sweets or junk food.
  • I have not eaten out except for eating at the salad bar at the farmers market.
  • I have not eaten any white rice or noodles.

I am not really on a “diet.” I am changing my diet. I am changing my lifestyle. So this is true success; success I can build on.

Tomorrow, I start over on my cleansing diet. Not because I have to. Not because I failed. Because I want to.


Natural Diabetes Cure

If you suffer from diabetes, ask yourself this: “If I was stranded on an island with absolutely nothing to eat except the healthiest whole fresh foods in the world, and no diabetic medication of any kind, would I live or would I die?”

If the answer is “live” then there is hope for you.

Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent diabetes caused by a failure of the pancreas to properly produce insulin. Rebuilding the pancreas is essential.

This can be a very long process, depending on how long the body has been injected with insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistant diabetes, where the body’s cells are resistant to insulin. Each and every cell in the human body needs fat to function properly. If the fat that makes up our body’s cells is insulin resistant fatty triglycerides, then the body’s cells are insulin resistant. Over indulgence in fructose and processed fatty foods causes this condition. Therefore, rebuilding the whole body using healthy fats will reverse type 2 diabetes.

With either type 1 or type 2 diabetes , the protocol is the same because healing the body from such an extremely unhealthy condition is the same. Though these diseases are very different, as Raymond Francis says, there is only one disease: cell malfunction.

A complete total body detox is essential for anyone with diabetes. Check out this complete detox regimen, titled Cure Cancer Naturally, and Pretty Much Any Other DiseaseWithin this program there is a call for Dr. Budwig’s Flaxseed Oil and Quark, which is absolutely necessary for rebuilding the body with the right kinds of fats. Fruit is the one exception to this protocol; it should be avoided the first month. The regimen should be followed for three full months.

Anyone with diabetes should take chromium and enzymes every day for the rest of their life. Thorne’s Satiecin is a good way to get chromium. High quality systemic enzymes should be taken three times a day on an empty stomach. Vitalzym makes a good product. Digestive enzymes should be taken with all meals. Plant based digestive enzymes should be eaten whenever plants are consumed.

After three months of the detox program, raw fresh fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of your diet. If meat is to be consumed, then a Paleolithic diet can keep cancer away, but hydrochloric acid enzyme supplements should be taken whenever meat is ingested. Thorne Bio-gest is a good option for this.

If the goal is to finally be able to eat whatever you want, forget it. If you have diabetes, it will always be your Achilles heel, just like someone recovering from cancer is most likely to get cancer again if they do not take care of themselves. But if living without insulin shots or avoiding an early grave is the goal, this regimen can bring anyone with diabetes to a level of heath not known prior to the disease.

Agave Nectar, Is It Healthy?

No. It’s not. Agave Nectar is no healthier than refined table sugar.

Agave nectar is mostly fructose. This is why agave has a low glycemic index. Many people believe that since the sugar in fruit is fructose that this means fructose is automatically healthy. It is, in small amounts, with fruit fiber, fruit vitamins, fruit minerals, and all of the other nutrition in fruit. When whole fruits are consumed, the fructose is absorbed more slowly.

With agave nectar there is nothing to slow the absorption. Even if you eat agave with foods rich in fiber, all of the fructose separates and is absorbed quickly. Fructose passes into the bloodstream and is taken to the liver, where it is made into glycogen. Glycogen is a product stored in the liver and released to make glucose when the body needs it. But once the liver is stocked with glycogen (again, it doesn’t take much), the remaining fructose makes insulin resistant fatty acids and triglycerides.

Excessive fructose consumption (and it doesn’t take much) can lead to liver disease, insulin resistance which leads to diabetes, raised LDL cholesterol, elevated triglycerides in the body, and weight gain due to multiple factors. And if that wasn’t enough, fructose does not trigger the release of two hormones (insulin and leptin) in your blood. These hormones tell your body it’s no longer hungry. And excessive fructose elevates uric acid level, which can lead to gout and/or metabolic syndrome including hypertension and glucose intolerance. The increase in fructose consumption in America directly correlates to the rise in diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. While this is mostly attributed to high fructose corn syrup, if agave was the sweetener used in soda, our health as a nation would not be much better off.

