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More Doctors Against Vaccines

Although it is true that the majority of doctors support vaccines, most of them don’t even know what vaccines contain or their dangers. Their training ends with knowing how to administer them. They are taught vaccine reactions are rare and they are quick to share the same assurances with their patients. These assurances are not based on objective science but merely on what they were told, what they were taught.

Click here for part 1: Doctors Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research

Whether layperson or scientist, high school drop out or M.D., no one can research vaccine manufacturers, vaccine laws, and vaccine injuries and then conclude that vaccines are 100% safe and effective. All you have to do is read the warning insert for any vaccine to learn that truth.

These following doctors rejected half-truths and lies. They did their own research.

Nancy Banks, M.D.

Dr. Banks earned her medical degree at Harvard Medical School. She also earned an MBA in finance from Pace university. She completed her internship and residency at Saint Luke’s Hospital and Mount Sinai Hospital and Medical Center. She is a board certified ObGyn.

If you look at the ingredients of vaccines you’ll find that they have mercury, and they have aluminum and the vaccines are polluted with other kinds of viruses and the vaccines are grown, sometimes on human tissue. So these are vaccines that have elements that are neurotoxic and then of course they have other elements that can set up autoimmune reactions. So those are the kinds of things that we’re seeing in the children; we are seeing autoimmune reactions.

We are seeing an autoimmune reaction against the brain tissue. And so these children, unfortunately even the ones who are not developing the syndrome autism, are developing other syndromes such as ADD and ADHD and of course the secondary problem is the number of allergies that we’re seeing in our young children.

…There really is no firm evidence that vaccines DO what they say they DO. They say that the introduction of vaccines actually reduced the amount of infectious diseases, but if you go back to the beginning of the century you will really see that the thing that was reducing infectious diseases was an improvement in diet, an improvement in sanitation and an improvement in education.

…I think that the idea that we can we can put toxins and poisons into a perfectly healthy immune system, a bloodstream and not expect to get complications is naive at best.

…When you’re going to medical school you actually think that you’re studying science. But you’re studying the science that someone has decided that is appropriate for you. And the science that they consider not appropriate for you, you don’t study. 

Most of the students who come out of medical school are not going to question that. They are simply going to say this is what I learned and so this is how I’m going to proceed. It must be true.

And they will go to the CDC or the FDA website and that website will repeat the things that they heard in medical school. And one of the things that I’ve found is that most of these doctors do not go to the original literature. They don’t read the literature that would really question whether or not these vaccines are safe.

Toni Bark, M.D.

Dr. Bark has earned a B.S. in psychology from the University of Illinois, and her M.D. from Rush Medical School. She completed her Pediatric Residency at the University of Illinois. After directing the Pediatric Emergency Room at Michael Reese Hospital, she began her study of homeopathic medicine. She has a private homeopathic practice. She has also earned a masters degree in healthcare emergency management from Boston University. In 2012 she became Vice President of the American Institute of Homeopathy. A highly educated physician, she has done the research.

So I ran a pediatric emergency room and if people came in and they weren’t vaccinated, I was quite upset. Its not that I knew much about vaccines, I did a pediatric residency and you don’t really learn anything. You’re taught the schedule, that’s really what you’re taught about vaccines. You’re taught the schedule and that it produces antibodies and that’s it.

(After learning more about vaccines, she then changed her mind about their safety and effectiveness).

…The kids that come to me from other practices and are fully vaccinated often are the kids, well they are the kids in my practice with asthma, panic disorders, OCD, PANDAS [pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections], autism, Asperger’s. My kids who never have been vaccinated in my practice, I don’t see those issue. I don’t have one child who was not vaccinated who also has asthma or food allergies or Asperger’s or autism or crohn’s or ulcerative colitis. None of these chronic inflammatory or chronic autoimmune diseases, cause that’s how I kind of see them. I don’t have that in my population that never was vaccinated or even that was probably vaccinated very delayed and selectively but often those kids are in families where the first child was vaccinated fully and there was problems. There was a vaccine reaction and so the parents decided not to and those kids of course, those kids were those who reacted badly, and so those kids are the ones I’m seeing.

Physicians are really quite naïve about how things work politically and financially, and that things are really the bottom line.

…and we have medical ethics departments that are completely funded by Pharma. That’s a huge conflict of interest. We have a vaccine medical ethics department, the only one in the United States that is completely funded by not only Pharma but by the vaccine manufacturers themselves. So when they are publishing articles, doctors see this and don’t understand who’s funding them and they believe everything when things have been cherry picked. They read a study on Gardasil vaccine they don’t understand that a placebo is not a saline injection. Most doctors don’t believe me when I tell them that the placebo used in most vaccine studies is the aluminum adjuvant or it is an experimental vaccine.

Meryl Nass, M.D., ABIM

Meryl Nass is no stranger to research. She earned a B.S. in biology from MIT. She worked as a lab technician for two years in the Immunology Department at John Curtin School of Medical Research. She earned her medical degree from the New Jersey Medical School and the University of Mississippi Medical School. She completed her internal medicine residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Afterwards, she worked as an emergency room physician for 14 years. She also taught internal medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. She currently works as an internist and hospitalist at Mount Desert Island Hospital in Bar Harbor Maine.

Her research interests have included vaccine-induced illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War Illness, fibromyalgia, and toxicology. She also used her skills as a biological warfare epidemiologist to study the world’s largest anthrax epizootic in Zimbabwe. (An epizootic is an animal epidemic.)

Prevnar was licensed with a big clinical trial conducted at Kaiser in Northern California with 38,000 children. Half received the Prevnar 7 vaccine, and half received an experimental vaccine for Neisseria meningitidis type C – type C meningococcal vaccine.

Now, that seemed a little odd to me. I mean…the control was another vaccine. That’s a problem. But that’s pretty common, because you don’t really know what the side effect profile is if you compare one vaccine to another, because each causes side effects. You don’t have an inert placebo for comparison.

…In this case, they didn’t even take a licensed vaccine, but they took an experimental vaccine as their comparator. The experimental vaccine has never subsequently been licensed in the U.S. So, there is no real understanding. There is no published list of what the side effects are for that experimental vaccine. We don’t even know what we were comparing it to. Here we had two experimental vaccines being compared to each other. Where is the data? We have no idea really what the safety profile was. Now when they’re bringing in the Prevnar 13, they compare Prevnar 13 to Prevnar 7 and say, “Well, the side effects are about the same, so it’s okay.”

…The company is conducting all the studies. The company decides how to present them, and the company decides how to conduct them. So, whether these studies actually give you an unbiased review of the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine [or not] is open to question.

…Children don’t usually die suddenly when they’re healthy; and you have to find a reason for that. There are certainly lots of teenage girls who have died relatively suddenly after Gardasil or developed severe neurological reactions.

…The problem is that vaccines can exert their effects, positively and negatively for a very long time. So for example, if you get a live virus vaccine, one hopes that you will be protected throughout your life.

So for smallpox vaccine it was shown that people had reasonable protection even fifty years after they were vaccinated. Obviously if the immune system is still revved up to protect you against smallpox fifty years later, there’s also the chance that, that revved up immune system may be causing more autoimmune conditions than it would have otherwise. All vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system.

Jack Wolfson, D.O.

Jack Wolfson, D.O.Dr. Wolfson earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois. Afterwards he earned D.O. at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is board certified in cardiology. Before meeting his future wife, Heather, he began to realize that conventional medicine was not preventing disease or curing disease, but merely treating the symptoms. Heather, a chiropractor, brought him into the world of holistic healing. He and Heather are now married with two kids, and neither of them are vaccinated.

I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people.

…I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs.

Be angry at food companies. Sugar cereals, donuts, cookies, and cupcakes lead to millions of deaths per year. At its worst, chicken pox killed 100 people per year. If those chicken pox people didn’t eat cereal and donuts, they may still be alive. Call up Nabisco and Kellogg’s and complain. Protest their products. Send THEM hate-mail.

Be angry at fast food restaurants. Tortured meat burgers, pesticide fries, and hormone milkshakes are the problem. The problem is not Hepatitis B which is a virus contracted by drug users and those who sleep with prostitutes. And you want to inject that vaccine into your newborn?

