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Hear No Evil, See No Evil – Chantix, Drug Advertising, and the FDA

In 1997, the FDA decided to relax the guidelines pertaining to televised pharmaceutical ads. In the following years, direct-to-consumer ads took off from a $12 million dollar business to a $4.1 billion dollar business by 2006. In 2011, it was estimated that 1 billion per year was being spent.

The amount of money spent is a boon to the television stations and one of the reasons mainstream news media often buries news that is unfavorable to pharmaceutical companies. They don’t want to bite the hand that feeds them.

Aside from obvious corruption, the naiveté of the American people regarding pharmaceutical companies is astounding. Although some reports of the pharmaceutical companies’ flagrant disregard for human lives are publicized and stories of them being fined billions of dollars for civil and criminal activities should concern us, somehow we don’t connect the dots. The same company that may have been fined billions for corruption regarding another drug also makes vaccines, but we are told vaccines are safe and, therefore, believe what we want to hear.

Even when whistleblowers come forward to reveal that their company falsified claims that their vaccine worked and even falsified lab work to back up their claims, and the government decides to prosecute, the majority of Americans still believes pharmaceutical companies to be benign – to be the good guys! And worse yet, Americans believe the FDA holds its citizens in a sacred trust – that the FDA looks out for us. This belief is so ingrained we can’t even read an insert or hear a frightening list of possible side effects to a drug and weigh the possible consequences. Somehow we hear only what we want to hear.

Chantix claims to be the number one best selling drug to stop smoking. This is the script to one of their television commercials.

Chantix Ad

Testimonial: My name is Louis and I quit smoking with Chantix. I tried to do it in the past and I wasn’t successful. Quitting smoking this time was different because I talked to my doctor, and I – I got a prescription for Chantix.

Narrative: Along with support, Chantix varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking.

Testimonial: It was important to me that Chantix was a non-nicotine pill. The fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me… get that confidence I could do it.

Narrative: Some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping CHANTIX. If you notice any of these, stop Chantix and call your doctor right away.

Tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking CHANTIX.

Don’t take CHANTIX if you’ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these, stop Chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening.

Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems or if you develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.

Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping, and unusual dreams.

Testimonial: I’m very proud. I love myself as a non-smoker.

Narrative: Ask your doctor if Chantix is right for you.

So What Did You Hear?

Did you hear anything other than the fact that this drug may help smokers quit? Did you dismiss the warnings, thinking they only happen to the other guy?

Let’s break this down. The entire ad from start to finish is 242 words of which 58%, 141 words, are exclusively used for the warning. We were warned that this drug may cause the following:

  • Changes in behavior
  • Changes in thinking
  • Changes in mood
  • Hostility
  • Agitation
  • Depressed mood
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Suicidal actions
  • Exacerbation of mental illness

All of the above can happen when you are using the drug and after you quit using it!

It also has a vague warning related to blood vessel problems, heart attacks and stroke.

It might be dangerous to operate machinery.

Allergic reactions have occurred including skin reactions, some of which can be fatal.

And then it tells you the common side effects:

  • Nausea
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Unusual Dreams

None of these side effects or warnings would be listed if trial subjects had not experienced them. We aren’t told how many went through trials. We are not told what percentage experienced these side effects. We have no idea if this drug is safe for us. All we do know for sure is that the risk ratio of how many may sue the company compared to profits from sales is favorable enough for this drug to be on the market.

So what is a good margin? How many people can die? How many might be killed by the person taking the drug? You see, even though they took up more than half of the commercial with warnings, they still didn’t cover everything! And compared to their website warning, they also watered it down a bit.

Chantix Website Warning

On the Chantix website, the warning section, titled the “Important Safety Information and Indication,” is 474 words long. It includes more warnings: drug interactions, seizures, intensified effects of alcohol, blackout episodes (amnesia), and more. The web warning also stresses the “hostility and agitation” by mentioning it twice along with stating the words “aggression and anger.” So along with many health warnings, including death, consumers may turn hostile and aggressive.

Does this mean they may abuse their spouses, children, neighbors or strangers before killing themselves? Is this a fairly clear warning that this drug may be the catalyst for a mass shooter event?