If you’re looking for alternative sweeteners to use, check out our Healthy Sugar Alternatives article. But keep this in mind: in nature, sweets are hard to come by, they are seasonal, and they come with fiber and other nutrition. There is no healthy way to consume sweets on a regular basis. If you are trying to eat healthy, instead of looking for the magical sugar that doesn’t have any negative repercussions, learn to develop a healthier palate – a taste for raw fresh vegetables.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Self-treating medical conditions with medicinal mushrooms

Which Type is Right for You?

Whether you want to improve cellular health or prevent the common cold, medicinal mushrooms are available in a variety of species to help you address your health concerns. Certain types of mushrooms have the distinct ability to boost immune health and fight diseases including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and many more life-threatening illnesses. These powerful herbal remedies are one of the primary foundations of alternative medicine, but with so many different formulas to choose from, it can be difficult to know which type best fits your personal health needs. Here’s a closer look at three varieties of common medicinal mushrooms:


reishi mushroomGanoderma lucidum, more commonly known as Reishi, is found worldwide and has a variety of active components, including proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, volatile oils, minerals, vitamins and lipids. These properties make it effective in enhancing the oxygenation of the blood, lowering cholesterol levels, stimulating the immune system, and promoting liver detoxification.


maitake mushroomThis leaf-like, braided polypore fungus contains over 25% protein, various polysaccharides, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, and sterols that provide potent anti-tumor and immune-regulating effects. It is most highly recognized for its anti-cancer effects, as it provides protection against the harmful effects of chemotherapy, has inhibited breast cancer growth and metastasis in animal studies, and is the subject of ongoing human clinical trials with breast and prostate cancer patients.


Shiitake mushroomThis particular mushroom is the source of two well-studied extracts that include lentinan, a cell wall polysaccharide rich in Beta-glucans; and LEM (LentinulaEdodes Mycelium Extract), a protein-bound polysaccharide complex. Lentinan has been shown to be protective against various bacteria, viruses (including influenza) and parasites. Taking this mushroom regularly may help to decrease cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Each of these mushrooms has profound applications that can improve vitality, decrease the growth of fungus and bacteria in the body, and even prevent deadly viruses by boosting your immune system. For more in-depth information about specific medicinal mushrooms and their many health-promoting benefits, I invite you to download a complimentary copy of a Medicinal Mushroom Wellness Guide.

Issue 13 – Cancer & Other Disease

Crazy… – Letter from the Editor

Cure Cancer Naturally

Environmental Toxins Typically Do Not Cause Cancer on Their Own

Gallbladder Bile

Chemicals in Foods, Medicines, and the Environment Cause Cancer

Budwig Cancer Cure

Chemotherapy vs Placebo

Best Juicer

How Many Essential Fatty Acids Are There?

Cultural Cognition and Alternative Medicine

Consider This…

Dr. Max Gerson – Persecuted for Curing Cancer Naturally

Cancer Costs Double in Nearly 20 Years

The Big C

Is Stevia Safe?

Is Agave Nectar Healthy?

Coffee Enema

Cure Cancer Naturally

Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: Natural methods can sometimes backfire (as can “conventional” methods). If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. Any opinions put forth by this publication, its doctors, staff, and contributors are simply their opinions. It is up to you to educate yourself and discuss treatment modalities with your health care practitioners. By accepting Organic Lifestyle Magazine’s advice, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health and to hold Organic Lifestyle Magazine, Inc. and its contributors free from liability.
I am not a physician; I legally cannot tell you how to cure yourself of cancer. What I can tell you is what I would do if I were to be diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, or any other serious or “chronic” disease.

First and foremost, if you are looking to cure cancer the natural way, you need to accept that diet, more than anything else, is what got you here. And diet is what will get you back to a healthy state. Produce will become your best friend.

I would start by following a full body detoxification regimen that maximizes nutrition and minimizes toxins. Digesting food, even healthy food, can be taxing to the body. Juicing and proper food combining minimizes the load on the body, easily allowing it to assimilate nutrients and spend its energy on healing. In addition, if I were to follow this program, three things would happen to my body that are necessary to restore the body’s health: the liver would begin working again; the body would absorb and properly assimilate beneficial, anti-inflammatory fatty acids; and the body would become more alkaline.

