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Meat Eater Guilt Trip

My girlfriend and I were driving down the freeway the other day when we passed a pickup truck hauling three huge, white cows that were lying down and eating hay.

“Awe, how cute!” she said as we passed them.

“You do realize where these cows are going, don’t you?” I asked.  I wasn’t sure, but something told me they were on their way to the slaughterhouse.

“Oh, don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it. I’ll never be able to eat a hamburger again!”

This from the woman who adamantly refused to become a vegetarian? Oh, we’d talked about it often enough.  I wanted to make the change. And though I’m the one who does most of the cooking, she wouldn’t budge. I’d finally given up. Our relationship didn’t need the strain. But I’m not a man who misses opportunities. I seized the moment.

We’d passed the cows by this point, so I slowed down.

“Stop it! I don’t want to see them again!” she said.

I insisted I was just driving the speed limit, which was true, but I never drive the speed limit.

“Speed up!” she said.

I did as she asked. I sped up, just enough to stay right beside them.

“Wanna go get a steak?” I asked. “Wanna go get a big juicy burger?”

“No, I think I want to be a vegetarian,” she said, whining like a small child as she looked out the window at her three new friends. She sighed. I knew she was thinking about her karma and all the cows she had consumed in her life.

This was it—my moment of victory, her moment of change. I let it sink in for a few minutes, and then I sped up.

A half an hour later she said, “I’m hungry, but I can’t eat beef… I want chicken.”

Next week I’ll take her to a chicken farm. Then she’ll only eat pork. Oh well, one step at a time.

Hot & Cold Hydrotherapy

Many alternative health care practitioners believe one of the most effective treatments for a wide array of diseases and ailments is hot and cold hydrotherapy, but very few are willing to say it can help cure cancer and many other diseases. Stating a non-medicinal treatment is a cure is illegal in the United States, and the FDA and big pharmaceutical companies tend to go after anyone who makes such claims. But the truth is there are many things you can do to make so called incurable diseases disappear. Whichever detox or treatment modality you choose, consider including hot and cold hydrotherapy.

Hot water increases blood flow to the surface of the body. Cold water drives the blood from the surface to the core of the body. Alternating hot and cold water increases blood flow and speeds up circulation. It brings fresh blood with oxygen and nutrients to the organs and glands and carries away toxins and pathogens. Dr. Shillington suggests starting with water as hot as you can stand for a minimum of two minutes. Then turn off the hot water for two minutes of cold—the colder the better. Alternate back and forth for a total of 20 minutes, ending with cold.

Dr. Shillington says, “For serious cases of cancer do this whole sequence three times a day. Use a shower wand or just stand in the shower and have the stream of water focused on an afflicted area. By itself, this procedure has wiped out major breast tumors. If I only had one therapy to use, this is it.”

Do this for almost any ailment you have. Use this procedure for muscle pain, kidney problems, aches and pains, tissue damage, and lumps or tumors. You’ll be amazed at the results!

Issue 3 – Sugar

Times Have Changed – Letter From the Editor


How Burdened is Your Body?

Raw Vegetables Prevent Cancer

10 Easy Things You Can Do To Improve Your Health Immediately



Agave Nectar

Addicted to Soda

Sick Of High Gas Prices?

10 Easy Things You Can Do to Get Better Gas Mileage

Times Have Changed – Letter From the Editor

I came up with the concept of Organic Lifestyle Magazine about 4 ½ years ago. When I talked about it, people really didn’t get it. “Why digital? No one reads that stuff!” and “Organic lifestyle? What the heck is an organic lifestyle? Like, tree hugging, granola eating stuff? Good luck!” People didn’t think it would be popular. Today is a very different time in some ways. More people than ever care about the environment and health. People are taking interest in self education. People are not so quick to take the word of a so-called expert without doing their own research. I thank Al Gore for getting people interested in protecting our environment, and I thank the Bush administration for making people distrustful of what they are told by government and major corporations like pharmaceutical companies and oil companies. I also thank people like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger at, and Graham Hill, founder of, for their part in making truthful information so easily accessible on the Internet. And I will go ahead and thank Al Gore again (for those of you who don’t know, he did play a large role in creating the Internet as we know it today). We have a long way to go, but I do see a lot of progress. What if we quit thinking there is only one way to do things? What if surgeons weren’t so quick to take out a kidney? What if medical doctors weren’t so quick to prescribe an antibiotic? What if acupuncturists and chiropractors got together and researched why their methods work for some patients and not for others? What if you were in a car wreck and before you were taken into surgery you were given a massive dose of easily assimilable systemic enzymes and an IV of natural antibiotics, the kind you’d find in healthy supplements? And what if an acupuncture specialist was your anesthesiologist who eliminated or reduced your pain so anesthesia and pain killers weren’t needed? Sound crazy? Unlikely to happen anytime soon? I suppose. But can you imagine it? I have seen a lot of things change in the past 2-3 years, and now I share my vision for the future. Imagine a health industry and a food industry that truly have our best interests at heart. Imagine an open-minded approach that combines East and West, old and new, and all disciplines into a truly holistic approach. Imagine the possibilities.

Michael Edwards


Editor in Chief


Distilled Water

I have been drinking distilled water exclusively for a long time, however, I met with a consultant from the N company who told me distilled water is too acidic. They have several unique types of water filtration systems. According to your post, you feel that distilled water is best but what do you think of these N filter systems? I value your opinion.


DR. SHILLINGTON ANSWERS: The only time Distilled Water gets too acidic is when it is left out without a cover since it picks up CO2 very easily. As soon as you make your distilled water, put it into an old gallon apple juice glass bottle, put the top on it, and you’ll have no pH problems with it. As far as the N system you mentioned, I am down on all MLM and this one is no exception.

Distilled stored in glass bottles is BEST.

Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,



Dr. Kelly, you mentioned in last month’s article that there are three main kinds of enzymes, but you only mention two. I am a vegetarian, and I do not eat meat. Do you have a recommendation?


DR. KELLLY ANSWERS: Adam, the third kind of enzyme, the one I did not bring up, is plant based digestive enzymes. And I recommend them when eating plants like fruits and vegetables unless the produce is fresh, and I mean just picked from the ground or the tree fresh. Pineapples and papaya retain their enzymes better then others, but most produce releases most of its enzymes as it sits on the shelves. In fact, an orange has lost about 50% of its enzymes within the first 30 minutes of being picked.

Dr. Kelly

Fish Oil

Why fish oil? I can’t stand the smell of that stuff! It smells like fish!!! I take flax seed oil. Andrew DR. KELLLY ANSWERS: Our bodies need fatty acids EPA and DHA. Flax seed oil is ALA which can be partially converted to EPA and DHA, but at less than a 15% conversion rate. I recommend Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil. You are getting your DHA and EPA without any need for conversion this way. And it doesn’t smell fishy at all. If you are taking a fish oil that smells fishy, you are taking rotten fish oil. Dr. Kelly

Sensitive Teeth

I have very sensitive teeth. I can’t eat cold foods at all. What’s wrong with my teeth and what can I do? I take calcium supplements, and I do eat veggies and drink milk. Can I still be low on calcium? Patricia

RYAN HARRISON ANSWERS: Sensitive teeth can have several causes. Most commonly, as a person’s gum line recedes, the roots of teeth can end up exposed. These roots can be very sensitive to hot and/or cold or to pressure. Another cause is the exposure of a tooth’s root when the tooth’s enamel is broken, cracked, or chipped. Finally, as with many other health issues, there can also be an emotional or psychological component; the pain manifests in the teeth, but really starts somewhere else. For teeth that are sensitive due to receding gums or pores in the tooth itself, most dentists prescribe a toothpaste that contains potassium nitrate, which fills pores and helps numb the pain. Unfortunately, like many other components of standard dental care, potassium nitrate is a toxic chemical.

Its MSDS registration lists it as “harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin” and states that it “causes irritation to skin, eyes and [the] respiratory tract.” Is this really something you want to put in your mouth, where chemicals are quickly and easily absorbed through oral membranes? More natural approaches to calming sensitive teeth include herbal, nutritional, and energetic recommendations. As far as herbs go, you might find a blend of nervine (nerve-calming) herbs to be very helpful. Capsules containing equal parts of herbs such as lavender, hops, valerian, chamomile, and skullcap, when taken regularly, can help decrease pain and soothe irritated nerves. Be careful, however, in your dosage and usage of these herbs. They can also have sedative effects. Check with a knowledgeable herbalist before starting any herbal regimen. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that tooth enamel can be “rebuilt” – a process referred to as “remineralization” – if the proper steps are followed.

I personally have regrown my own tooth enamel. I had a cavity that was so bad there was a visible hole in my tooth, a rather large one. At the time I had no access to healthy food. When I did again have access to healthy food and was back to living an organic lifestyle, in a few months my teeth looked good as new.” – Editor’s Note

In large part, this requires adherence to some dietary instructions that reduce the acidity of saliva while also introducing foods and/or supplements high in calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Additionally, some essential oils such as myrrh, clove, and goldenseal may be used to help cleanse the mouth and safely reduce pain. Speak with a qualified naturopath to determine what would work best for you. Finally, I would suggest that your first step be approaching the issue from a psychological angle. While it may seem strange, it’s well proven that a person’s state of mind can affect her physical wellbeing. And though we are making great strides in understanding the mind’s relationship with the body, it’s still pretty hard to tell when a physical ailment is (or isn’t) caused by some kind of mental/emotional stressor.

There’s a very powerful, efficient, and surprisingly simple energetic technique that helps alleviate a host of physical conditions by removing mental/emotional charges called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). It has an impressive track record for calming the body and mind and reversing even deep-seated complaints, sometimes within minutes. A professional EFT practitioner will be able to help you explore this possibility.

Cold Sores

How can I get rid of cold sores?


RYAN HARRISON ANSWERS: Cold sores are caused by a Type I herpes simplex viral infection. Typically, cold sores appear after a sensation of tingling or itching and then blister and heal over a course of two weeks. During this time, cold sores are highly infectious and the virus can be easily transmitted by contact. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to help heal and prevent cold sore break outs. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is well known for its ability to prevent a break out and to boost the immune system. It quickly and efficiently mobilizes the body’s defenses and helps disarm the herpes virus. The downside? It tastes awful! To use it, mix 1 part of the extract with 9 parts of water. With a cotton swab, dab any blisters that you may already have and then drink the rest of the mixture. (Brace yourself for the bitter aftertaste. It’s certainly okay to follow it with water.)

It’s worth noting that GSE has a mixed reputation.

I recently came across an article about it that suggests GSE is less than healthful. You can check out to read more. But before you read it, let me add that I had never heard of or read an advanced practitioner of natural/holistic health suggest GSE is anything but a marvelous natural product with a myriad of uses, and have only had good experiences with GSE. OLM will do some research on this and get to the bottom of it. Other approaches include the use of essential oils to help disinfect and speed healing. Essential oils with strong antiseptic properties such as tea tree oil, bergamot, lemon balm, and chamomile are great. They act as disinfectants, help relieve inflammation, and also discourage viral proliferation. Tea tree oil is one of a very few “neat” oils – meaning it can be used undiluted on the skin. Most other oils should be diluted using a carrier oil. Either way, you can dab them on cold sores to help speed the healing process.

Nutritionally, cold sores can be helped by taking immune-boosting supplements such as vitamin C (2,000-3,000 mg up to four times daily), zinc (5-20 mg up to three times daily during outbreaks), and beta-carotene (5,000-10,000 IU daily). You can help prevent cold sores by limiting your intake of chocolate, dairy products, cereals, almonds, and chicken, as they suppress an acid that retards the growth of the virus.


I have really bad headaches when I get into the sun. I am hearing more and more how important the sun is, but it hurts me. What should I do? Can I get over my sun allergy?


RYAN HARRISON ANSWERS: Sunlight is a tricky thing. Too much of it and you can end up burned and blistered, increasing your risk of skin cancer. Too little of it and you could end up with a vitamin D deficiency, which also relates to an increased risk of cancer. And that doesn’t even mention the possibility of a “sun headache.” What’s a girl to do? Headaches caused by sunlight typically are the result of the sun’s heat dilating blood vessels in your brain and raising skin temperature.

Additionally, if you spend a good amount of time squinting due to bright sunlight, the muscles of your face and around your eyes may contribute to your headache. You can prevent sun-induced headaches by wearing sunglasses (to prevent squinting) and a hat or cap, and by limiting your exposure to direct sunlight. If it’s too late for that and you already have such a headache, try retreating to a dark, cool room and sipping a large glass of ice water to help bring down your body’s temperature. If you can, soak your feet in cool water, as well. And let your eyes relax either by closing them or allowing them to settle on something far away. Herbal preparations of lavender, feverfew, skullcap, and white willow bark can help relieve pain and tension.

And if you’re worried about vitamin D deficiency, be sure to take a broad-spectrum multivitamin that includes it in at least an amount that guarantees the RDA. People who are deficient in vitamin Bs and/or vitamin D can get headaches from sun exposure, too. Otherwise, if you feel that you have a legitimate allergy to the sun, I’d suggest you contact an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner. EFT is an energy psychology technique that is easy to learn and apply and which has a strong anecdotal base suggesting its usefulness in helping people reverse allergic responses.

How Burdened is Your Body?

Choosing the Best Detox Program

“Detoxification” has become a nice buzz word lately. It sounds good, rolls off the tongue easily and, depending on where you live and your lifestyle, it’s likely to make you seem “in the know” about natural healing and health. But do you know what detoxification really is and why it is so important?

The human body is an amazing thing. In its healthiest state it has the ability to keep itself clean and relatively poison-free. In this sense, detoxification is the body’s natural process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins. This happens via the liver, kidneys, and lungs as well as through urine, feces, and sweat. Yet, your body can become so overloaded that its natural detoxification system can’t keep up; when this happens the toxins build up and can affect virtually all of the systems of the body, head to toe.

Chemical Cocktail

  • Over 69 million Americans live in areas that exceed smog standards.
  • Most drinking water contains over 700 chemicals, including excessive amounts of the heavy metal lead.
  • Some 3,000 chemicals are added to the food supply.
  • As many as 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers, and preservatives are used in food processing and storage.
  • U.S. chemical companies hold licenses to make 75,000 chemicals for commercial use; the federal government registers an average of 2,000 newly synthesized chemicals each year.
  • The government has tallied 5,000 chemical ingredients in cosmetics, more than 3,200 chemicals added to food, 1,010 chemicals used in 11,700 consumer products, and 500 chemicals used as active ingredients in pesticides.
  • In 1998 U.S. industries reported manufacturing 6.5 trillion pounds of 9,000 different chemicals, and 2000 major U.S. industries reported dumping 7.1 billion pounds of 650 industrial chemicals into our air and water.
  • Chemical companies are not required to tell the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) how their compounds are used or to monitor where their products end up in the environment. Neither does U.S. law require chemical companies to conduct basic health and safety testing of their products either before or after they are commercialized.
  • Eighty percent of all applications to produce a new chemical are approved by the U.S. EPA with no health and safety data; eighty percent of these are approved in three weeks.

Unfortunately, people today carry within their bodies a veritable chemical cocktail of modern-day industrial chemicals, pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, and anesthetics, not to mention the residues of pharmaceuticals, legal drugs (like alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine), and illegal drugs (like heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etcetera). The sad but undeniable truth is that we have created a living environment that is toxic to our bodies. Look at these facts, taken from respected sources: 1,2

If these numbers startle you, that’s a good thing. No one knows how long some of these chemicals remain inside us once they are ingested or otherwise introduced to the body. And even the toxins that our bodies do know how to break down require extra metabolic energy expenditure to complete the detoxification process. That means less energy for other important things, like keeping the immune system up to speed.

A recent groundbreaking study was conducted by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York in collaboration with the Environmental Working Group and Commonweal. Researchers at two major laboratories found an average of 91 industrial compounds, pollutants, and other chemicals in the blood and urine of only nine volunteers, with a total of 167 chemicals found in the group. Like most of us, the nine people tested do not work with chemicals on the job and do not live near an industrial facility. Of the 167 chemicals found in those nine tested individuals, 76 are known to cause cancer in humans or animals, 94 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 79 cause birth defects or abnormal development. What’s more, the danger of exposure to these chemicals in combination has never been studied.

In general, it’s a frightening – and frighteningly true – scenario, one we simply cannot afford to let be swept under the carpet or forgotten. Dr. Marshall Mandell, one of the world’s leading allergists and father of bio-ecologic medicine stated, “The current level of chemicals in the food and water supply, and the indoor and outdoor environment, has lowered our threshold of resistance to disease and has altered our body’s metabolism, causing enzyme dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances.” 3

Is it any surprise, then, that although America is considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world, it doesn’t even rank in the United Nations top 20 list of the healthiest? 4

Detoxification Therapy

Each year, people are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals and pollutants in the Earth’s atmosphere, water, food, and soil. These toxins manifest in the body through decreased immune function, psychological or mood disturbances, neurotoxicity, hormonal dysfunction, and even cancer. Detoxification therapy helps to rid the body of chemicals and pollutants and can facilitate a return to health.

Citing Parasites

Did you know that at some time in their lives, three out of every five Americans will have had a parasite living inside of them? Easier to contract than some less deadly diseases, parasites are among the most highly numbered living organisms in the world – and they live right inside of you. But what does that mean?

The August 2000 issue of Discover magazine made this incredible statement:

Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more. Scientists…are only just beginning to discover exactly how powerful these hidden inhabitants can be, but their research is pointing to a remarkable possibility: Parasites may rule the world. The notion that tiny creatures we’ve largely taken for granted are such a dominant force is immensely disturbing. We are collections of cells that work together, kept harmonized by chemical signals. If an organism can control those signals — an organism like a parasite — then it can control us. And therein lies the peculiar and precise horror of parasites.”5

The problem is simple: The average American diet produces a sick colon, complete with deadly fecal build up that becomes the perfect breeding ground for parasites. Humans can actually play host to over 100 different kinds of parasites, ranging from those that are microscopic to tapeworms that can grow to be several feet in length. And they don’t just sit in your intestines. They can migrate to other parts of the body, including the liver, lungs, muscles, joints, skin, blood, and even to the brain. 6

While they are not terribly difficult to clean from the body, parasites are often unsuspected and therefore completely unnoticed by their hosts. This allows the parasites to thrive, taking the most valuable nutrients away from the host, who then has to deal not only with poor nutrition and all of its attendant complications, but parasitic waste products as well.

Some Common Signs of Parasites in Humans

  • Constantly bloated abdomen
  • Dark circles around or under eyes
  • Diarrhea or chronic constipation
  • Teeth grinding
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Depression
  • Anemia
  • Bad body odor
  • Sinus congestion
  • Constant abdominal discomfort
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Bad breath
  • Persistent acne
  • Insomnia
  • Moodiness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • PMS
  • Food allergies
  • Digestive problems
  • Anal itching
  • Water retention

The Body Burden

Scientists refer to the level of a person’s chemical and toxin exposure as an individual’s body burden – the consequence of lifelong exposure to industrial chemicals that are used in thousands of consumer products and which linger as contaminants in air, water, food, and in the soil. There are literally hundreds of chemicals in drinking water, household air, dust, treated tap water, and food. And they come from household products like detergent, insulation, fabric treatments, cosmetics, paints, upholstery, computers, and TVs. What’s more, they accumulate in fat, blood and organs, or are passed through the body in breast milk, urine, feces, sweat, semen, hair, and nails. 7

Carrying a high body burden translates into all sorts of maladies: Headaches, insomnia, constipation, fatigue, weakness, blurred vision, greater susceptibility to infection, allergic reactions, joint pain, recurrent respiratory problems, back pain, mood changes, stomach pain, digestive problems…the list goes on and on. It’s shocking to realize that many of the problems just mentioned have become so commonplace in our culture that we don’t stop to wonder why we experience them with such regularity. There are entire over-the-counter product lines that depend on us to be and feel ill. Indeed, some companies need us to carry a high body burden!

Everyday Toxins

If you use or are in contact with any of the below commonplace items or substances, you could be subjecting yourself to harmful toxic chemicals. Yes, it’s a long list, but it is certainly not complete.
  • Brake fluid
  • Cables
  • Carpet
  • Ceramics
  • Chipping paint in older homes
  • Colognes
  • Computers
  • Contact lens cleaning solution
  • Cosmetics
  • Crystal tableware
  • Dental fillings
  • Detergents
  • Drugs
  • Dyes
  • Electronic equipment
  • Erasable ink
  • Floor cleaners
  • Fluorescent lamps
  • Food (additives)
  • Food (flavorings)
  • Food packaging
  • Fungicides
  • Gasoline
  • Glass
  • Hair spray
  • Hand cleaners
  • Hand cream
  • Insect repellant
  • Insecticide
  • Latex paint
  • Light switches in cars
  • Liquid soap
  • Lotion
  • Lubricants
  • Medical devices
  • Medication
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Nail polishes
  • Paint
  • Paper
  • Perfume
  • Pesticides
  • Plastic
  • Rubber
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Rug shampoos Seafood
  • Shampoo
  • Shaving cream
  • Soap
  • Spot cleaners
  • Spot removers
  • Stain/varnishes
  • Thermometers
  • Thermostats
  • Tire cleaners
  • Vaccinations
  • VCR head cleaners
  • Wax strippers
  • Windshield cleaners
  • Wood finishes
  • X-ray shields
  • And more…

The Bad News

The simple truth is that toxic chemicals enter our bodies every day in the form of unhealthy and refined foods, additives, pesticides, and environmental pollutants. These harmful molecules can be found in great abundance in our air, drinking water and food supply. Chemicals poison our lakes, oceans, soil, and, as a consequence, our bodies. In today’s world the body’s natural detoxification system becomes quickly overburdened and is unable to function like it is meant to and like it has in past generations. Since we are unable to Bacteria – Detox process or eliminate these “modern” toxins, they become stored in our glands, tissues, and cells, slowly breaking down all body systems on a cellular level. This process takes place gradually and undetectably, until the onset of obesity and disease finally signals their presence. 8

As if that were not enough, we also need to worry about parasites and the very real threat they pose to our health and wellbeing. “Silent killers” of sorts, many of us are never even aware that we are offering our bodies as homes to these harmful creatures. Even worse, we may be eating the kind of diet that directly encourages their growth and proliferation. And parasites don’t just “go away” – they can stay inside us our entire lives if we don’t clean them out of our bodies. That alone should be reason enough for everyone to complete a detoxification program.

As you can see, without help our bodies are destined to weaken, break down, and fall apart. When this happens, it lowers our quality of life and also affects the lives of our families and loved ones. You can see it all around you today: people succumbing to infections, experiencing illnesses of all kinds, and popping pills that (at best) only cover up the symptoms, and (at worst) weaken or poison the body even further. No doubt about it, it’s a grim picture.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The Good News

Fortunately, the human body is quite resilient. One of America’s leaders in complementary medicine today, Dr. Andrew Weil, a firm believer that our bodies want to be healthy, tells us, “Health is the condition of perfect balance, when all systems run smoothly and energy circulates freely. This is the natural condition, the one in which least effort is expended; therefore, when the body is out of balance, it wants to get back to it.” When we take the steps necessary to alleviate our body burden, we assist it with its natural process of detoxification. We literally give our body the extra nutrients, natural substances, and energy it needs in order to set the balance straight and get the process of detoxification back in high gear.

Now – more than ever before – it is imperative that we assist our body’s detoxification processes. Detoxification is a natural, health-preserving therapy, which helps remove harmful toxins from the cells and tissues, restoring their immune-protecting functions. Dr. Elson Haas, Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin, in San Rafael, CA, and author of The Detox Diet says, “The process of detoxification… is the missing link to rejuvenating the body and preventing such chronic diseases as cancer, cardiovascular problems, arthritis, diabetes, and obesity. The modern diet, with excess animal proteins, fats, caffeine, alcohol, and chemicals, inhibits the optimum function of our cells and tissues. The cleansing of toxins and waste products will restore function and vitality.” 10

What To Look For in a Detoxification Program

All detoxification programs are not equal. Some, due to the relatively recent discovery of the need for detoxification, are nothing more than low-quality attempts to cash in on a potential market. So, you need to know what makes a good detoxification program. Here are the components that I suggest:

  • An “All Systems” Detoxification Program. While it is great to target one particular system of the body from time to time and as necessary, such a regimen is no substitute for a complete, full-body cleanse. Completing a detoxification program that cleans all systems of the body is an essential step to achieving maximum health and wellness.
  • A Convenient and User-Friendly Program. Let’s face it, the more difficult the detoxification procedure, the less likely most people are to start it, let alone see it through. Luckily, detoxifying is not as difficult as you may think. You shouldn’t have to make trips to and from a detoxification facility or specialist, and in general, the program needn’t be uncomfortable or something so complicated that you don’t want to try it again. I recommend finding a detoxification program that comes pre-assembled and ready-to-use so that you do not have to spend hours and hours searching for all the right components. But be aware and do your research: never sacrifice quality for convenience. The right detoxification program will offer both.
  • Natural, “Human-Friendly” Ingredients. You should use a detoxification program only if it contains 100% natural, non-genetically modified ingredients. After all, you can’t expect to help detoxify your body by pouring more potentially-harmful synthetic chemicals into it! Look for a program that uses primarily herbs, vitamins, and minerals, and steer clear of anything with ingredients that you can’t pronounce.
  • Anti-Parasite Support. Recent medical studies suggest that 85 – 95% of the North American adult population is infected with at least one from of parasite. Easily spread from person to person and through contaminated water, food and soil, parasites cause our bodies to lose their biological balance by secreting toxins and damaging vital organs. 11 A good detoxification program will have an anti-parasite component to help expel parasites as well as to clear their eggs and hatching larvae from the body.
  • Intestinal/Colon Cleansing Support. Making sure that the bowels are consistently active is vital to healthy detoxification. Toxins and “dead” foods lead to poor digestion, constipation, toxic colon build-up, weight gain, and low energy. These common symptoms are more than just an inconvenience – they can lead to long-term health problems and serious disease. Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are simply not things we like to discuss. And yet, as the old expression goes, “death begins in the colon.” Don’t believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80% with waste material. 12
  • Probiotic Support. You may not be aware of this, but inside each of us live vast numbers – as in, several thousand billion – of bacteria without which we could not remain in good health. We call these “friendly” bacteria to distinguish them from the “harmful” bacteria that also inhabit our bodies. When the “harmful” bacteria proliferate and outnumber the “friendly” bacteria, we experience all manner of ailments, including excessive gas, bloating, diarrhea, intestinal toxicity, constipation and poor absorption of nutrients. If this imbalance is left untreated the symptoms can become chronic and can compromise the immune system, leading to other serious illnesses. A good detoxification program will provide you with a potent probiotic to help tip the scale back in favor of the “friendly” bacteria. Look for a probiotic that contains at least eight different strains of “friendly” bacteria and which is “enteric coated.” This ensures the bacteria are released in the intestines where they are needed and not in the stomach, where they can be destroyed by digestive juices.
  • Multivitamin/Mineral Support. Few Americans actually obtain the minimum recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals from their diet, and yet our bodies cannot function optimally without them. When you add to that the fact that an unhealthy and toxin-burdened body cannot make complete use of vitamins and minerals as they are made available, you have a recipe for very poor health. As your body becomes progressively cleaner and toxin-free, its ability to uptake and utilize much-needed vitamins and minerals increases dramatically. This, in turn, super-charges your body, optimizing it to perform all of its functions flawlessly.
  • Oral Chelation. Probably one of the most beneficial and yet unknown treatments available today, oral chelation is highly effective at assisting the body in the removal of dangerous heavy metals and toxins. A well-documented, firmly established medical practice, it draws toxins and metabolic wastes from the bloodstream, thereby promoting improved circulation, reduction of internal inflammation caused by free radicals, and anti-aging effects that remarkably increase a person’s energy. Most oral chelation supplements will contain a handful of vitamins that are natural antioxidants, but the best oral chelation products will also contain an ingredient called EDTA (ethylenediaminetertraacetic acid). EDTA is a naturally safe chemical that passes through the body, taking toxins and heavy metals out with it. It is so safe, in fact, that according to current drug safety standards, it is nearly three-and-a-half times less toxic to the human system than aspirin.

While it sounds like a large bill to fill, a good detoxification program will meet and/or exceed all these suggestions. Because detoxification is such an item of interest lately – and with good reason – your options are fairly open. By staying within the guidelines prescribed above, you can take a lot of the hassle out of figuring out if a program will meet your detoxification needs.

Raw Cruciferous Vegetables Prevent Cancer

Researchers from the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo have discovered that eating raw cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage has been found to decrease the risk of developing bladder cancer by 40 percent. What’s astonishing about this study is that the participants ate only three or more servings of cruciferous vegetables a month!

This study found these results among both smokers and non-smokers. In fact, non-smokers who participated in the study had a 73% lower chance of developing bladder cancer. The study also indicates that cooking these vegetables reduces and/or eliminates the cancer-fighting benefits.

Imagine what eating two or three raw servings of fruit and vegetables a day could do for you! What if 80% or more of what you ate was fresh, organic, raw fruits and vegetables?

Cruciferous Vegetables

  • Horseradish
  • Land cress
  • Ethiopian mustard
  • Kale
  • collard greens
  • Chinese broccoli (gai-lan)
  • Cabbage
  • Savoy cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Kohlrabi
  • Broccoli
  • Broccoflower
  • Broccoli romanesco
  • Cauliflower
  • wild broccoli
  • bok choy
  • Komatsuna
  • Mizuna
  • Rapini (broccoli rabe)
  • Choy sum (Flowering cabbage)
  • Chinese cabbage, napa cabbage
  • Turnip root; greens
  • Rutabaga (swede)
  • Siberian kale
  • Canola/rapeseed
  • Wrapped heart mustard cabbage
  • Mustard seeds, brown; greens
  • White mustard seeds
  • Black mustard seeds
  • Tatsoi
  • Wild arugula
  • Arugula (rocket)
  • Field pepperweed
  • Maca
  • Garden cress
  • Watercress
  • Radish
  • Daikon
  • Wasabi
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