The consumer who wants to pop a pill to quit smoking probably doesn’t hear this. On the website, the only symptoms with a percentage is nausea – 30%. This alone may cause a consumer to think twice. But other warnings, life threatening and life altering warnings with no percentages will be dismissed.

It is time we look at these drugs critically and demand full information. Most of all, it is time we opened our eyes to the truth.

Recommended Reading:

Post Halloween Sugar Blues

So you took your little ones out for a night of door-to-door begging and came home with a load of candy. Once your little darlings were tucked into bed you sorted through the hoard, convincing yourself that your only goal was to toss out the worst of it, the crap candy no one should ever feed a child. But let’s face it, you were also picking out the miniature candy bars and eating them yourself, knowing you only have a year or two at the most before the jig is up and your kids will know exactly how many pieces of candy they scored.

Now that Halloween is over, how do you feel? Are your sinuses aching? How about your gums? Any old injuries reminding you that you are getting on in the years? Any joint pain? Any signs of a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection anywhere in your body?

When we deal with aches and pains or a sudden illness after a holiday, we are quick to blame either stress or the weather. The truth is, it’s probably the sugar.

Sugar does two things: it devastates the immune system for 2-3 days and it feeds Candida (and other fungi), bad bacteria, and viruses. If you’ve been eating well and correcting the balance of good bacteria to bad bacteria and yeast in your gut, you just undid a lot of hard work because your bad bacteria and yeast were just given a feast. All through your body where you have scar tissue or a tendency for chronic infection, you have a little more yeast than you want to have. These guys just enjoyed a feast and exploded exponentially. That’s why your old sports injury hurts or your sinuses have flared up again.

So what do you do now? Eat right!

Time for Salads

If you think a salad means lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers, think again. A real salad, a healthy salad, an amazing salad, is a feast of raw, fresh, organic veggies. This salad filled with 10-12 veggies (or more) will not only be the most nutrient rich meal you can eat, it is also exactly what your gut needs to regain balance.

Raw vegetables are prebiotic. They (and their roughage) feed and house healthy bacteria in your gut and help them to multiply. This healthy bacteria keeps bad bacteria and fungi in check.

See the first link below for suggested ingredients for the perfect salad.


If you’ve sent Candida into mass production through your sugar consumption diet is key but supplements can help. A good probiotic and a great supplement to kill Candida will hurry up the process.

Another Consideration

Now that you are understanding how much havoc sugar wreaks on your system, why are you feeding it to your children? Eliminate processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup from their diet. Both were already horrible for everyone’s health, but now they are worse – both are usually genetically modified. (GM sugar beets and corn). It’s time we step up and make new traditions for our families that do not include unhealthy food. Check out Gluten, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases for more information on gut health and disease.

Recommended Supplements:
Further Reading:

The Vegan Diet: Why It Is a Big Deal

Recent studies show that more and more people in the U.S. are choosing to reduce or give up meat in their diet because of the growing body of evidence linking meat consumption to obesity, digestive problems, heart disease, some types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, and early death.

What is the problem with meat? Most people eat conventional factory farmed meat, which may have risks due to the presence of chemicals or diseases.  On top of that, most people eat way too much of it. Americans consume 60 percent more meat that Europeans and 4 times more than other developed countries. One study found that meat-eaters are 27 percent more likely to die early and 20 percent more likely to die of cancer.

Out of an estimated 16 million vegetarians, (5 percent of the population) about 8 million people are vegan. So, when people give up meat, they either switch to a vegetarian diet (no meat but the diet includes eggs and dairy) or the new trend, which is vegan (no meat, or dairy, or animal-derived products).

Like the featured image? Check out the collard green wraps recipe here.

Why Do People Eat Vegan?

There are usually 3 reasons why people choose a vegan diet:

  • to protest the exploitation/cruelty of animals by the agricultural industry
  • to reduce the environmental costs of agriculture
  • to improve their overall health and live a healthier life

To Protect Animals

Many people choose a vegan lifestyle because they are against the exploitation of animals by the agriculture industry. Vegans believe animals should not be used against their will and made to suffer and die as resources for human needs.

Vegans believe animals are sentient beings with rights not unlike humans. Vegans are against animal testing, large animal breeding factories, and poultry, cattle, and dairy operations where animals are often kept in less than ideal conditions. There are reports of animal cruelty in many livestock operations. Ten billion animals are slaughtered every year for human consumption in the U.S.

Protect the Environment

Vegans are against the environmental costs of livestock agriculture, including the use of large amounts of land and water, use of chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers, topsoil erosion, and pollution. According to the EPA, chemical and animal waste runoff pollutes more than 173,000 miles of rivers and streams annually and is the nation’s leading cause of impaired water quality. Nearly 20% of worldwide pollution is attributed to the meat industry.

Resource use is a concern to vegans. It is estimated that it takes 40 calories of fossil-fuel energy to create every 1 calorie of feed-lot beef in the U.S., but it only takes 2.2 calories of energy to create plant proteins.

In addition, 70% of the grain produced in the U.S. is used to feed animals raised for slaughter. Livestock animals consume five times as much grain as is eaten by the population.  According to a Cornell University professor of ecology, David Pimentel, if that same amount were used to feed people directly, nearly 800 million people could be fed globally.

Researchers at Loma Linda University in California have concluded that consumption of meat and dairy should be drastically reduced in order to cut the environmental footprint (use of resources). They rated vegetarians and vegans as requiring 30 percent fewer resources.

To Improve Overall Health

Statistics show that most Americans eat an overabundance of foods that are high in fat, sugar, and the added chemicals contained in processed foods.  The vegan diet is designed to eliminate many of the health risks associated with meat consumption, (such as higher risk of disease) and increase consumption of healthy raw foods like vegetables, nuts, grains and fruits. Vegans (and vegetarians) are known to have lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, lower body/mass indexes (less fat), and lower rates for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. So, the vegan diet, when combined with a healthy exercise lifestyle, especially for those who actively work out or compete in athletic events,  produces healthier people.

Why is Vegan Better?

A vegan diet can be healthier than a conventional diet for many reasons.  Vegan foods include whole grains, a variety of vegetables, fruits, and beans, that are rich in essential vitamins, contain lots of needed fiber, are low in fat, and contain no cholesterol. Calcium is derived from eating vegetables like broccoli, kale, collard greens, tofu, fortified juices, and nut milks (soymilk, almond milk, etc.). Iron is obtained from eating things like chickpeas, spinach, pinto beans, and soy products.  Vitamin B12 (which does not occur naturally in plants) can be supplemented in pill form or in products that are fortified with it. Most fruits and vegetables contain essential ingredients like carbohydrates, vitamins, folate, minerals like magnesium and potassium, antioxidants, and phytochemicals (carotenoids, anthocyanins) which help prevent disease.

Some people believe they cannot eat vegan because they won’t get enough protein, but vegans get protein from many sources. For example, green vegetables like kale, broccoli, seaweed, peas, and spinach are good sources of protein and so are various kinds of beans like lima, black, pinto, edamame, and lentils. Grains are another way to get protein and these include brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, quinoa, and bulgar. Nuts such as peanuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews, and walnuts are protein rich. Vegans also eat lots of berries, (strawberries, blueberries, etc.) because they contain antioxidants and phytochemicals.

The Problems with Meat, Dairy, and Fish


The standard American diet is usually centered around red meat. But when red meat is  consumed in excess quantities, it can cause a person to have higher than normal levels of cholesterol and saturated fats. Diets rich in animal fats are associated with higher risks for obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, and several types of cancer.  Red meat also contains carnitine, which causes hardening of the arteries, and studies show that increased carnitine is associated with increased  cardiovascular disease. A meat diet may cause an excess of iron, which studies show can increase your chances for Alzheimer’s disease and colorectal cancer. Most of the processed meat (lunchmeat) is unhealthy because it contains carcinogenic compounds.

The FDA reports that foods high in protein such as meat, poultry, and seafood can cause outbreaks of foodborne illnesses like E.coli and salmonella. Additives are used in the meat industry to enhance the color and appearance of meat, like pink slime and meat glue, which have questionable health benefits.

The EPA estimates that 95% of pesticide residue in the American diet comes from meat, fish, and dairy products.

People on a meat diet have shorter lives and more disability later in life, according to author Michael F. Roizen, M.D., author of “The Real Age Diet”. He says animal products clog your arteries, give you less energy, slow down your immune system, and increase the rates of cognitive and sexual dysfunction.


Recent studies are showing that as many as 75 % of the world’s adult population may be lactose intolerant, which can cause a number of health problems. Milk products like cheese and yogurt have been heavily promoted as part of a healthy diet in the U.S. for many years, and only recently has evidence been coming out to the contrary. High intake of dairy products can raise an individual’s cholesterol levels which can lead to obesity, digestive problems, and heart disease. The problem comes from the combination of animal products derived from unhealthy animals and a diet high in refined sugar.

According to Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D. of the Institute for Medical Functional Medicine, dairy consumption has not been proven to increase athletic performance. It does not protect bone strength and may even reduce it. And he says dairy products can increase a man’s risk of prostate cancer by 50%.

Dairy animals are often given supplemental steroids, growth hormones, and antibiotics, all of which may pose health hazards to humans. There has been concern over whether these additives can cause cancer in humans, but the scientific evidence is inconclusive.


Fish, although high in protein, can contain varying amounts of carcinogens like PCBs and DDT and also heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium. These contaminants are linked to cancer, reproductive problems, and neurological deficits.


With all the growing evidence pointing to the health hazards associated with a meat-centered diet, it is no wonder that more people are adopting a vegan (and vegetarian) diet. The benefits are obvious for anyone who wants to live a longer and healthier life. And, with the number of people eating vegan, it is not surprising that an increasing number of restaurants catering to vegetarians and vegans, and there are also numerous meat and dairy substitutes now available to consumers.

Recommended Reading:

Formaldehyde in GMOs, Yet Another Unlisted Ingredient

By policy, the FDA considers GMO foods to be substantially equivalent to their non-genetically modified counterparts, and to be generally recognized as safe. GMOs do after all, look very similar to their conventional counterparts and they are grown under somewhat similar conditions. Under FDA guidelines, this leaves foods that are newly invented to be poorly tested, and the FDA assumes them to be safe without sufficient evidence to reach such conclusions. Under the limitations of our current biotechnology, whenever genes are artificially manipulated, unintended consequences inevitably result.

Independent Scientists Are Finding That GMOs are Not Substantially Equivalent to Their Conventional Counterparts

A new study from Cambridge University demonstrates that GMO soy is less nutritious and more toxic than conventional soy. Each GMO crop is unique, and this study focused solely on one type of genetically modified soy. Undoubtedly, more research is needed on other GMOs. So far the FDA’s notions of substantial equivalence, are not holding up in independent research. As is often the case, independent science is yielding objective results, giving us the good news with the bad.

The Revolving Door Told Us GMOs Were Safe

FDA assumptions of substantial equivalence were at best based upon wishful thinking, but much more likely to have been decisions made with the intention of prioritizing profit over health. The FDA is after all, staffed by a revolving door of management level biotech and pharmaceutical employees. FDA hierarchy move back and forth between the private and public sectors, reaping huge benefits along the way. Consumer advocates don’t work at the FDA; it is the industry insiders who do. The independent scientists are doing the testing for safety that the FDA should have done.

System Biology is Yielding New Insight Into GMOs

Using a systems biology approach, two researchers from Cambridge University have demonstrated how the genetic modifications made to CP4 EPSPS, better known as Roundup Ready soy, has resulted in significant systemic changes to the plant’s nutritional value, rendering the GMO soy bean less nutritious and more toxic.

Dr. Ayyadurai and Dr. Deonikar’s results show how instead of the plant producing normal levels of enzymes and antioxidants such as glutathione and super oxide dismutase, Round Up Ready soy is almost completely devoid of glutathione. This GMO soy produces significant amounts of formaldehyde, a substance that is widely known to be toxic and a carcinogen.

Formaldehyde Is Not The Kind of Chemical That You Would Want in Your Food

Formaldehyde has a lot of uses in manufacturing. It is often used as an additive in glue, in wrinkle free shirts, as an additive in hair straighteners, and it has been used as an embalming agent for thousands of years. (It is believed that the Egyptians were the first to use formaldehyde). The chemical is falling out favor with many funeral directors. When used in embalming, great effort is made to avoid accidentally breathing in the fumes. Despite improved ventilation and modern protective gear, many funeral homes refuse to work with formaldehyde simply because it is too dangerous. Its ubiquitous use in manufacturing has come under scrutiny as well.

We can add formaldehyde as yet another one of the ingredients that is being hidden in our food. The struggle to label genetically modified soy can be thought of as the struggle to label formaldehyde laden, antioxidant deficient soy as well. There is no scientific justification to assume that GMOs are substantially equivalent to other foods. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that GMOs kill beneficail microbes in our gut and damage our digestive system (see Leaky Gut Syndrome and Autoimmune Diseases). Afterall, that’s what they’re designed to do.

Recommended Reading:

Most Influential Women in the Organic Food Movement

The popularity of the organic food movement is spreading like wildfire. Who should we look to for future growth and encouragement?

Women Playing a More Active Role

The organic food movement is undergoing a revolution. Typically a male-dominated field, the food supply industry is seeing a rise in the number of women who are not only farming, but making their voices heard about issues related to the foods we eat.

The change shouldn’t come as a surprise, really.

One health expert and influential business leader, Monica Eaton-Cardone, pointed out: “In many situations, it’s women who represent the largest section of consumer spending, and yet, the majority of people making decisions in merchant companies are men.” Eaton-Cardone says that when women influence the decision-making process you see more appropriate, faster solutions to problems.

Some of the rising stars of the organic food movement are the ones who have raised awareness of the topic, either by building a platform to speak from or by using their existing platform to educate others. Let’s meet some of them.

Clare Leschin-HoarClare Leschin-Hoar

Clare Leschin-Hoar has built a following and a reputation by focusing her writing on the issues surrounding the convergence of the environment, food, and health.

A national writer, speaker and moderator, she has waded into the complicated waters of sustainable seafood and fishing to bring insight and thought into an emotionally charged topic.

She’s covered some of this generation’s toughest food questions: antibiotics in food production, food waste, and regulations for food suppliers. Her work has appeared in publications such as The Guardian, Scientific American, and Time.

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Carey GillamCarey Gillam

Reuter’s reporter Carey Gillam doesn’t shy away from the tough topics related to farming. She focuses on genetic engineering, reporting on issues surrounding GMOs, Monsanto, and DuPont.

Despite pressure from her opponents, Gillam strives to be fair in her reporting and refuses to avoid asking tough questions of both sides of an issue. Her work can be found on C-Span and in the Washington Journal, to name a few.

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Melanie WarnerMelanie Warner

Author of Pandora’s Lunchbox: How Processed Food Took Over the American Meal, Melanie Warner is a freelance reporter for the New York Times. Her career as a food science writer began when she questioned how an individually wrapped slice of cheese could remain the same for years.

A former business reporter, she used her investigative skills to look into the inner workings of the food industry and was horrified by what she found. Her years of research into the new realities of food science have helped bring to light the true nature of processed food and have helped fuel the cry for a return to “real food.”

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Vani HariVani Hari

According to Time Magazine, Vani Hari (author of The Food Babe) is one of the most influential people on the Internet. Food activist, blogger and author, Hari has come under fire for her activism regarding food science.

Her interest in food science began after a health scare related to her diet landed her in the hospital. Determined to change her eating habits, she started investigating the food she ate and shared her findings on her blog. Since her beginning, Hari has amassed a huge following: a single tweet from her account can garner over 50,000 signatures on a petition in a matter of hours.

Critics claim she specializes in pseudoscience, using scare tactics to propel the public to action, while supporters point to her successes as proof of her legitimacy. Either way, she is bringing attention to the issues of food science on a national level.

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Historically, the food industry has operated largely unchecked, even as the idea of food merged into food science. Writers such as the ones named above are working to turn the public’s attention to this phenomenon, demanding answers and raising awareness to what is happening behind the scenes at farms, grocery stores, and laboratories across the nation.

If you truly “are what you eat”, these women are making sure you know exactly what you’re becoming.

Recommended Reading:

Chiropractors Against Vaccines

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~

― Thomas A. Edison

Becoming a doctor of chiropractic is no small undertaking. In most states it requires eight years of schooling – four years of undergraduate study, mostly focusing on the sciences and four years of chiropractic school. On average, chiropractic school requires 372 more hours of classroom time than medical school. More time is spent studying anatomy, physiology, diagnostics, and orthopedics in chiropractic school than in medical school. In addition, twenty hours of continual training is required each year, but most chiropractors get more.

Chiropractors are well-educated healers who have varied opinions on vaccines and pharmaceuticals. But, trained in medicine, with a more holistic perspective, chiropractors tend to be, on average, a great deal more skeptical of vaccines than physicians.

The following chiropractors are speaking up to inform the public about the dangers of vaccines.

Dr. David Jockers, D.C.Dr. David Jockers, D.C.

Vaccines are one of medicine’s prized attempts to improve human performance.  They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive antibody response.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “The following substances are found in flu vaccines:  aluminum, antibiotics, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosal (mercury).”  Many of these same ingredients are in childhood vaccines.  They are all very toxic for human physiology and have a track record for insulting the body’s immune system. 

I would prefer to trust the innate ability of the body to overcome infectious microorganisms and I will fully support my body through healthy diet and lifestyle along with natural supplements and proper spinal alignment.  I absolutely reject the idea that injecting a group of toxic, immune insulting chemicals into my bloodstream will improve someone’s long-term immune response.

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Dr. Haroot Tovanyan, D.C.Nancy Tarlow, D.C.

When you inject chemicals into your body that are toxic, there will be an effect. It may not be obvious at first. A child might have a fever that the doctor says is “normal”, but it isn’t. A fever or screaming could be that the brain is swelling and causing damage. The real problem is that children cannot convey to us how they feel. It’s not like an adult who can tell us that they felt great prior to a vaccination but then started having health problems.

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Dr. Haroot Tovanyan, D.C.

I am a doctor of Chiropractic and I primarily work with autistic children.

Every single parent in my practice that has an autistic child has the same story. Child was born normal; child was developing normal. Child went in for their 12-month, 18-month, normal usually 24 or 36-month shots and regressed. This may be anecdotal, but when you hear it over and over and over again, there’s something to be said. These are children that have severe neurological issues. They’re not verbal; 8-10-year-old children that are still wearing diapers.

I have a quadriplegic niece in my family who received 4 shots, a total of 10 vaccines in 1 day. She was born normal. She developed normal until about a year and a half. At a year and a half she received 4 shots, 1, 2, 3, 4, and she … This was 1990 when they started doing multiple vaccines and they also quadrupled the number of shots that you’re normally receiving. She basically regressed. She’s a vegetable. I mean, she became a quadriplegic. Nowhere in nature would your child go to get exposed to let’s say 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, or in the case of my niece, 10 viruses and bacteria at the same time.

In nature that just doesn’t happen. They don’t co-exist like that. It’s not natural to put a combination of vaccines, combinations of viruses and bacteria that just don’t belong together or don’t co-exist in nature in a vial and inject it into a child and expect them to be healthy. The CDC schedule has never been tested for safety. There have never been double-blind studies. It’s never been tested for synergistic effect. They’ve refused to study un-vaccinated versus vaccinated.

This is one of the biggest problems that I have with vaccines. I have a 5-year-old beautiful daughter and I have a 3-year-old son, handsome, that are very healthy. They have been sick. They’ve had the common cold here and there. They’ve never had the flu, no ear infections.

Majority of children that are vaccinated, they have chronic ear infections. One of the ways that I know that they’re different from the majority of other children is my son is 3 years old and in daycare out of all the other 3-year-olds, he’s pretty much the only one that has a full vocabulary. It just tells you the difference between vaccinated children, which is the majority of the population, in California 97%, compared to un-vaccinated children.

We detoxify them and get these toxins out of their body that were put in there by vaccines and other environmental factors. Genetically modified foods and glyphosate have a lot to do with it as well. When we change their diet, first and foremost, we detoxify them, we see the children improve. I have several children under my care that went from non-verbal to verbal.

…They completely change. They become more focused. They develop cognitive skills again. They want to be social. It’s really rewarding to see a child and a parent; a parent that has lost all hope and usually us Chiropractors are the last resort for most parents that have autistic children. It’s really rewarding to see them … They’re like the sparkle in their eye when the children are improving, when their children are starting to talk. When their children are able to go to the bathroom on their own, and their 12-year-old son or daughter doesn’t have to wear diapers any more. For the average neuro-typical child, this may not be tremendous successes, but for a child that’s a teenager and isn’t talking, these are huge steps, leaps and bounds forward compared to what they’ve experienced. Most pediatricians meanwhile, they become doctors to help patients, to help children be healthy, but they’re also misinformed. They just don’t know. 

…I’ve asked our pediatrician, “What’s in a vaccine?” They don’t know. They just don’t know the risk that carries with them. If I were a parent and I was on the fence, I would definitely read books. “Vaccination Is Not Immunization,” “Educate Before You Vaccinate.” Also, read the vaccine insert. Just compare what your protecting against and what the possible side-effects might be. Honestly, if something in those is really good for you, Uncle Sam would not mandate it. That’s just the way I feel. If something was going to make us healthier, I don’t think they would make it mandatory.

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Dr. Greg Cartmell, D.C.

As a clinician, on a day-to-day basis, I educate my patients on health and maintaining health and preventative health and to be clear with families and be clear with the parents in making informed choices about vaccinating their children. It’s very important to me.

I’ve seen some tragedies, I’ve seen before and afters. About 6 years ago, I had a patient come in with her daughter who was just vibrant, bouncing off the walls, perhaps 2 at the time, and just very sweet and loving and accepting my adjustments, the whole family. She received her boosters. I hadn’t seen them in about 6 months, and she had developed autism, full blown autism to where she had to go to a speech therapist. She was afraid of me; whereas, before, she was very smiling and calm and bright and talkative, and she was afraid of me. It was disheartening, to say the least. It was almost as if the light switch had flipped off on her.

… Just recently, I had a little boy come in, working on his neck area, he’s clicking and popping in his neck and jaw. Again, maybe 6 years old, 6 or 7, came in, I started working on him. He was very responsive, loved the chiropractic. He came in one day with his folks because his folks were getting adjusted as well, and he seemed off. He seemed like he was staring off into space, comatose. They had to explain that he just came from the pediatrician and gotten a booster shot. It was clear that something had taken place.

It was just hard to describe other than just comatose.

…It was just very, very hard to believe the difference in these children, and it’s disheartening. If you’re a parent, I strongly urge you to please do your research. Look at both sides. I urge you to look at vaccination injury and the stats on that and look into the ingredients and look into the reasons why they think they need to do a vaccination schedule as they propose.

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Dr. David LaRocco, D.C.

Dr. David LaRocco, D.C.Apparently people just want to bully you into believing vaccines are all sunshine and rainbows.

…I’m not a vaccination expert.

I don’t care about the vaccine debate. I care about the truth. I care about the safety, I care about the effectiveness. I’m solely here to empower and educate people on how they can promote health and happiness in their life.

…Doctors are great people and they truly care but when was the last time your doctor actually showed you the insert of the chickenpox vaccine? I highly doubt they even know what it looks like.

I know what it looks like because I’ve taken the time to educate myself.

…I stand firmly against injecting aborted fetal tissue and anti-freeze into my body or my children’s body.

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Check out further reading below for more on this subject and other articles within the series. If you’ve been vaccinated, see How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children.

Further Reading:



Destroy Parasites with Natural Herbal Remedies

Human parasites are unwanted inhabitants of the gastrointestinal system that have the potential to cause serious damage to their host.  These pathogens consume key nutrients from the foods we eat and release waste products that harm the human body.  They also puncture holes in the intestinal membrane which leads to leaky gut syndrome and chronic inflammation.  Use natural herbal remedies to reduce inflammation and restore integrity to your digestive system (1)

Parasites can range from 10 foot long tapeworms to microscopic amoeba.  These organisms can drop their eggs into the gut lining where they can enter the circulation and travel to major organs such as the liver and cause serious harm.

The Power of Anti-Microbial Herbs

Various different forms of herbs have antimicrobial factors that reduce pathogenic bacteria, yeast and parasites.  These herbs can be used to reduce the microbial load and be an important part of reestablishing a healthy microbial balance.  Here are some unique ones that are clinically proven to be effective:

Sweet Wormwood

Also known as Artemisia annua, sweet wormwood is one of the bitterest herbs on the planet and this bitterness works to drive out worms and parasites.

This is also a potent anti-malarial agent and can kill the most deadly malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum (2).  It works to break down iron bridges in the pathogenic organism, causing massive oxidative stress and death of the parasite.

Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seed extract is a rich source of zinc and B vitamins and helps to reduce parasite formation.  The vermifugal properties have been demonstrated in studies to be extremely effective at reducing gastrointestinal nematode (roundworm) levels (3).

Grapefruit Seed Extract  

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) has very high amounts of disease-fighting, free-radical eliminating antioxidants and phytonutrients called bioflavonoids. One of these powerful bioflavonoids (plant antioxidants) include the chemical component hesperidin, a well-known natural immune system stimulator and booster.

A recent study from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that grapefruit seed extract was effective in killing over “800 bacterial and viral strains, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of single and multi-celled parasites.” (4) No other naturally occurring anti-microbial can come close to these results.


Wormseed, also called Chenopodium ambrosioides, are seeds that contain a compound called ascaridoles, which is highly toxic to fungus (5).  Wormseed has been shown to reduce skin infecting fungus and fungal spores on food (6, 7).  It has also been shown to be very effective against gastrointestinal worms (8).


These seeds contain a strong antimicrobial and anti-oxidant effect against a wide variety of microorganisms (9).  These seeds have a similar nutritional makeup as cacao and are a natural source of caffeine so they are stimulating and speed up metabolism and fat burning properties.

They also contain cardiac stimulants such as theophylline and theobromine and polyphenol anti-oxidants catechin and epicatechin (ECGC also found in cacao and green tea).

Passion Flower  

This herb has been used for centuries to treat anxiety, hypertension, and insomnia.  It has mild sedative qualities that improve mood and relaxation.  This herb contains plant alkaloids, phenols, glycoside flavonoids, and cyanogenic compounds that have been shown to have profound antimicrobial effects against pathogenic microorganisms (10).


This popular essential oil has great anti-microbial, anti-fungal, sedative, antidepressant, and carminative effects in the body (11). Research has shown it is effective against antibiotic-resistant staph infections (12).  Other research has shown that it is highly effective against yeast overgrowth (13).

For more information on testing and overcoming parasitic overgrowth see What Type of Parasites do You Have?

Recommended Reading:
  1. History of Human Parasitology – American Society for Microbiology
  2. Artemisinins: their growing importance in medicine –
  3. Anthelmintic efficacy of pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo Linnaeus, 1753) on ostrich gastrointestinal nematodes in a semiarid region of Paraíba State, Brazil. –
  4. The effectiveness of processed grapefruit-seed extract as an antibacterial agent: II. Mechanism of action and in vitro toxicity. –
  5. Composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of the Brazilian Chenopodium ambrosioides L. –
  6. Fungitoxicity of essential oils against dermatophytes. –
  7. In vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of essential oils of Cymbopogon martini and Chenopodium ambrosioides and their synergism against dermatophytes. –
  8. Effects of aqueous extracts of Mentha piperita L. and Chenopodium ambrosioides L. leaves in infective larvae cultures of gastrointestinal nematodes of goats. –
  9. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of guarana seed extracts – Science
  10. Antibacterial properties of Passiflora foetida L. – a
    common exotic medicinal plant. – Academic
  11. Biological activities of lavender essential oil. –
  12. The antimicrobial activity of high-necrodane and other lavender oils on methicillin-sensitive and -resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA and MRSA). –
  13. Antifungal activity of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil against Candida albicans yeast and mycelial form –