To better understand fat, the liver and gallbladder, and health aspects of the body’s PH, be sure to click on the embedded links.

This diet has certain aspects of both Dr. Budwig’s and Dr. Gerson’s protocols along with a few key differences that I believe would help speed up recovery and healing.


Juicing is a great aid in detoxification. First and foremost, I would purchase the right kind of juicer (this is an absolute must). A centrifugal juicer will not do. The juicer has to press the juice out without high speeds or heat to ensure phytonutrients, enzymes, and other beneficial components (many of which are yet to be discovered) are not damaged. And a good juicer won’t oxidize the juice. Unfortunately these kinds of juicers are slower, more expensive, and usually more difficult to clean.

To see a comparison of some of the best juicers, check out our next article, Best Juicer.


I would not take multi vitamin or mineral pill form supplements for this diet for two reasons:

  • Even very high quality vitamin and mineral supplements can unbalance the body
  • This protocol provides enough vitamins and minerals in the best form possible with all of the important components needed to easily absorb and assimilate them.

I would, however, take truly whole food multivitamins and certain supplements to help kick start my immune system and my body’s ability to detoxify.

The most natural, absorbable, absolutely pure multivitamin/mineral supplement is Total Nutrion Formula. You can make your own or purchase here. There are supplements that have more, but this product makes for a complete foundation that will make it easier to absorb and assimilate nutrition from the rest of your diet. And remember, it;s not how many vitamins are on the label, it’s how much quality nutrition your body assimilates.

Other supplements include Udo’s Oil 3-6-9 with DHA (full spectrum of beneficial fatty acids), Thorne Vitamin D-5000Vitalzym Systemic EnzymesThorne SFF722 (kills candida), HM Complex (heavy metal detoxification), Echinacea Plus (immune system), Blood Detox Formula and Tea, and Coptis Chinensis Extract (immune system).

I would also supplement my diet with raw, unprocessed, high quality honey (1 teaspoon twice a day) and Himalayan salt (one teaspoon a day). While alternative and conventional health practitioners recommend staying away from salt, I use unrefined sea salt that is full of trace minerals. I believe the problems associated with salt are due to the use of refined table salt. But it doesn’t take much.


For many reasons, I would continue to exercise. I’d exercise hard and work up a sweat. If I were out of shape, I’d work up to it; I believe too many people underestimate the benefits of serious exercise. Depressed people are more likely to get sick. A better mood can help heal the body and the mind. Exercising boosts the immune system, causes the body to release endorphins, and to release toxins. The body releases more toxins through the skin and from breathing than it does through urinating and defecating.


I would also practice hot and cold hydrotherapy to help further detoxify my blood and break down tumors. Dr. Shillington has witnessed dramatic shrinkage of tumors in one day with multiple applications of hot and cold hydrotherapy.


I would sit in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day. Sunlight doesn’t cause cancer (though sunburn can). Sunlight has been proven to prevent cancer. Vitamin D from its most natural source is better than any pill form of vitamin D I could take.

Fruits and Vegetables

I would be buying a lot of produce. The better the quality of produce, the faster I’d attain my goals. I would find local farmers markets that sell produce from farmers who practice organic growing methods and crop rotation. Their produce is rich with enzymes, minerals, and all the other good stuff I’d need. I’d also need a wide variety of produce, some of which may not be available from locally grown or organic sources. So I would start a garden and grow as many of my own vegetables as possible.

Fruits and vegetables would all be juiced except for apples and pineapple which I would juice and eat raw. The apples would be green, like Granny Smith apples.  I would make every effort to choose fresh, local, organic produce. If I had to pick and choose which produce would be organic, I would always choose organic apples and berries and organic root vegetables like carrots, radishes, and beets. Apples and berries are over sprayed, while root vegetables absorb toxins from the soil.  These particular fruits and vegetables are shown to contain significantly higher amounts of pesticide residue.

I’d also look for variety. For instance, heirloom tomatoes and carrots are more nutritious than their conventional counterparts. The following would be my shopping list, and would be organic whenever possible:

  • Citrus Fruit (all varieties)
  • Green Apples (Red apples contain too much sugar. Absolutely must be organic.)
  • Beets (Great for detoxifying the blood and cleansing the liver. Look for different kinds. Must be organic.)
  • Ginger (Good for nausea and digestive problems. An anti-inflammatory that promotes healthy blood circulation. Always add to juice with beets, garlic, or radishes.)
  • Pineapple (Contains a massive amount of enzymes. Loaded with vitamins and minerals. I would not eat pineapple initially, if I were diabetic.)
  • Carrots (Must be organic.)
  • Spinach (Absolutely must be organic.)
  • Rainbow Chard (Provides antioxidant protection in the form of phytonutrients and vitamin C.)
  • Garlic (Garlic contains germanium, an anti-cancer agent.)
  • Spanish Black Radish (Protects against free radicals and aids the liver. Must be organic.)
  • Tomatoes (Contain large amounts of vitamin C, lycopene, courmaric acid, and chlorogenic acid, all of which help fight cancer. Must be organic.)
  • Parsley (Increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood. Is an anti-bacterial and a blood purifier. Improves digestion of fats and is high in enzymes.)
  • Cilantro (An anti-inflammatory that fights free radicals. Must be organic.)
  • Kale
  • Lemons (Aids the liver in flushing out toxins. Helps the kidneys flush out fluids. Great source of Vitamin C.)
  • Celery and Celery Leaves (Nutrients in the fiber are released during juicing. Leaves and stems provide a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.)
  • Blueberries (Massive amounts of cancer fighting antioxidants and a wide array of vitamins and minerals. Absolutely must be organic.)


If I decided I needed more protein after the first two weeks, I would add a vegan protein such as ground hemp seeds and/or ground flax seeds to the diet. Another good choice is Pure Green Protein. These are both amazing sources of protein, so I wouldn’t need much, just a few tablespoons.  This diet combined with a few tablespoons of either flax or hemp seeds will give most athletes enough protein. It’s actually much harder to assimilate protein from cooked meat. But it is important to make sure the hemp or flax seed is ground up so it can be digested. It doesn’t matter how much protein I consume; what matters is how much my body properly assimilates. It is important that I not eat any other nuts or seeds on this routine, so I don’t upset the fatty acid balance in the diet.

Food Combining

Apples can be combined with any fruit or vegetable juice, but I wouldn’t combine any other fruits with vegetables.

Lemonade Recipe

I would make lemonade with lemons, stevia, and cayenne pepper (ground or liquid extract). I’d make as much as I wanted and would drink as much as I could.  The first thing I would consume each morning would be warm lemonade. Lemon juice aids the liver in flushing out toxins.

Coffee Enema

The most unpleasant step in this routine is the coffee enema, a necessity for the very ill because the liver may be too weak to rid the body of toxins. As tumors are broken up and absorbed by the body, they also create toxins. If I were carrying a heavy toxic load and my body could not eliminate the toxins, I would die. This is not an exaggeration. I could do everything else perfectly, kill all the cancer cells, and still die due to an overburdened, toxic liver.

coffee beansThere is the possibility I wouldn’t need the enemas. Maybe I could use a liver supplement. Maybe just eliminating toxins would be enough. But if I had any concern about liver toxicity or knew my body was trying to absorb tumor tissue, I would do coffee enemas no matter how unpleasant they may be. Besides, even if I didn’t absolutely need them, they would speed up my healing.

It is extremely important that enemas for the liver are done properly. I wouldn’t use too much coffee and I would be sure the solution is not too hot.
The Gerson Protocol includes coffee enemas every few hours, but for regular detoxification most alternative health practitioners recommend two times once or twice a week. It is important to do at least two coffee enemas within the same day between four and six hours apart because the first enema causes bile to be dumped into the small intestine, which then needs time to pass the bile into the colon where the second enema can remove it.

I would decide frequency and duration based on my illness and toxicity level. If my body were continuing to absorb tumors, I would continue with enemas throughout that process. If my tumors were gone, I would restrict this practice to one or two months.

For more information on coffee enemas and how to do them see Coffee Enema.