Be angry at the companies who make your toxic laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. You and your children are wearing and breathing known carcinogens (they cause cancer). Call Bounce and Downy and let them know. These products kill more people than mumps, a virus which actually doesn’t cause anyone to die. Same with hepatitis A, a watery diarrhea.

Be angry at all the companies spewing pollution into our environment. These chemicals and heavy metals are known to cause autism, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and every other health problem. Worldwide, these lead to 10’s of millions of deaths every year. Measles deaths are a tiny fraction compared to pollution.

Be angry at your parents for not breastfeeding you, co-sleeping with you, and stuffing your face with Domino’s so they can buy more Tide and finish the laundry. Breastfeeding protects your children from many infectious diseases.

Be angry with your doctor for being close-minded and not disclosing the ingredients in vaccines (not that they read the package insert anyway). They should tell you about the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal proteins, polysorbate 80, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the shots.

…Lack of exercise kills millions more than polio. Where are all those 80 year olds crippled by polio? I can’t seem to find many.

…Be angry with pharmaceutical companies for allowing us to believe living the above life can be treated with drugs. Correctly prescribed drugs kill thousands of people per year. The flu kills just about no one. The vaccine never works.

…Myocardial infarctions are already the leading cause of death in the world today. The situation could get much worse.

A prestigious journal reported that men who had measles and mumps as children suffered 29% less heart attacks and 17% less strokes! Women with a history of both infections had a 17% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and 21% lower risk of stroke. The journal Atherosclerosis recently published these shocking findings in the June 2015 issue (1).

By my calculations, natural infection with the measles and mumps will prevent millions of heart attacks and strokes. Why is this information not all over the TV and Internet? I will tell you why. Because mainstream media is in bed with Big Pharma who pay their bills. The politicians are slaves to their corporate masters. Our children should be exposed to every virus and bacteria for which a vaccine exists.

The polio virus led to symptoms in only 5% of those exposed. Rarely was paralysis an effect, and even then, the cause may have been pesticide induced, other viruses, or from arsenic. This was the 1940’s after all. Children who are breast fed, eat organic foods, and are not living in a cloud of chemicals will easily combat these infections.

…The sad truth is that we are too early in the mass vaccination campaign to really understand the long-term risks. The gold standard in medical research is the randomized, placebo controlled trial. That study does not exist for most vaccines and there has never been a trial on 69 doses of 16 vaccines versus a placebo. There never will be. We may never fully realize the damage done from this immune system onslaught.

You brought a child into this world. Protect them.

Lee Hieb, M.D.

Lee Hieb, M.D.Dr. Hieb received her undergraduate from Grinell College and the University of Iowa. She earned her M.D. from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. She did her orthopedic surgical residency with the U.S. Navy. She is a former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and she frequently speaks out against the perils of government-run health care. She ran for Governor in 2014 as a libertarian. Unfortunately, she lost the election.

The voices shrieking to forcibly vaccinate people are the same voices shrieking to support a woman’s right to choose abortion under Roe v. Wade. If a woman’s body is sacrosanct, if she has the right to choose to deliver a child or not, if she has total authority over her body, how can she not have the right to accept or refuse a vaccination?

Medical ethics are clear: No one should be forced to undergo a medical treatment without informed consent and without their agreement to the treatment. We condemn the forced sterilization of the ’20s and ’30s, the Tuskegee medical experiments infecting black inmates and the Nazi medicine that included involuntary “Euthanasia,” experimentation and sterilization. How can we force vaccination without consent? Vaccination is a medical treatment with risks including death. It is totally antithetical to all ethics in medicine to mandate that risk to others.

Science is never “concluded.” Mr. Obama and other ideologues may think the truth is finalized (“The science is indisputable”), but the reality is our understanding of disease and treatment are constantly being updated. Just like Newton’s mechanical paradigm of the universe was supplanted by Einsteinian physics, and physicists today modify that view, medical “truth” is not the truth for long. In an attempt to quantify change in medicine, years ago a cardiology journal discussed “The Half-life of Truth.” Cardiologists looked back in their journal at 20-year-old articles to see how much of what was believed then was still believed to be true. The answer? 50 percent. So in cardiology, at least – and in all of medicine to greater or lesser degree – only half of what we believe now will still be true in 20 or so years. The last word on vaccination is not in. It hasn’t even begun to be written.

If you believe absolutely in the benefit and protective value of vaccination, why does it matter what others do? Or don’t do? If you believe you need vaccination to be healthy and protected, then by all means vaccinate your child and yourself. Why should you even be concerned what your neighbor chooses to do for his child – if vaccination works? The idea of herd immunity is still based on the idea that in individual cases vaccines actually are protective.

Since 2005 (and even before that), there have been no deaths in the U.S. from measles, but there have been 86 deaths from MMR vaccine – 68 of them in children under 3 years old. And there were nearly 2,000 disabled, per the aforementioned VAERS data.

In countries which use BCG vaccinations against tuberculosis, the incidence of Type I diabetes in children under 14 is nearly double.

As reported in Lancet in 1995, inflammatory bowel disease (i.e. Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis) is 13 times more prevalent in persons vaccinated for measles.

…In 1982 William Torch, a prolific researcher and publisher on Neurologic topics, presented a paper (later published) at the American Academy of Neurology reviewing SIDS deaths. He reported that in 100 consecutive cases, 70 percent of SIDS deaths occurred within three weeks of pertussis vaccination.

…The dirty little secret in recent outbreaks of mumps, measles and pertussis is – they are occurring in vaccinated people in highly vaccinated populations!

…In 2008-2009, Australia had epidemics of whooping cough and measles. Health authorities there must reveal the vaccination status of children in epidemics. Eighty-four percent of Australian children who got whooping cough were fully vaccinated, and 78 percent who got measles had record of measles vaccination. In the 2010 outbreak of whooping cough in California, well over half the victims were fully vaccinated.

…Finally, it turns out that death and disability from many childhood diseases is preventable by means other than vaccination. Vitamin A has been known since the 1930s to reduce mortality from measles by 60 percent. Vitamin D is protective against viral illness. And numerous authors and studies have shown the damaging effects of chemical antipyretics (fever lowering drugs) on the natural course of disease – a practice still sadly in widespread use in America. Better understanding of disease mechanisms, utilizing nutritional support and better scientific care of the sick child are safer alternatives to widespread vaccination.

As one of today’s senior citizens who grew up in a Midwestern state in the 1930s, and as a doctor who has treated many children, I may have a special vantage point of time and experience in regard to the changes that have taken place in the health of America’s children since the relatively innocent times of the 1930s. At summer camps in the New Mexico Mountains that I was fortunate to attend, no boy had allergies, none was on medication, and no boy was ever sick with the common ailments of today. It was much the same in schools. I don’t recall ever seeing a child with easily recognized behaviors now described as hyperactivity (ADHD) or autism.

Today in stark contrast, approximately one-third of our youngsters are afflicted with the 4-A Disorders (Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies), as described and documented by Dr. Kenneth Bock. School budgets are being strained to the breaking points in providing special education classes for autistic and learning disabled children. Allergy problems are proliferating, as indicated by long lines of children at school nursing stations for their noontime medications.

…At the end of the day, the issue here is one of freedom, and freedom is the freedom to choose – even if we make a bad choice. The argument that I must vaccinate my children for the good of the community is not only scientifically questionable, it is an unethical precept. It is the argument all dictators and totalitarians have used. “Comrade, you must work tirelessly for the good of the collective. You must give up your money and property for the good of the collective, and now you must allow us to inject your children with what we deem is good for the collective.” If American’s don’t stand up against this, then we are lost. Because we have lost ownership of ourselves. Our bodies are no longer solely ours – we and our children are able to be commandeered for the “greater good.”

Michael W. Elice, M.D.

Michael W. Elice, M.D.Dr. Elice graduated from Syracuse University and then the Chicago Medical School. He is is a board certified pediatrician, and he is certified in hyperbaric medicine. He has treated Autistic Spectrum Disorders, mitochondrial, immune and metabolic dysregulation for over a decade now.  Dr. Elice is on the board of NYFAC –New York Families of Autistic Children, National Autism Association – New York Metro Chapter and MAPS Physician.  He also teaches at New York university Medical School, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and he is an adjunct professor at North Shore University Hospital and the Cohen’s Children’s Hospital of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

As a board certified pediatrician, I took the same oath as all physicians, “to do no harm.”

The latest media presentation of the measles outbreak at Disneyland as a result of unvaccinated children is very upsetting to me.  We are being fed information that is essentially inaccurate by media journalists – none of whom have medical degrees – which may actually be promoting medical harm to our children.

The latest reports blaming a failure of the measles vaccine on the unvaccinated population are not accurate, and in some reports, not true at all.  In fact, over the past 30 years, there have been similar numbers of measles cases reported in various areas of the United States.

…Last year 1 in every 500,000 Americans came down with the measles. Nearly all recovered in a few days without serious consequences.  At the same time 1 in 68 American children were diagnosed with autism or for every case of measles there were 7000 cases of autism.  I ask myself which is the real epidemic here?

…I wish these journalists, vaccinologists and infectious disease specialists spent a week in my office.  I wish they would actually listen to the testimonials given to me by parents of autistic children who were obviously affected by these vaccines adversely.  I wish they would tell parents that the risk of dying from the measles in the United States is around zero.  I wish they would admit that they are being told by pharmaceutical companies not to report certain statistics or to cover up factual scientific information.  I wish they could be free to report honestly about vaccines rather than being dependent upon drug advertising and Internet information.

This is an emotional debate for sure.  If we discount emotion and fear, we would realize that a child may have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning, accidental drowning or possibly from adverse side effects of the MMR vaccination itself than from acquiring live measles infection.  I wish that my pediatric colleagues would offer parents factual pros and cons of vaccines in general so that a parent can make an informed decision and then give consent to vaccinate rather than being told that if their child isn’t vaccinated they will be thrown out of school and they are guilty of child abuse!

I am not advocating that vaccines be discontinued.  I am advocating that doctors and patients become aware of the ingredients of these vaccines, what they can potentially do to affect an adverse outcome in an immunologically compromised child.  Adverse reactions to MMR and other vaccines have been reported in numerous clinical trials and studies.  I am advocating that medical practitioners and researchers, not journalists, address the real medical epidemics of autism, asthma, GI disease and autoimmune diseases facing our society and people around the world. Stop hyping the safety of MMR vaccines which may actually be more dangerous than live measles and may be ineffective in preventing the illness which they are so anxious to report as a dangerous epidemic itself.  Let’s stop believing that the mainstream media is telling us the truth when all they are doing is shutting down any intelligent and open discussion about vaccine safety and how to improve it.

Check out part 1 of this series, Doctors Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research. If you’ve been vaccinated, check out How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children.

Further Reading:

Common Bad Parenting Advice You Should Ignore

Sometimes trusting your instincts is better than trusting the experts. Too often as parents we ignore our gut instincts, and we are duped into following bad advice, the kind of expert advice that has been backed up with faulty research.

Research is often flawed. In years past, the main problem was bias. In modern times, bias it still a problem, but more often problems arise from conflicts of interest. Instead of pursuing objective results, research is commonly twisted to support corporate agendas. Ultimately the scientific method is self-correcting, but this can take a long time. Life is too short to trust the experts and take harmful advice to heart. There is no substitute for doing your own research.

Cry It Out Method

Culture influences science in many ways and so do changes in family structure. In most parts of the world, parents share caretaking with other adult relatives. In America during the late 1800s, extended families were often broken up and the typical American family became a smaller unit. During this transition, new parents had to cope with raising children on their own, a highly independent but unnatural approach to child rearing. This is the cultural backdrop that gave birth to the crying it out method.

It was falsely believed that parents would spoil their children if they were too attentive to their needs. This belief wasn’t based on real evidence, but it was later supported by several poorly conducted studies. This behaviorist view became ubiquitous, and even the government echoed the same advice.

An old U.S. government pamphlet told mothers that babies should never inconvenience adults and that catering to the needs of a baby was a serious waste of time. The goal was to teach a baby as young as 6 months to quietly sit in its crib.

Letting your infant “cry it out” can cause brain damage, actual neurological harm as well as psychological harm. It is not a way to make a child more independent; it makes a child more dependent. By meeting babies’ needs early on, they become much more independent later in life. And interacting with infants is not a waste of time; it is a highly educational and productive activity. Entertaining your baby stimulates their neural development.

Infant Nutritional Advice

From the late 1800s through the 1960s, many pediatricians’ recommendations were either abusive or negligent, depending upon your point of view. As a matter of fact, following their advice today would most likely result in very sick infants, the loss of parental rights, or both.

Sir Frederick Truby King, and Walter W. Sackett were two widely followed “expert” doctors who were champions of bad advice. Sackett’s books are still being sold.

King believed in enforcement parenting. He advocated feeding babies every four hours during the day and never feeding them at night. He recommended placing infants in their own room and leaving them alone in the garden for long hours in order to “toughen them up”. He also firmly believed that cuddling should never be done to excess. Ten minutes a day was his recommended maximum allowance for physical affection. To him, parenting was about routine and discipline, not affection or bonding. Sadly, his advice was widely taken to heart.

Walter Sackett also advocated a four-hour daytime only feeding schedule. By his own admission, this schedule was enacted for the convenience of the hospital. He recommended the introduction of solid foods for infants who are 2-3 days old beginning with cereal and introducing meat at 14 days. He argued that, “Research has shown that baby’s digestive tract will not be harmed by any food he can swallow.” Of course, modern research refutes this harmful advice. He believed you could give a hungry infant water instead of food. He even recommended giving coffee to six-month-old infants!

Many doctors also recommended formula over breast milk. This recommendation, like so many others, was inspired more by corporate payoffs than by scientific findings.

Obviously, these days we know better. Breast milk is the best food for our babies, and other foods should be introduced one at a time. We recommend starting at the earliest with fruit at six months of age. Foods that are common allergens, such as strawberries, should be delayed. Infant formula should be avoided if at all possible. Many formulas contain GMOs, MSG, and other harmful substances. Even the healthiest infant formula pales in comparison to nature’s super-food, breast milk.

The reason that foods should be delayed at least this long is a baby’s gut is highly permeable. This is known as a virgin gut (in an adult a highly permeable gut is known as leaky gut syndrome). When breast milk seeps through the gut, this is not harmful. Permeability with other foods can result in allergies and other health issues.

Separate Sleeping

It is an American notion that children should be left to sleep in their own room, and if they don’t like it (none of them do), they can just cry themselves to sleep. Throughout most of our history as human beings, and throughout most of the world, infants have always slept with their parents.

WEB MD, American Academy of Pediatrics, and many other medical authorities warn against co-sleeping. Web Med states the following:

Sharing the bed with your baby multiplies the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) fivefold, according to a 2013 study. The American Academy of Pediatrics cites the dangers of SIDS and suffocation, and recommends that parents keep their baby out of their bed, especially during the first 3 months of life.

Colson encourages room sharing. To lower SIDS risk, follow two rules when you do put your baby down in his crib or bassinet. “The most important thing is that the baby is always put to sleep on his back, and that there isn’t anything around the baby like pillows, heavy blankets, or bumpers.”

Many Americans are convinced by their recommendations. In reality, co-sleeping predates SIDS. Before it was known as SIDS it was called crib death, and for good reason. Babies forced to sleep alone (made to sleep in cribs) are more likely to die from the stress, and babies need their mothers in order to take cues for breathing. A breast-fed baby almost never dies of SIDS, and when they do, they are usually well vaccinated and left to sleep alone.

SIDS was so rare prior to 1950 that it isn’t even mentioned in the statistics. Mass vaccinations began after the 1950s. . Forcing a baby to sleep alone is an unnatural arrangement for the baby and the mother. Infants who are fed formula, who are forced to sleep alone, and who are well vaccinated run the greatest risk of SIDS. The SIDS rate in America has fallen with the rising popularity of breast feeding, but there is so much more we can do to protect our children.

Dr. James J. Mckenna shares his research on co-sleeping.

Touching infants changes their breathing, body temperature, growth rate, blood pressure, body temperature, stress levels and growth itself. In other words, the mother’s body is the only environment to which the human infant is adapted. As Dr. Winnecott, the famous child psychologist put it, “There is no such thing as a baby, there is a baby and someone.

… sleeping alone in a room by itself and not breastfeeding are now recognized as independent risk factors for SIDS, a fact that explains why most of the world never heard of SIDS.

…the breathing of the mother and infant are regulated by the presence of each other — the sounds of inhalation and exhalation, the rising and falling of their chests, and the carbon dioxide being exhaled by one and inhaled by the other expediting the next breath! I have argued in scientific articles that this is one more signal to remind babies to breathe, a fail-safe system should the baby’s internal breathing transitions falter.

…Holding, carrying and sleeping with a baby is not just a nice social idea, but also an important contribution to their well-being.”

Many new parents are worried that they will forget their baby is in the bed with them and roll over on them. This is a remote possibility. New parents are ablaze with hormones (both mom and dad) and it is highly unlikely they will forget the presence of their child, even when sleeping. But a poor diet and environmental toxins can disrupt hormones; making this nightmarish scenario more likely. Co-sleeping is not without risk, but leaving the infant to cry it out and just “get over it and self soothe,” abandoned and alone in its room, is a more dangerous option. Forcing a baby to sleep alone guarantees some harm to the infant, while co-sleeping carries no guarantee of harm.

Child Protective Services and other similar but differently named state agencies do not look kindly on co-sleeping. Many parents who co-sleep still have baby rooms set up, with cribs and all, even if they never intend to use them, just in case overzealous social workers show up on an anonymous tip.

A co-sleeping crib or a co-sleeping basinet is a possible middle ground, as long as the baby can maintain physical contact with his/her mother.

Precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of a co-sleeping infant. Falling off the bed onto the floor can be fatal. To prevent this, many co-sleeping parents simply put their mattress on the floor with no frame and no box springs. Other parents pile up pillows around the bed as a way of breaking a baby’s fall should they roll off the bed.


vaccien and circ meme
Since the 1800s, experts have promoted circumcision as prevention for a laughable list of medical conditions from excessive masturbation to crossed eyes, nervousness, and epilepsy. Dr. John Hutchinson, a dedicated advocate of circumcision in the 1890s, states the following in making his case for genital mutilation.

It is surely not needful to seek any recondite motive for the origin of the practice of circumcision. No one who has seen the superior cleanliness of a Hebrew penis can have avoided a very strong impression in favour of removal of the foreskin. It constitutes a harbour for filth, and is a constant source of irritation. It conduces to masturbation, and adds to the difficulties of sexual continence. It increases the risk of syphilis in early life, and of cancer in the aged. I have never seen cancer of the penis in a Jew, and chances are rare”.

Circumcision is an unnecessary, painful, traumatizing operation performed on newborn infants that can lead to infection and death.

Doctors are highly motivated to conceal the true cause of circumcision death. Neonatal circumcision has no medical indication and is now considered to be an unnecessary non-therapeutic operation. It is unethical to carry out such operations on minors who cannot consent for themselves. Consequently, most doctors who have a baby die after a circumcision would prefer to attribute the results of his unethical operation to secondary causes, such as infection or bleeding, while ignoring the primary cause, which is the circumcision that resulted in the infection or bleeding. It is, therefore, very hard to identify the total number of deaths that occur from circumcision. One senses that one may be seeing only the “tip of the iceberg,” with the vast majority of deaths from circumcision being concealed. The deaths undoubtedly cause an increase in infant mortality. Male infant mortality is higher than female infant mortality. It is not known how much of this increased mortality is due to the practice of male circumcision. CIRP


Bad parental advice from the experts is undoubtedly still ubiquitous. On many issues such as co-sleeping, experts are divided on what is best for our children. In times past, there often was more of a consensus on what should be done, but this was still no guarantee that the experts were right, not when the prevailing views of experts were to toughen up our children by abandoning them for extended periods of time and not holding them for more than ten minutes a day.

Other controversies concerning parenting still abound, such as whether or not to vaccinate. If you’re researching what is best for your child, your research should be thorough. Include a look at what other countries practice to gain a more complete understanding. For example, American children are the most heavily vaccinated in the world, and they are also the most chronically ill.

If an expert says something you agree with or disagree with, investigate further and learn all sides of the argument. All children are unique and each family is unique. Ultimately, we decide what is best for our children. Knowledge is our best defense.

Recommended Reading:

How To Relieve Allergy Symptoms With Essential Oils

Allergies are a major bummer that can cause anything from rashes and itchiness to respiratory and digestive problems. They make you miserable and keep you from performing at your best. One way to treat allergy symptoms is through the use of essential oils, a natural therapeutic method known and used for centuries. 

Here Is a List of Tips on How To Relieve Allergy Symptoms With Essential Oils:

Tip 1: Lavender Oil

Lavender oil works well as an organic antihistamine to soothe skin rashes. It can also be used to relieve headaches. Not only does it relieve the pain, but it smells great, too. All you have to do is dab some on the rash three times a day. For headache relief, place a drop of lavender oil on your cheeks, forehead, and sinuses.

In most cases, undiluted lavender oil can be safe to use, but some people’s skin is so sensitive, they require a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil. Mix 1 drop of lavender oil to 1 teaspoon carrier oil.

Tip 2: Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has a strong, minty aroma that soothes allergies, especially ones related to digestive or respiratory issues. It eases breathing and treats congestion. For digestive problems, add a drop of peppermint oil into a cup of tea or water.

To relieve sinus congestion, add 1 drop of peppermint oil to 1 teaspoon carrier oil and apply near your nostrils. (Don’t put peppermint oil inside the nostrils. It will burn sensitive tissue.)

Tip 3: Lemon Oil

Lemon oil works as an antihistamine and a congestion reliever all at once. It’s most potent when combined with lavender and peppermint, which will be explained later.

Tip 4: Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil treats seasonal allergies and asthma attacks. First, dilute the oil in a carrier oil (1 drop of essential oil to 1 teaspoon of your carrier oil), then apply to neck, chest, or feet. If you prefer to breathe it in, mix a few drops in hot water, drape a towel over your head, and inhale the steam.

Tip 5: Roman Chamomile Oil

Roman Chamomile oil works well to soothe rashes and other skin conditions. All you have to do is dilute it in a carrier oil and apply to the affected area 2 to 3 times a day.

Depending on the area of application, you may have to change your mixing ratios. For example, in more sensitive skin areas it is recommended to dilute 1 drop of Roman Chamomile in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. For less sensitive areas, dilute 2 drops of Roman Chamomile in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil.

Tip 6: Lemon, Peppermint, and Lavender Oils

As mentioned earlier, lemon is at its strongest when mixed with peppermint and lavender. Together, they soothe inflammation and other pain that results from allergic reactions. One way to use them is to mix all three in a glass of water and gargle a few minutes before swallowing. (Make sure the oils can be safely ingested first before doing this.) Another way is to add them to a teaspoon of honey and swallow for faster relief.

To use on the skin, mix 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of peppermint, and 3 drops of lemon oil with 2 teaspoons of your chosen carrier oil. If this mixture is still too potent for you, add more teaspoons of carrier oil in increments of one until you are satisfied with the consistency. Some people are more sensitive to oils than others.


Now that you know the variety of ways to treat your allergies with essential oils, give them a try. To learn more about essential oils, subscribe for email updates at Essential Oil Advocate and get 2 free audiobooks on essential oils and aromatherapy.

Recommended Reading:

How To Cook Using Coconut Flour

Coconut has been traditionally cultivated for its raw coconut meat, oil, milk, water, and most recently for its flour. The Philippines is now the largest coconut producing country and was first to produce flour as a byproduct from its production of coconut milk (1, 2). The growing demand for the use of natural, non-toxic plants as medicinal aids to prevent and treat illness has highlighted the various health benefits of consuming coconut products.

Many researchers now recommend the addition of coconut flour to supplement any healthy diet because of its many benefits including antibacterial and antifungal properties. Whether you are on a strict paleo diet, seeking an allergy free flour source, or you simply desire to stimulate your digestive and immune system, coconut flour is an excellent addition to your meals and a pantry staple.

What is Coconut Flour?

Producers of coconut flour originally sold the nutritious coconut milk byproduct to farmers in the form of coconut meal. Farmers understood that coconut meal was an excellent source of organic fertilizer and animal feed supplement. In the past few decades, as more research emerged supporting the numerous health benefits of coconut flour, human consumption of the valuable superfood also increased. (3)

Coconut flour is derived from grating the meat of fresh coconuts. The meat is then dehydrated and defatted which means the oil is extracted. The result is a fine powder that looks and feels similar to wheat or grain flours. The most pure and organic form may even fool a seasoned foodie because of its lack of coconut flavor. (3, 4)

Coconut Flour is Gluten-Free

Coconut flour has different health benefits than those of other coconut products such as the oil for instance and it offers a great alternative to conventional flour. Considered a functional food, coconut flour exhibits properties that significantly benefit health and is a valuable source of nutrition (1). This functional food is a great source of dietary fiber, is high in protein, does not contain gluten and has a low glycemic index (GI) (5).

Coconut flour is especially recommended for those with inflammatory issues that result when wheat or gluten is consumed. Coconut flour is safe for consumption in individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, leaky gut syndrome, as well as those with diabetes.

Advice on How to Use Coconut Flour

Despite the fact that coconut flour may look, feel, and perhaps even smell like conventional refined flours, coconut flour can be frustrating and costly to cook with without some guidance. Don’t forget Dr. Fife’s description that coconut flour is like a sponge and cooking with such an absorbent food provides its own challenges to be overcome.

A few tips follow on how to achieve success in substituting 100% coconut flour in recipes for wheat flour:

1)  Use as a Thickening Agent:  Due to the high absorbency, coconut flour is an excellent thickening agent for soups, stews, and even smoothies. For this reason, it is also recommended to store coconut flour in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer to avoid moisture clumps.

2)  Experiment to Find What You Want:  In general, for every one cup of traditional flour you only need approximately 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup of coconut flour.  You may like it with a little more or less flour so try experimenting to see what gives you the desired texture you love.

3)  Binding Ingredients:  Recipes commonly include an additional protein source such as extra eggs or hemp powder to make up for the binding properties that gluten normally would provide. Flax seed is also an excellent binder and contributes it own health benefits to your coconut flour recipe.

Great Coconut Flour Recipes

Do you enjoy, cookies, pizza, bread, blueberry muffins, and donuts?  Try making them with coconut flour next time.  Some of my favorite coconut flour recipes include the following:


Scientists Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research

The vaccine debate is a debate that has been framed by the mainstream media as a debate between parents and doctors. It’s much more than that. It is an ongoing debate among scientists. There are a number of scientists who are against vaccines, others who are against the current vaccine combinations, and others against the current vaccine schedule.

Harris L. Coulter, PhD

Harris Coulter is a medical historian and scientist. He has completed extensive research in homeopathic medicine and he is considered the leading homeopathic historian of the late 20th century. Coulter’s work details the schism in medicine since the time of Hippocrates to the present. His four-volume work Divided Legacy: A History Of the Schism in Medical Thought has detailed two opposing schools of medicine. Coulter documents the suppression of homeopathy by allopathic medicine. His dissertation is titled Political and Social Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Medicine in the United States: The Formation of the American Medical Association and its Struggle with the Homeopathic and Eclectic Physicians.

Coulter has also done research on cancer and the dangers of vaccines. He co-authored the books DPT Shot in the Dark and Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality with Barbara Loe Fisher. Coulter has also served on several medical advisory panels and boards.

Coulter is also an accomplished linguist fluent in German, French, Spanish, Latin, Russian, Hungarian, and Serbo-Croatian.

Probably 20% of American children-one youngster in five— suffers from ‘development disability’. This is a stupefying figure. We have inflicted it on ourselves.. “development disabilities” are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the USA and other industrialised countries is the childhood vaccination program. To be specific, a large proportion of the millions of US children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots or branches of the hydraheaded entity called “development disabilities”, owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.

Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks.

“Crib death’ was so infrequent in the pre-vaccination era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics, but it started to climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccination against diseases of childhood. It became a matter of public and professional concern and even acquired a new name, “sudden infant death of unknown origin,.” or, for short, SIDS. This name is significant, in the light of subsequent controversies, since “of unknown origin” means exactly that. So, when the medical establishment assures us that SIDS is unrelated to vaccinations, the obvious response is, How do you know?, if it is defined as “of unknown origin”? At this (as with most common-sense questions about vaccinations) the medical establishment prefers to retire from the debate in dignified silence.

So we have witnessed a steady rise in the incidence of SIDS, closely following the growth in childhood vaccinations. But information on the progress of this epidemic has been radically suppressed in the official literature. Whereas in earlier decades – up to the end of the 1950s – the medical establishment could recognize the fact of death after vaccination, more recently, as the official position has hardened, the earlier concessions have been withdrawn, and vaccinations of all kinds are now declared absolutely safe at all times and in all places. This has required some fancy footwork with the epidemiologic statistics, as we will see below. And since no physician or scientist with a normal IQ could really believe this “epidemiology,” one is forced to conclude that the medical establishment, in its wisdom, has decided that 7000-8000 cases of crib death every year are a reasonable price to pay for a nice steady flow of vaccines with all their concomitant benefits for the public health (except, of course, for these same 7000-8000 babies each year who have already enjoyed all the possible advantages of childhood vaccines).

After all, they say to themselves, you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. But the eggs being broken are small, helpless, and innocent babies, while the omelette is being enjoyed by the pediatricians and vaccine manufacturers. Death after whooping-cough vaccination was first described by a Danish physician in 1933. Two Americans in 1946 described the deaths of identical twins within 24 hours of a DPT shot (on the background and history of SIDS see H. Coulter and B. Fisher, DPT: A Shot in the Dark). E. M. Taylor and J. L. Emery in 1982 wrote: “…we cannot exclude the possibility of recent immunization being one of several contributory factors in an occasional unexpected infant death.” But the early 1980s were a turning-point in the official line. In that same year of 1982 matters came to a crisis when William C. Torch, M.D., Director of Child Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Nevada School of Medicine, at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, presented a study linking the DPT shot with SIDS. Torch concluded: “These data show that DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits. A need for reevaluation and possible modification of current vaccination procedures is indicated by this study.

Dr. Boyd Haley

Boyd Haley is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky. He is an experienced biochemist and researcher. He is also the co-founder and scientific advisor of Affinity Labeling Technologies, Inc. a biotech company that specializes in nucleotide photoaffinity analogs for biomedical research. In addition, Dr. Haley is a member of the Autism Think Tank of the Autism Association and he is on the board of the Swedish Foundation for Metal Biology.

Dr. Haley has also pioneered a diagnostic marker for Alzheimer’s disease that is currently being developed by others. Dr. Haley has testified before several different government agencies on the effects of mercury toxicity from both dental amalgams and vaccines. Haley is not in favor of using mercury in medicine at all.

Dr. Haley’s research has led him to take a professional stance against mercury and thimerosal in vaccines. For many years, Haley has studied the biochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease. This research prompted him to identify mercury toxicity as a major contributing factor, and possibly a causal factor in developing Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Haley was the first scientist to argue that the preservative thimerosal widely used in vaccines was the most likely environmental toxin contributing to our rising rates of autism. Haley has even followed that research with additional work that demonstrates that several substances such as some antibiotics, and the hormone testosterone, actually increase the toxicity of thimerosal; a concept known as synergistic toxicity. In addition, while in collaboration with others, he has shown that mercury analysis of birth-hair reveals that autistics represent a genetic subset of the population who cannot effectively excrete mercury.

Dr. Haley has challenged vaccine advocate Paul Offit M.D. to numerous public debates about vaccines. Dr. Offit has always turned him down. Dr. Haley is also an outspoken critic of a great deal of the vaccine research that is funded by the pharmaceutical industries, calling much of it fraudulent.

Dr. Haley has testified before numerous government agencies on the effects of mercury toxicity from dental amalgams and vaccines. He has testified twice before congress and before the legislative committees of Maine and New Hampshire. He has testified before countless other government bodies. He also gives lectures on mercury toxicity and neurological diseases in conferences all over the world.

We should all consider that there are two top priorities in the vaccine/autism issue every American should be concerned with. We need to develop a safe vaccination program, and we need to find the cause of autism and eliminate it if possible. I have been a strong proponent of investigating thimerosal as the casual agent for autism spectrum disorders based on the biological science that shows thimerosal to be incredibly toxic, especially to infants. I know of nothing remotely as toxic as thimerosal that numerous infants would be exposed to before 3 to 4 years of age.

  1. Autism was not a known, described illness until about 1941-3, 8 to 10 years after the introduction of thimerosal and similar organic thiol-mercury compounds in biological mixtures used in medicine and other areas. This argues against autism being a genetic illness.
  2. In 1977, 10 of 13 infants treated in a single hospital by topical application of thimerosal for umbilical cord infections died of mercury toxicity. This same topical was used on adolescents without obvious ill effects which strongly supports the concept that infants are very susceptible to thimerosal toxicity. 
  3. The recent increase (starting about 1990) of autism spectrum disorders correlated well with the advent of the CDC mandated vaccine program, which increased thimerosal exposures with increased vaccinations. Due to its toxicity, thimerosal would have to be suspect for causing autism. 
  4. As expected by science, extensive searching for a genetic cause of autism has not turned up a significant find that would explain the recent increased rate in autism. The latest genetic find, at best, might explain 0.5% of autism causation. Most agree that a genetic predisposition is likely (like those that lead to low glutathione levels), but that a toxic exposure is absolutely needed. Consider also, that this increased toxic exposure would have had to occur in all 50 states at about the same time as all states have reported similar increases in autism rates. Only something like the government recommended vaccine program fits this need for a time dependent, uniform exposure of a toxin throughout all the states.


There is no safe level of mercury and no one has actually shown there is a safe level.” – Dr. Friberg MD, Ph.D. Former Head of Toxicology WHO”


Viera Scheibner, PhD

Dr. Viera Scheibner became interested in vaccines in the mid 1980s while studying babies’ breathing patterns with her late husband, Leif Karlson, who developed the Cotwatch breathing monitor.

Following vaccinations, babies’ breathing patterns often triggered alarms, and indication of stress. This is what prompted her interest in vaccines. She then began extensive research of medical papers dealing with vaccinations. To date, she has collected and studied more than 100,000 pages of medical papers published over the last century. From her research she has concluded that there is no scientific evidence that vaccines are anything other than harmful. She says that vaccines increase susceptibility to the very diseases they are intended to protect against, and they make the recipient more susceptible to disease of all kinds – infectious diseases and the newfound modern ills of childhood such as diabetes, auto-immune diseases, cancers, and developmental disabilities along with other health problems.

Her research into vaccination has produced two books and numerous papers published in a variety of scientific and medical publications. She also conducts frequent international lecture tours to present the results of her research to parents, health and medical professionals, and anyone else who is interested. She has also been an expert witness for court cases relating to deaths and injuries caused by vaccines that are attributed to other causes such as the so-called “shaken baby” syndrome.

It is officially admitted that all cases of polio in the US, since the introduction of the vaccine, are caused by the vaccine. The same has been seen in Australia and other countries like England. So the occurrence of the same phenomenon all around the world would be asking too much of coincidence.

In the USA in 1978, they mandated vaccination and it resulted in a three fold increase in the reported incidence of whooping cough.

During a 3-year period, November 1964 to December 1967, 124 lots of human kidney cell cultures were examined, and seven viruses (6%) were isolated. These included two measles viruses, two foamy viruses, one reovirus, one adenovirus, and one myxovirus. One measles virus isolation was made from a lot of human kidney cell culture from a 3-year old child who had been exposed to measles and had been given 0.6 ml of gamma globulin at the time of exposure. The child died 2 weeks later. The presence of measles virus in this child’s kidney cell culture would not have been recognized if the kidney cell cultures would not have been kept for 33 days after planting. This example illustrates the standing problem in research of not keeping the cultures used for whatever reason for a sufficient period of time. A lot of viruses (and other organisms) and their cytopathic effects simply escape detection. Herpesvirus group viruses were isolated in monkeys of the Old World species represented by herpes B or Herpesvirus simiae produced a naturally occurring mild infection. However, most human cases of B virus infection have been fatal. Hull and Nash (61) showed that 10% of newly caught rhesus monkeys had antibodies to the B virus, and the percentage rose to 60% to 70% when the monkeys were confined in “gang-cages”. Other studied indicate that 100% of the experimental monkeys showed B virus antibody rise when the monkeys were housed together over a period of 6 weeks. Vaccine cultured on their kidney were contaminated by all these viruses and then injected into millions of infants all over the world. It is a real horror story. Just how much longer are we going to let the vaccine producers get away with destroying the human immune system and even the genetic code, and literally get away with murder?

Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD

Dr. Buchwald is a specialist in internal medicine and lung diseases. For many decades he has relentlessly worked for civil rights in regards to access to vaccine information and freedom of choice regarding vaccines. Dr. Buchwald has given over 500 lectures and has authored more than 200 scientific papers regarding vaccines and the damage caused by vaccines. He has also provided around 150 medical assessments of cases of vaccine damage. He is one of the world’s foremost experts on vaccines.

Vaccines have never had the proclaimed preventive effect on infections. The regression of infectious diseases started over 200 years ago, which means long before the introduction of vaccination, and it was due to the improved social conditions of the population: nutrition and hygiene.

Contrarily to general belief, the vaccinations have had a negative influence on the decrease of the infective maladies and mortality. Statistics started off at a period when the infectious diseases were already on the downgrade. Careful studies over a period of many years have revealed that each introduction of a mass vaccination has obtained only one result: the immediate recrudescence of the malady that the vaccine should have prevented, but which it has solicited instead. The temporary but immediate isolation of infected patients has each time proved sufficient to prevent an epidemic.

After every flare-up of an infection due to vaccination, the maladies have resumed the downward course which existed already before the vaccination. In general and over a period of many years, every vaccination has caused more casualties than the infection it was supposed to prevent. This happened for instance with the smallpox vaccination in Germany and many other countries… Vaccines don’t protect, but do harm. A scientific proof of their usefulness has never existed, whereas the severe, sometimes fatal damages they cause are a proven fact.

There is a growing body of scientific research that links vaccines to all kinds of health problems and adverse reactions. Some of these problems include but are not limited to:

  • Encephalitis (brain inflammation)
  • Unexplained Infant Death (SIDS)
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Chronic Illness
  • Vaccine Contamination
  • Gut-Brain-Immune System Connection and Malfunction
  • Vaccine Failure
  • Vaccine Disease Transmission
  • Paralysis
  • Autism and other Neurological Disorders

It is difficult to find objective research that isn’t in some way tied to the pharmaceutical industries. When the research is truly independent, a different picture emerges. For instance, many of the studies that “prove” vaccine safety are done with only two groups, those who receive the vaccine and those that receive the placebo. The problem is, the placebos contain all of the toxic ingredients that the vaccines do, only minus the attenuated virus. So still full of toxins like mercury, aluminum, genetically modified yeast, antibiotics, aborted fetus cell lines, etc. So is it any wonder that those who receive the placebo are not any better off than the others in the experiment?

There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” – Dr. J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist U.S. FDA


Science is ultimately self-correcting, but this self-correction can take some time. When large sums of money are involved, and research is primarily funded by industry, at least for a time it is possible to obscure many of the results. You’ve probably heard about the thousands of studies “proving vaccine safety”. There are enough of these industry-funded studies to fool some of the people, some of the time. It doesn’t however fool all of the people all of the time. The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines prevent disease, when in fact they cause many diseases such as autism. No lie can live forever. While the pharma-funded, mainstream media claims the debate is over, these and other scientists are raising the alarm. The debate is far from over, and the dangers of vaccines are becoming better known.

Further Reading:

Celebrities Who Have Spoken Out Against Vaccines

Pharmaceutical companies are one of the biggest, if not the biggest, advertisers supporting mainstream news. Due to this reality, objective reporting can be hard to find. After all, no one wants to bite the hand that feeds them.

So when you hear about a celebrity being anti-vaccine or a celebrity speaking out against forced vaccines, they are often vilified. Like the rest of the population, their stand on the issue may not be black or white. Many who are labeled as anti-vaccine just want to see vaccines get cleaned up; they don’t believe mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde or any other toxic ingredients should be included in vaccines. Many are alarmed by the number of vaccines given to children, the practice of giving multiple vaccines at once, and the industry’s lack of liability.

Celebrities who publically question the safety or effectiveness of vaccines open themselves up to media attacks. They are often portrayed as stupid, anti-science, or dangerous to the public. And, since the public has become so polarized on this issue, any celebrity who openly criticizes the safety or efficacy of a single vaccine or vaccine ingredient risks alienating much of their fan base.

You might be surprised to learn what these celebrities have actually said or written about vaccines. Many “anti-vaccine” celebrities are actually better vaccinated than many of their critics. There are probably many more “anti-vaccine” celebrities, but these are the ones with the courage to speak out and deal with the backlash and the mainstream media spin.

Robert Deniro & Vaxxed Documentary:

Grace and I have a child with autism and we believe it is critical that all of the issues surrounding the causes of autism be openly discussed and examined. In the 15 years since the Tribeca Film Festival was founded, I have never asked for a film to be screened or gotten involved in the programming. However this is very personal to me and my family and I want there to be a discussion, which is why we will be screening VAXXED. I am not personally endorsing the film, nor am I anti-vaccination; I am only providing the opportunity for a conversation around the issue.”

Is Jenny McCarthy Anti-Vaccine?

Jenny McCarthyJenny McCarthy is arguably the most famous critic of vaccines. What’s not commonly known is that she isn’t all that opposed to them, but that isn’t how she is portrayed by mainstream media. Wikipedia even calls her an anti-vaccine activist. The truth is, her views aren’t black and white on the subject. She dares to question vaccine safety and the recommended vaccine schedule. She says, “We need to get rid of the toxins, the mercury—which I am so tired of everyone saying it’s been removed. It has not been removed from the shots.”

Jenny McCarthy has called for vaccine companies to develop less toxic vaccines with a safer schedule. She believes that a re-emergence of certain diseases will be the wake-up call we need in order to demand that vaccine companies make safer vaccines.

I am not anti-vaccine. …I’m in this gray zone of, I think everyone should be aware and educate yourself and ask questions. And if your kid is having a problem, ask your doctor for an alternative way of doing the shots.”

Jenny McCarthy has pointed out how people paint her as anti-vaccine when in fact, she believes that vaccines are a good thing. She believes that people should do their own research and ask their doctors questions. Parents should look for alternatives to the current vaccines and a different schedule.

The ironic thing is my position has always remained the same. People just never listened to it. Literally, throughout the years, I have said the same thing over and over again. But people will only read headlines instead of looking back and seeing what I’ve been saying.”

Jenny McCarthy has stuck to her position of making vaccines safer through the years, despite the attempts by mainstream media to paint her as a crazy anti-vaxxer.

I believe in the importance of a vaccine program and I believe parents have the right to choose one poke per visit. I’ve never told anyone to not vaccinate. Should a child with the flu receive six vaccines in one doctor visit? Should a child with a compromised immune system be treated the same way as a robust, healthy child? Shouldn’t a child with a family history of vaccine reactions have a different plan? Or at least the right to ask questions?”

Even though she has always stuck to her position of making vaccines safer and parents exercising their right to choose an alternate vaccination schedule, people have continued to attack her and try to portray her as being anti-vaccine.

Aidan Quinn Says His Child is Vaccine Damaged

“She was a normal child,” Aidan Quinn says. “Way above normal, in fact. And then she received a vaccination. She got a 106 degree fever, she turned blue, and she woke up the next day a completely damaged child after that.” His daughter, Ava, was so severely damaged that she lives in a special care facility and comes home on weekends, where she has to be watched every second.

For more on Aidan Quinn’s anti-vaccine views:

Kristin Cavalari Will Not Vaccinate Her Children

Kristin CavalariKristin admitted on Fox News while she was pregnant with her second child that she does not plan to ever vaccinate them due to autism fears.

You know what, I’ve read too many books about autism, and the studies…There is a pediatric group called ‘Homestead’…or…shoot—‘Homestead’ or ‘Home First.’ Now I’m pregnancy brain, I gotta confuse them…but they’ve never vaccinated any of their children and they’ve never had one case of autism. And now, one in 88 boys is autistic which is a really scary statistic.”

Here’s the thing: At the end of the day, I’m just a mom. I’m trying to make the best decision for my kid. There are very scary statistics out there regarding what is in vaccines and what they cause — asthma, allergies, ear infections, all kinds of things. And we feel like we’re making the best decision for our kids.” 

Alicia Silverstone is Adamantly Anti-vaccine

3104336AE057_scoobyAlicia Silverstone took her views about vaccinations and boldly laid them out in her book, The Kind Mama. Silverstone gave extensive parenting advice including suggesting that parents reconsider getting their children vaccinated. She tells parents that proper nutrition can block the diseases that vaccinations protect children from. She also said she has witnessed a child become autistic immediately after a vaccination.

While there has not been a conclusive study of the negative effects of such a rigorous one-size-fits-all, shoot-’em-up schedule, there is increasing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have gotten distressed phone calls from parents claiming their child was ‘never the same’ after receiving a vaccine,” Silverstone writes in The Kind Mama. “And I personally have friends whose babies were drastically affected in this way.”

Billy Corgan is an “Anti-Vaxxer”

I say ‘propaganda’ becaBilly Corganuse, in my heart, there is something mighty suspicious about declaring an emergency for something that has yet to show itself to be a grand pandemic,” Corgan writes on his new blog. “Our American President Obama has declared a national emergency about this virus, which he in his own words said was, at this point, a preventative measure. So, why declare an emergency if there isn’t one?”

“I do not trust those who make the vaccines, or the apperatus [sic] behind it all to push it on us thru fear. This is not judgment; it is a personal decision based on research, intuition, conversations with my doctor and my ‘family’. If the virus comes to take me Home, that is between me and the Lord.”

Corgan is obviously anti-vaccine, and he also criticizes a mandatory vaccination law in Massachusetts, stating: “Soon, you won’t even have the choice to live OR die as you wish!”

Charlie Sheen Appears to be 100% Anti-Vaccine

Charlie SheenDr. Peter Waldstein, a Bev Hills pediatrician, treated Charlie and Denise’s two kids. Charlie was pissed that the doc was immunizing his kids because he holds a strict anti-vaccine stance. He considers vaccines to be poison. Charlie sent Waldstein a letter demanding he no longer treat the children. The doctor fired his own letter back saying he would treat them if need be, no matter what. After failing to stop his children’s vaccinations by legal means, Charlie showed his disdain for vaccines by paying the outstanding $380 bill via a messenger with a big box filled with 7,600 nickels.

Donald Trump is Not Anti-Vaccine, Though He is Critical

Donald TrumpI’m all for vaccinations, but I think when you add all of these vaccinations together and then two months later the baby is so different then lots of different things have happened. I really — I’ve known cases.” Donald Trump said. “I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy.”

Rob Schneider is Outspoken For Freedom of Choice and Vaccine Dangers

This policy of one size fits all Vaccine schedule for every child is as absurd as giving the same eye prescription glasses to every child. The fact is EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT and there is currently NO SYSTEM or thought to which child could be more susceptible to adverse reactions including permanent injury and death from any Vaccine or Vaccine ingredients.”

We couldn’t find any proof that Rob Schneider is 100% anti-vaccine. He has made it clear that he’s against mandated vaccines, that vaccines can do harm, and that the CDC has covered up evidence that vaccines cause autism. He is also outspoken against current, conventional vaccine practices.

Mayim Bialik Wants Us To Choose Our Vaccines Carefully

Mayim BialikMayim Bialik, with a PhD in neuroscience from UCLA, is the most formally educated out of all of the celebrities mentioned in this article. Mayim Bialik, or Dr. Bialik, if your prefer, is known to be “anti-vaccine,” but her views are a bit more conventional, and not nearly as “radical” as she may be portrayed.

The number of vaccines that you and I received when we were kids is a third or a fourth less than what kids get now. So my feeling is you can really do whatever you want, just like I get to do whatever I want, but I don’t inherently think that no one should get the flu, for example. And that’s my personal opinion.”

Jim Carrey is Not 100% Anti-Vaccine

Jim CarreyJim Carrey is not anymore anti-vaccine than Jenny McCarthy or Andrew Wakefield. He is clearly against vaccines including certain toxic ingredients that have been shown to be harmful and he is against mandatory vaccinations, the MMR vaccine, and the sheer number of vaccines recommended on the vaccine schedule.

“The truth is that no one without a vested interest in the profitability of vaccines has studied all 36 of them in depth. There are more than 100 vaccines in development, and no tests for cumulative effect or vaccine interaction of all 36 vaccines in the current schedule have ever been done. If I’m mistaken, I challenge those who are making such grand pronouncements about vaccine safety to produce those studies.

“If we are to believe that the ruling of the ‘vaccine court’ in these cases mean that all vaccines are safe, then we must also consider the rulings of that same court in the Hannah Polling and Bailey Banks cases, which ruled vaccines were the cause of autism and therefore assume that all vaccines are unsafe. Clearly both are irresponsible assumptions, and neither option is prudent.”

“In this growing crisis, we cannot afford to blindly trumpet the agenda of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) or vaccine makers. Now more than ever, we must resist the urge to close this book before it’s been written. The anecdotal evidence of millions of parents who’ve seen their totally normal kids regress into sickness and mental isolation after a trip to the pediatrician’s office must be seriously considered. The legitimate concern they and many in the scientific community have that environmental toxins, including those found in vaccines, may be causing autism and other disorders (Aspergers, ADD, ADHD), cannot be dissuaded by a show of sympathy and a friendly invitation to look for the ‘real’ cause of autism anywhere but within the lucrative vaccine program.”

“With vaccines being the fastest growing division of the pharmaceutical industry, isn’t it possible that profits may play a part in the decision-making? That the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine than a means of prevention? In a world left reeling from the catastrophic effects of greed, mismanagement and corporate insensitivity, is it so absurd for us to wonder why American children are being given twice as many vaccines on average, compared to the top 30 first world countries?”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is Adamantly Anti-Mercury

Kennedy is an environmental attorney who has been tirelessly working to remove pollutants like mercury from our rivers and streams and now our vaccines. He has presented an impressive body of scientific evidence before Senator Barbara Mikulski, who brushed him off. She suggested that Kennedy bring his evidence to Sen. Bernie Sanders who “cares about brain health.” Mikulski made it readily apparent that the argument that mercury causes harm doesn’t interest her. It has consumed Kennedy for decades.

Kennedy has argued that if mercury was dangerous enough to remove from some vaccines, why isn’t it dangerous enough to remove from all vaccines? He also accuses the federal government of knowing and ignoring the dangers of mercury in vaccines. He openly accuses the CDC of blatant corruption. When the CDC says vaccines are safe, Kennedy argues that we can’t trust them.

They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone,” Kennedy said. “This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country.”

His comparison of vaccine damage to the holocaust offended many people. There was a public outcry over his poor choice of words. Kennedy stated,

I want to apologize to all whom I offended by my use of the word holocaust to describe the autism epidemic. I employed the term during an impromptu speech as I struggled to find an expression to convey the catastrophic tragedy of autism which has now destroyed the lives of over 20 million children and shattered their families.”

Bill Maher is Anti-Flu Shot and “Pro-Common Sense”

Maher has clearly spoken out against the flu shot, but states that he is not an anti-vaxxer, thoough he does question the current vaccine schedule.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer; I never have been. I’m an anti-flu shot guy. I think that’s bullsh*t and I think the fact that it was 23 percent effective this week bears that out. But if Ebola was airborne, I’d get the vaccine tomorrow.”

Robert Rodriguez Says Meeting Dr. Andrew Wakefield Changed Our Lives

Robert RodriguezWe are forever grateful. His wise and measured advice about vaccinations helped us dodge a bullet . . . Our fourth son [had] multiple allergies and repeated infections . . . We now fully realize [he] would have been a victim of immune overload had we followed the regular vaccine schedule . . . [He] is [now] bright and healthy . . . This book provides a terrifying insight into what has been happening behind the scenes as efforts redouble to silence Dr. Wakefield . . . It is a wake-up call to those who think [he] is anything other than a modern day hero fighting for all of our children.”


Most of the celebrities mentioned in this article are not anti-vaccine, but rather pro-safety. Objections to the number of vaccines, or toxic ingredients are more common than objections to the practice of vaccination. Check out How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children.

Further Reading:


  1. Meet Hollywood’s Anti-Vaxx All-Stars – The Daily Beast
  2. Aidan Quinn: Elementary star says you have to learn to live with life’s jokes – The
  3. Kristin Cavallari Defends Anti-Vaccine Stance: “We’re Making the Best Decision for Our Kids” –Us Weekly
  4. Celebrities Take a Stand on Vaccination Debate – TWC
  5. Central‘Clueless’ actress Alicia Silverstone says parents should skip vaccinations, avoid diapers in new book – National Post
  6. Billy Corgan Chimes In On Swine Flu Vaccine Debate – Twenty-Four Bit
  7. Charlie to Dr. –I’ll Nickel You to Death – TMZ
  8. Donald Trump’s Latest Paranoid Conspiracy Theory: Vaccines Cause Autism – The New Civil Rights Movement, LLC
  9. Rob Schneider Demands Answers on CDC MMR Fraud- The Canary Party
  10. Actress Mayim Bialik on TV, Science, and the Combo – NPR
  11. The Judgment on Vaccines Is In?? – Jim Carry, Huffpost Healthy Living
  12. Robert Kennedy Jr.’s belief in autism-vaccine connection, and its political peril – The Washington Post
  13. Robert Kennedy Jr. warns of vaccine-linked ‘holocaust’ – The Sacramento Bee
  14. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apologizes for ‘holocaust’ remark in speech against California vaccine law – Fox News – Politics
  15. Callous Disregard – Andrew Wakefield


The Benefits of Common Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are exactly what the name implies – they are the root of the plant. The most common root vegetables have become family staples: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, and beets. High in vitamins and minerals that they absorb from the ground, root vegetables are full of nutrients and are an excellent source of fiber. Many are high in vitamin C, B vitamins, and vitamin A. Many are high in antioxidants. Several have remarkable healing properties.

In choosing the best root vegetables, all should be firm, never soft, and blemish free. If the tops are still attached, you want to choose fresh leaves, not only as a means to choose the freshest vegetables, but due to the fact that the tops of many root vegetables are eaten as well as the root.

In the past, we stored root vegetables in the root cellar, a dark, cool, humid space. If you choose to store any root vegetables in the refrigerator, cover and seal them in plastic or paper and place them in a drawer or they will soon become soft. (Do not refrigerate regular onions or potatoes.)

Many root vegetables can be eaten raw, steamed, sautéed, baked, roasted, stir fried, or fried.


The number one food crop in the world, potatoes are a nutritious vegetable unless they are fried or loaded down with butter and sour cream. They are a good source of antioxidants, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, copper, and pantothenic acid.

Potatoes are one of the “dirty dozen” with the highest pesticide residues. Choose organic potatoes to avoid these toxins.


Most of the time, the carrots we see in the grocery store or farmers market are a bright orange color, but carrots come in a variety of colors: white, yellow, red, purple in addition to orange.

Carrots are a well-known and proven aid to eye health, including glaucoma and cataract prevention. Newer studies show prevention of colon cancer and cardiovascular disease. They are an excellent source of vitamin A, with one cup of carrots providing more than the daily requirement. They are also a good source of vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin E, manganese, potassium, and more.

Sweet Potatoes

There are about 400 varieties of sweet potatoes. Their flesh may be nearly white, cream, yellow, orange, pink or purple. They are anti-inflammatory, have antioxidant properties, and they help maintain blood sugar levels.

The leaves of the sweet potato plant have antioxidant properties and are often added to soups. Purple sweet potatoes contain antioxidant ability more than three times that of blueberries. They are also a very good source of vitamin C, B vitamins, manganese, phosphorus, copper, potassium, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6.


Onions support the cardiovascular system, benefitting both the heart and the blood vessels. They help increase bone density, support ligaments, and are an anti-inflammatory. Onions have also been shown to help prevent cancer and are antibacterial. Rat studies are showing onions help to balance blood sugar. They are a very good source of biotin and a good source of vitamin C, copper, B6 and B1, phosphorous, potassium, and folate.


Beets provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support. They are especially good for the nervous system and eye health. They help prevent heart disease and cancer and their fiber is especially healthy for the digestive tract. Beets contain folate, manganese, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, B6, and iron.


Garlic is antiviral, anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. Regularly used in alternative treatments, garlic has a long history of medicinal excellence, among them cancer prevention and cardiovascular benefits. It is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6. It is a very good source of vitamin C and copper, and a good source of selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, and calcium.

The all star of the group is garlic, check out, Garlic, the Most Amazing Herb On the Planet. And speaking of beetroot, if you’re looking to boost your health by giving your body a lot more nutrition, see Total Nutrition – Make your own Homemade Multivitamin and Mineral Formula.

Recommended Supplements:

Further Reading:
