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New Study by Stanford Shows Lockdowns Are Not Effective in Stopping the Spread of COVID-19

A recent study by four medical professors at Stanford has found no evidence that “Non-Pharmaceutical interventions” work to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Non-Pharmaceutical interventions are lockdowns, social distancing, business closures, and stay at home orders. The authors of the study used data from England, France, Germany, Iran. Italy, Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, and the United States.

Related: Natural Coronavirus Prevention

This study is not the first of its kind. Numerous studies have been published showing that lockdowns do not prevent the spread of the virus.

Lockdowns and Closures vs COVID – 19: COVID Wins by Surjit S Bhalla, executive director for India of the International Monetary Fund. ‘For the first time in human history, lockdowns were used as a strategy to counter the virus. While conventional wisdom, to date, has been that lockdowns were successful (ranging from mild to spectacular) we find not one piece of evidence supporting this claim.’”

New Stanford Study Claims Lockdowns Are Not Effective To Stop Spread of COVID

Additionally, many studies have shown that the downsides to lockdowns far outweigh any benefits that there may be. The lockdowns have taken a tremendous toll on mental health in both children and adults, causing an increase in suicides, overdoses, bankruptcies, and divorces.

Lockdowns cannot eradicate the disease or protect the public…They lead to only economic meltdown, social despair and direct harms to health from other causes…Scientifically, medically and morally lockdowns have no justification in dealing with Covid.

Dr. John Lee, a former Professor of Pathology and NHS consultant pathologist

Should You Be Worried About the Levels of Arsenic in Brown Rice?

Despite warnings about the levels of arsenic in U.S rice potentially increasing cancer risk, a study by Harvard has shown that long term consumption of rice (white or brown) was not associated with a risk of developing cancer.

That being said, the levels of arsenic in brown rice has still been a cause for concern. Do the benefits of brown rice outweigh the risk?

My Daily Dozen recommendation of at least three servings of whole grains a day was associated with a 10 percent lower risk of dying from cancer, a 25 percent lower risk of dying from heart attacks or strokes, and a 17 percent lower risk of dying prematurely across the board, whereas rice consumption in general was not associated with mortality and was not found to be protective against heart disease or stroke.

Do the Pros of Brown Rice Outweigh the Cons of Arsenic?

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Many studies have found brown rice to have benefits. One study showed an improvement in insulin levels after five days of eating brown rice compared to white rice. Another study showed that eating a cup of brown rice a day could reduce weight, BMI, and diastole blood pressure.

You should be prioritizing fresh produce above grains in your diet to be as healthy as possible but you don’t have to completely cut out brown rice. Lundberg Farms, in California, produces brown rice with low levels of arsenic and continues to find ways to lower their arsenic levels further.

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Poland Moves to Make Censorship by Big Tech Companies Illegal

Following the ban of Donald Trump on Twitter, the Polish government has announced that it will be making censorship by big tech companies illegal.

“Algorithms or the owners of corporate giants should not decide which views are right and which are not. Censorship of free speech, which is the domain of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, is now returning in the form of a new, commercial mechanism to combat those who think differently.”

Poland’s prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki

Donald Trump is not the only person experiencing censorship by big tech companies like Twitter and Facebook. Doctors who have spoken out against the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 protocol, journalists and whistleblowers such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and media organizations who go against the mainstream, are all among groups experiencing censorship. Censorship isn’t a partisan issue. Both those on the left and right who speak out against the mainstream are experiencing censorship.

Study Shows Use of Disinfectants Increases Risk for Fatal Lung Disease

Researchers at Harvard University and the French National Institue of Health and Medical Research have found that regular use of bleach and other disinfectants may increase your chances of developing fatal lung disease.

Research shows that people who used harsh cleaning products such as bleach, once a week, had up to a 32% increased chance of developing fatal lung disease. Researchers looked at more than 55,000 nurses in the U.S, because they use disinfectants to clean on a regular basis. Of the 55,000 nurses, 37% use disinfectants to clean surfaces on a weekly basis, and 19% used them to clean medical instruments weekly.

Related: How to Use Vinegar and Baking Soda to Clean Your Home

Fatal lung disease, also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is present in 1.2 million people in the U.K and kills 25,000 people a year in the U.K.

To the best of our knowledge we are the first to report a link between disinfectants and COPD among healthcare workers, and to investigate specific chemicals that may underlie this association…Some of these disinfectants, such as bleach and quats, are frequently used in ordinary households, and the potential impact of domestic use of disinfectants on COPD development is unknown…Earlier studies have found a link between asthma and exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants at home, such as bleach and sprays, so it is important to investigate this further

Study: Weekly Use of Disinfectants Greatly Increases Your Risk of Fatal Lung Disease

Parler- The Social Media Platform Everyone Is Talking About

Twitter and other social media apps have banned president Trump from their platforms after claims that his posts have “incited violence”. This is following the raids on the capitol earlier this month.

Image credit:  (Kyle Phillips / The Transcript)

Following the president’s ban on social media, many people have joined the free speech platform “Parler”. Parler was started in 2018 by John Matze “After being exhausted with a lack of transparency in big tech, ideological suppression and privacy abuse”.

But Matze doesn’t want the app to be just an echo chamber for conservative voices. Personally, he says he doesn’t like either political party and he wants to see more healthy debate. He’s so intent on getting some liberals onto the platform that he’s offering a $20,000 “progressive bounty” for an openly liberal pundit with 50,000 followers on Twitter or Facebook to start a Parler account.

Trump fans are flocking to the social media app Parler — its CEO is begging liberals to join them

Most recently Parler was banned on both the google play store and the apple store and then taken offline by Amazon.

OLM is completely against sponsorship. Being an organic health magazine, we’ve experienced our fair share of censorship. Rather it be from Facebook or Google, our content about big Pharma, vaccines, and holistic healing, is often censored.

Recommended: How to Eliminate IBS, IBD, Leaky Gut 

The Environmental Impact of Disposable Masks

Experts are now estimating that 129 billion face masks, and 65 billion gloved, are being disposed of globally each month. Surgical masks weigh approximately 3.6g, equating to 451,500 tons of masks thrown away each month.

Conservationists and non-governmental organisations are increasingly concerned that a lot of the plastic waste, especially pandemic-related waste, is ending up in landfills, waterways and oceans, adding to the millions of tonnes of plastic waste already dumped into the world’s oceans every year

Three million masks every minute: How Covid-19 is choking the planet

It’s not uncommon for masks to end up in the ocean where animals get tangled up in the elastic ear loops of the mask. Animals can choke on masks and gloves that end up along shorelines.

Related: Natural Coronavirus Prevention

Disposable surgical masks are made of polypropylene, a type of plastic. This type of plastic is unsuitable for recycling and does not break down easily.

If you have to wear a face-covering when going out, consider a reusable one. If you find yourself with a surgical mask that you have to dispose of, be sure to cut the ends of the ear loops off the mask so marine life doesn’t get tangled up in them.

California Health Officials Pause Distribution for One Lot of Moderna Vaccines After Allergic Reactions

California health officials have called for a temporary halt of a specific lot of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine after severe allergic reactions took place.

One clinic reported 10 allergic reactions within 24 hours, where state officials were only expecting to see 1 allergic reaction per 100,000 people.

More than 330,000 doses of vaccines from this particular lot have been distributed to 287 health care providers throughout California.

“Out of an extreme abundance of caution and also recognizing the extremely limited supply of vaccine, we are recommending that providers use other available vaccine inventory and pause the administration of vaccines from Moderna Lot 041L20A until the investigation by the CDC, FDA, Moderna and the state is complete. We will provide an update as we learn more.”

CA calls for pausing distribution on one lot of Moderna vaccine after allergic reactions reported

Despite stringent lockdown and mask policies, California is quickly approaching three million coronavirus cases.

Related: How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children