Dr. Budwig’s Flaxseed Oil and Quark

quarkI’d love for this regimen to be 100% vegan, but Dr. Budwig’s program calls for quark or cottage cheese for a very good reason. I looked at several alternatives and am not comfortable with the efficacy of them.

When the body is sick, the liver is overwhelmed and it cannot properly process fats and essential fatty acids. Dr. Budwig discovered the combination of flaxseed oil and quark (a type of cheese which is high in sulphurated protein) makes the fats and essential fatty acids water soluble and easily used by the body’s cells. For more information and a step-by-step guide on this, check out Dr. Budwig’s Flaxseed Oil and Quark in this issue. I believe Udo’s Oil 3-6-9 with DHA is superior to plain flaxseed oil.

Heavy Metal Chelation

HM Complex is an orally administered metal chelator that mild environmental exposures of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead and tin without altering excretion of other minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and selenium.

Step by Step

(Assuming a sleep schedule of 8 hours a night from 10pm until 6am)

Days 1-3


Upon waking, I would make a half gallon of lemonade with the aforementioned recipe. I would heat up about 8 ounces and drink it.

I would then prepare and do the coffee enema.

Next I would blend ¼ of a cup of organic quark (or organic cottage, goat or sheep cheese if available) with 2 tablespoons of Udo’s Oil 3-6-9 with DHA. I would add a pinch of Himalaya salt (not even enough to taste) and a tablespoon of unrefined honey and eat.

Then I would exercise hard and get sweaty. After exercise I would complete hot and cold hydrotherapy. I like to go to the gym and do a nice workout and follow it up with the dry sauna turned all the way up for five minutes followed by 1 minute in a cold shower.

Note: I would drink lemonade as much as I can throughout the day, every day.


I would take the above supplements with the juice of 2 apples, 5 carrots, 1 to 2 stalks of kale, ¼ a beet, to taste (this is assuming medium sized produce) or I would make citrus juice. I would alternate juices, depending on my mood and cravings.


I would eat as much fresh pineapple as I wanted with a whole raw apple followed by the quark and Udo’s Oil.



My least favorite part of the day would be 6pm because I would follow a coffee enema with equally unpleasant juice. I would make apple juice for the base with garlic, beets, Spanish black radish, cilantro, parsley, tomatoes, and any other fresh vegetables. The garlic, beets, and Spanish black radish can and most likely will cause an upset stomach for a few minutes. How much of these vegetables I incorporate into the juice would depend on my tolerance at the time. (In my experience, tolerance for these juices builds over time).


I would make some more quark and Udo’s Oil to take along with the following supplements:

Days 4-7

The only difference between days 4-7 and days 1-3 is that Captomer should not be taken, and one may need to consider replacing it with Thorne Heavy Metal Support.

Week 2

The same as week 1, except eliminate Echinacea and Coptis Chinensis. Resume the following week and  continue to take them on alternate weeks.
I would repeat this week for 4 to 8 weeks depending on the severity of disease. Once I run out of supplements, with the exception of UDO’s Oil, I would simply quit taking them.

Month 2 (or Month 3)

I would come off of the coffee enemas. I would purchase one new supplement not mentioned above called Thorne Liver Cleanse SF769. My concern is that my liver may grow addicted to caffeine and will not work as well without the aid of supplementation.

I would continue this phase of the diet as long as it takes for me to feel that my health is at optimal working condition.

Coming Off the Diet

Coming off of a diet like this should be done gradually and carefully. Lots of raw fresh vegetables and fruits should always be one’s main staples, but especially so after a detoxification regimen and/or a fast. When coming off of this diet I would not eat starchy foods immediately. Doing so could actually kill me. My colon would no longer have what it needs to digest starchy foods like mashed potatoes or white rice.

I would start eating salads and smoothies first and, if I were to incorporate cooked foods, I would slowly include oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice.


Knowing what I know about disease and health, this is exactly what I would do to restore my health, regardless of the disease. If I didn’t know what I know, I would do considerable research on alternative treatments and read everything and anything I could about Dr. Budwig and Dr. Gerson.

Remember, our health is our responsibility. Education is key.

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Further Reading: