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Considering Home Birth

Recently, a new article about hospital charges has been making the rounds on social media. A family received their bill for the birth of their child. Included in the itemized statement was a $39.35 fee for the mother to hold her baby immediately after his birth with skin-to-skin contact.

The official explanation that is given for charging a mother to hold her child is the need for an extra person to stand beside her to ensure the baby is not dropped (think C-Section cases, drugged up moms, etc.) While this may initially sound reasonable, when the high of finally meeting your little one wears off, that forty dollar charge can take on a different persona.

Skin-to-skin contact is incredibly beneficial for both the mother and baby. It helps baby regulate temperature, increases the odds for a healthy breastfeeding relationship, and reduces postpartum depression. It’s a simple act that could set up a successful mother and baby relationship, but not all hospitals are willing to offer it, even with a charge. That forty dollars is now a symbol of a standard of care that places money and legal liability before patient needs.


So often we are unable to choose whether or not to go to the hospital. Hospitals provide a necessary and important service. For trauma care, there is no better place to be. But is this the case for childbirth?

Yes, hospital deliveries may be the best choice for a woman with a high-risk pregnancy, but home births are a viable option for women who are considered low-risk. Since statistics show the same or better outcomes for home births, what are the benefits from choosing a home birth? What is the downside?

The Upside

When women give birth at home with a trained midwife, they are less likely to experience birth interventions like episiotomies and fetal electronic monitoring. Mothers are less likely to suffer from postpartum hemorrhages, severe perineal tears, and infections. Comparison studies between planned home births and hospital births in countries like Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Netherlands (the industrialized country with the highest percentage of recorded home births) have found that home births compare positively to the hospital outcomes. Fewer births result in C-sections, and the mother’s health is often better.

A home birth also gives the mother more control and comfort in her surroundings. Being in your home where you are able to play the music you want, enjoy food and water at leisure, and chose whatever position is most comfortable and makes the most sense to you during birth can have an enormous impact psychologically and hormonally. Stress hormones can stop or impede a labor. In the hospital that opens the door to increasing amounts of obstetric intervention. Pain and stress that could be gently eased with a hot bath at home can be interpreted as a need for pitocin and increased fetal monitoring, which in turn increases the chances of complications.

Know Your Risks

Yes, home birth can be amazing, but it isn’t all sunshine and roses. Anyone interested in or considering a home birth needs to do their research.

Look at the risks frequently associated with home births and plan scenarios for how you would handle them. Frank discussions with your midwife are a necessity. There is the possibility that things will go wrong, and knowing the fastest route to the hospital can make a big difference in your birth outcome.

But Then That’s Me

I’ve always heard my mother say her her hips were too small, messed up, or weird whenever we talked about her birth experience. She even claims her doctors agreed. I even remember her making a comment (looking back, a wildly inappropriate one) about how my youngest sister had good hips for having kids, but I had inherited hers.

When I told her I was looking into homebirth, she seemed all for it. But then she started making comments about how she wished she could have given birth naturally but her babies were too big. After one discussion with a nurse friend who spends her time “praying for all the dead babies”, my mother spent the rest of my pregnancy frantically trying to talk me out of having a home birth. All I heard from her was a litany of ways my home birth was going to go wrong and how irresponsible my decision was when all that mattered was a healthy baby. Though I’m sure most women experience doubts and fears about home birth, my doubts and fears had taken physical form.

Here’s the kicker. After two healthy home births, I have to admit she was right about one thing – I had inherited her hips. Both of my labors were long and included painful back labor in spite of positioning exercises and various other attempts to avoid it. I had to contort into weird positions to coax the little ones out of the tunnel. I’m left to conclude that it’s just me and my weird ass pelvis. If I were an obstetrician in the hospital, I’d C-section someone like me if only for taking so damn long and refusing to let anyone touch me.

But that’s the problem with the way we currently treat birth in a modern medical setting. We’re no longer doing everything in our power to ensure the best possible emotional and physical outcome for baby and mother. We’re seeing a beautiful moment that has the potential to leave a woman feeling better about her bond with her baby, an act that can help combat post-partum depression, and reducing it to another extra charge on the hospital bill.

I keep thinking back on my children’s births, imagining how badly things could have gone in the hospital, and how glad I am that I chose to give birth at home. My children are perfect. I’m here, happy, healthy and above all empowered. I never participated in a standard of care that would have labeled me as flawed. Unlike my mother, I will not spend the rest of my life apologizing to my kids for my weird hips. As far as I’m concerned, they worked just fine.

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Endangered Pollinators and the Endangered Species Act

This September, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced their proposal to add the rusty patched bumble bee to the endangered species list. It would have been the first bee to be placed on the list. One week later, seven species of yellow–faced bees, native to Hawaii, jumped the line and were awarded the dubious honor.

The Endangered Species Act

Congress passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973. Its purpose is to conserve the ecosystems of endangered and threatened species and to provide conservation programs to protect and restore them.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (overseeing land and freshwater plants and animals) and the National Marines Fisheries Service (overseeing marine wildlife and anadromous fish) administer the ESA.

Five factors are considered when a species is being evaluated:

  1. Damage to, or destruction of, a species’ habitat
  2. Overutilization of the species for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes
  3. Disease or predation (killed by predators)
  4. Inadequacy of existing protection
  5. Other natural or manmade factors that affect the continued existence of the species

When wildlife is listed as endangered it is illegal to “…harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect or attempt to engage in any such conduct.” This includes “…significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding, or sheltering.” – ESA Basics

The goal is to restore a species to the point it no longer requires protection. Recovery plans are written and implemented by the Fish and Wildlife Service with input and assistance from stakeholders including species experts; academia; other Federal, State, and local agencies; Tribes; and nongovernmental organizations.

Who Are the Stakeholders for Bees?

An argument could be made that every human on Earth is a stakeholder in the preservation and restoration of bees. According to the USDA, about 35% of the world’s food crops depends on pollinators for reproduction, and bees are considered our most important pollinators. We need them.

Generally, we think of commercial honeybees when we think of crop pollination. But bees are not our only pollinator. Wasps, birds, beetles, bats, butterflies, moths, ants, and other animals and insects contribute to pollination as well. Honeybees are only responsible for about 14% of crop pollination. Native bees and other insects are responsible for the majority of the work. These wild bees are being eradicated by pesticides, mono cropping, and habitat destruction.

When it comes to protecting the habitat of wild bees, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be battling with stakeholders who will come to the table to support their own interests. Pesticide companies and seed companies (companies that sell seeds coated with neonicotinoid pesticides) will do their best to protect their own interests as will commercial growers who will fight to continue mono cropping practices that are known to be destructive to both the soil and our pollinators. But these are not the only concerns for honey bees. In addition to herbicides, pesticides, mono cropping (which leads to nutritional deficiencies), and habitat destruction, honey bees face the following:

  • 23 different known viruses
  • Parasitic mites
  • Fungal infections
  • Bacterial pathogens
  • Predators (small hive beetles)
  • Chemical exposure (chemicals designed to assist beekeepers have been found to harm the hive)

What Does the Future Hold?

We live in a world with an ever-growing population and a fragile food supply. Climate change and drought are currently affecting crops, and no one knows how this will play out in the years to come. It is said that fewer than 20 crops provide 90% of the world’s food supply, and of that 90% more than half is comprised of 3 crops – maize, rice, and wheat.

We scramble to maintain genetic variety and diversity among these crops to prevent a catastrophic collapse due to blight or a parasitic infection. (Remember Ireland’s potato famine?)

We want to believe new technologies will save the world from starvation. GMOs, new fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, new mono crop farming methods, and factory farming practices to raise livestock are touted as the new way – a means to feed the world. But common sense and careful scrutiny show us these practices will only lead to a bleak and unsustainable future.

Herbicides and pesticides are destroying the soil. Animals raised in inhumane, filthy conditions breed disease. Herbicides and pesticides are one of the causes of leaky gut syndrome, which leads to a host of illnesses including a wide array of autoimmune diseases. GMOs and pesticides are also implicated as a causal factor in autism.

We’ve known that chemicals kill our pollinators for some time. We don’t know a lot about the effects of GMOs on pollinators because they were never appropriately tested. Current studies are being conducted on non-bee insect pollinators. Results are showing the non-bee insects are not as dependent on a natural habitat or semi-natural habitat as bees.

While it is encouraging to know bees are not our only pollinators, we can only hope these non-bee pollinators do not give us an excuse to continue destructive practices that are adding to the demise of bees and other pollinators.

We turn a blind eye to corporate greed that is creating a serious health crisis and using human beings to test their genetically altered creations and glyphosate soaked grains. Those of us who protest are being ignored and labeled as anti-science. Wouldn’t it be amazing if saving the bees leads to saving us as well?

Recommended Reading:

Diatomaceous Earth – Mother Nature’s Secret Weapon: What Is It, How to Use It, Where to Find It

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a powerful, inexpensive solution to most of your health issues. It’s probably the simplest and most straightforward health product out there on the market. It can be used as a beauty product, an internal cleanser, or a deep revitalizer for the whole human body.

There it is—a bit of diatomaceous earth resting at the bottom of my water glass. It might not taste delicious, but its ability to cleanse my body and fill it with sought-after nutrients more than makes up for it.

Where Does DE Come From?

Diatomaceous earth is the waste product of unicellular algae. Over a 30 million year period, it has taken the form of white sedimentary rock that is typically harvested from the bottom of oceans, lakes, and rivers around the globe. After it is harvested and dried, DE is a fine, white dust.

In 1836-1837, Peter Kasten was the first to discover DE while drilling a well in Hausselberg Hill, which is located in Luneburg Heath, Germany. Until the first world war, most of the worldwide production of diatomaceous earth was from this region.

de-diatomaceous-earth-food-gradeThere are a few deposits here in the United-States. In Colorado and in Clark County, Nevada, there are deposits that are up to several hundred meters thick in places.

  • Marine deposits have been worked in the Sisquoc Formation in Santa Barbara County, California near Lompoc and along the Southern California coast.
  • Additional marine deposits have been worked in Maryland,Virginia, Algeria and the MoClay of Denmark.
  • Freshwater lake deposits occur in Nevada,Oregon, Washington, and California.
  • Lake deposits also occur in interglacial lakes in the eastern United States


What Has Diatomaceous Earth Historically Been Used For?

Throughout its history, DE has been used in chemistry labs for various experiments and procedures when filtering very fine particles. Diatomaceous earth is also used in the filtering processes for drinking water. Fish tanks, swimming pools, beer, wine, sugar, syrups, and honey are all filtered in a medium containing DE.

diatomaceous-earth-diatoms-under-a-microscopeThe agriculture field has greatly benefited from this product, as it has been used as an insecticide and pesticide, and it has been used as a soil additive for growing potted plants. It serves as an anti-caking agent in grain storage and livestock feeds and has been used for its mild abrasive qualities in products like toothpaste, metal polishes, and facial scrubs.

What Is Diatomaceous Earth Predominantly Used for and Known for at the Present Time?

The usefulness of diatomaceous earth ranges from an internal one (as a natural medicine or supplement), to a solution you can apply in-and-around the house in order to protect yourself from unwanted vermin. DE, amazingly, can also be made into a beauty product with its special and unique properties highly effective against “aesthetic defects” which tend to appear as Father Time catches up with all of us. Here’s a quick list to showcase its numerous benefits:

  • Help the body function and regenerate itself properly
  • Detox the body and kill parasites
  • Have an attractive and improved physical appearance
  • Kill bugs, ants, fleas, and the like
Related: Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections

#1: To Help the Body Function and Regenerate Itself Properly

DE is very rich in silica (85% of it), a trace mineral vital for bone health, artery health, and almost all vital organs like the liver. We used to be able to get our silica from nutrient-rich foods. Unfortunately, traditional farming methods have depleted the soil and the possibility of filling our needs through traditional I-eat-and-my-body’s-needs-will-be-met has become a somewhat utopian thing of the past. That’s why this white rock has become so fascinating to so many people. Silicon, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron are only a few of the trace-minerals that you’ll find in the white powder, all of which promote bone and muscle growth. People fighting high cholesterol will be satisfied, too, as it’s known to have a regulating effect on cholesterol levels.

#2: To Detox the Body and Kill Parasites

Within a few months of taking diatomaceous earth most will rid the body of  all parasites and most toxic metals as well.

#3: To Have an Attractive and Improved Physical Appearance

Another interesting facet of diatomaceous earth is that it can be used as a fascial mask and exfoliant.

As a matter of fact, when it comes to the skin, it can be used anywhere, and your skin will thank you for it. But it’s not just the skin that can benefit from diatomaceous earth. It’s also your teeth, your hair, your fingernails: all of which will become stronger and healthier over time.

Related: Heal Gum Disease and Cavities Naturally – Step by Step

#4: To Kill Bugs

The benefits of DE truly seem endless at times, and then again there’s still much more to cover. DE is useful against any type of insect infestation you might have in your house. Bugs adapt to conventional pesticides and become immune to their killing agents.  DE works by mechanical action, disrupting their waxy shell, making them more prone to eventual death by dehydration.

DE will also purify any room it has been applied in by detoxifying the ambient air.

Diatomaceous Earth Is Not Profitable to Pharmaceutical Companies

If this product is so great, why haven’t you heard about it before?

The reason most people remain unaware of this earth’s blessing is because of money. It’s as simple as that. Big business and influential pharmaceutical companies, can only profit from a product if they possess the exclusive rights to its merchandising. That certainly won’t happen with diatomaceous earth since the product comes directly from the earth’s soil.

As a result, DE is one of the hundreds of natural alternatives that get overlooked by doctors and pharmaceutical enterprises. People know about it because their friend, their relative, or someone they trust recommended it to them. If something is genuinely helpful to people, it will eventually make itself  known.

Filter grade DE is great for filtering, but should under no circumstances be ingested or inhaled as it’s very dangerous for your health.
Related: Herbs and a Protocol that Eliminates Parasites from the Body

The Difference between Diatomaceous Earth and Any Other Alternative

What makes DE truly stand out though for its aficionados, and therefore makes it an essential addition to any person’s health cabinet, is its “silica-argument.”

Silica is the most important trace-element in human health.” – Dr. Barbara Hendel.

Life cannot exist without silica. Food grade DE is approximately 80-85% silica. When you take into account that most people are silica-deficient, although still holding over 7 grams of the mineral in their bodies (more than any other trace-element, even iron), you begin to understand its importance a bit better.

Issues/Illnesses Where Diatomaceous Earth Has Been Shown to Be Helpful

  • Osteoporosis: As silica helps with the absorption of calcium, taking a silica supplement along with a calcium supplement can effectively offset chronic illnesses like osteoporosis, which are due to chronically depleted calcium stores.
  • Detoxifying the body
  • Losing weight
  • Revitalizing the skin
  • Promoting hair growth
  • As a cough decreasing agent
  • Fighting kidney stones and healing infections of the urinary tract
  • Reducing inflammation in the intestines and stomach
  • Protecting vital lung tissue from pollution and restoring its elasticity
  • Normalizing hemorrhoidal tissue
  • Preventing side-effects of menopause like stress
  • Killing bacteria and parasites

Such a powerful force of action begs the question: how can a product do so much without it hurting the organism?

Related: Holistic Guide to Healing the Endocrine System and Balancing Our Hormones

Diatomaceous Earth Is Completely Safe

For example, DE makes your body bug-free, not with a chemical but by physical action. The hundreds of particles that attack the insect are so small, so microscopic, they cause no harm whatsoever to people or pets. So it’s completely safe to ingest orally, as long as it’s food grade!

Calcined vs. Non-Calcined/Amorphous vs. Crystalline/Food Grade vs. Non-food Grade

Filter grade DE is great for (like the name says it) filtering, but should under no circumstances be ingested or inhaled as it’s very dangerous for your health. This version of the white powder starts by being food grade DE with at about 85% amorphous silica, but then it’s heated to about 1000 degrees. The purpose of this is to make the exoskeletons of the diatoms much harder, which makes for improved filtering properties. The process causes the amorphous silica in DE to turn in to crystalline silica. It’s now called “calcined” diatomaceous earth and is 60% crystalline. The world health organization says DE needs to be less than 2% crystalline silica in order for it to be safe. You don’t want to ingest or inhale this form of DE (though it’s not good to inhale any DE). Also, in order to be considered food grade, the diatomaceous earth (food grade) has to have arsenic levels below 10mg/kg and lead levels below 10mg/kg.

What If I’m Taking Medication?

Reports have been extremely positive with or without medication. DE doesn’t seem to interact at all with pharmaceutical drugs, maybe in part because DE essentially operates through mechanical action only (by tabbing and mangling the little buggers).

Apparently, though, some people experience a rise in energy after taking the powder, a side-effect which has no major consequence, but it might interfere with a goodnight’s sleep. It is advised not to consume any diatomite before going to bed precisely for this reason.

Related: How to Detoxify From Chemotherapy and Repair the Body

So How to Use Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)

#1: Internal Use

  1. First week: 1 teaspoon of DE in a glass of water or favorite juice, first thing in the morning (the body needs time to get used to it).
  2. Week 2, 3, and 4: 1 tablespoon of DE in a glass of water, again, first thing in the morning.

The following is only if you wish to do a full detox or have a parasitic infection 

  1. For the next 3 months, take 2-3 tablespoons of DE every single day.
  2. Stop taking it for one whole month. In other words, you don’t take anything on the fourth month.
  3. Start again with 2-3 tablespoons per day for the next 3 months.

Note: drink a lot of water to help flush out toxic metals and dead parasites out of your system.

#2: External Use

Step 1: Mix diatomaceous earth and some water in a bowl (roughly 1 part DE to 3 parts water).

Step 2: Choose whether you prefer a mask or a facial scrub. If you want a mask, just add more of DE to the mixture. If you want a scrub, just add more water to dilute the solution even more.

Step 3: Whatever you have decided, spread the mixture across your forehead, your nose, your chin, and your cheeks.

Step 4: Leave it on your face for 2-5 minutes, allowing it to dry.

Step 5: Finally, thoroughly wash your face with some water and a wash cloth. And that’s it, my friend. You should be good to go now—your skin, delicately exfoliated by the sweet action of diatomaceous earth.

How to Use Crawling Insect Control Diatomaceous Earth

Crawling Insect Control is a good way to control ants, bedbugs, box elder bugs, carpet beetles, centipedes, crickets, cockroaches, earwigs, fleas, grasshoppers, millipedes, slugs, and silverfish (Never ingest it orally).

You’ll need a hand-duster, power-duster, or other similar means for application.

  • Indoor use: Lightly coat a thin layer of Crawling Insect Control in cracks and crevices; behind and beneath refrigerators, cabinets, stoves, garbage cans; in and around sewer pipes and drains, and window frames; and in attics and basements.
  • Outdoor use: Place in areas around patios, outdoor sills, window and door frames.

Related Reading:

The New GMO Apples – Meet the “Nonbronwing” Arctic Fuji, Granny, and Golden Delicious

Okanagan Specialty Fruits has won approval for its third GM apple, the non-browning Arctic Fuji, also known as the “botox” apple. The U.S. deregulation process for the first two, the Arctic Granny and the Arctic Golden apple, took five years, but the Fuji was approved in a mere eight months. Next, the company plans to seek approval for another GM apple, the Arctic Gala.

Okanagan uses gene silencing biotechnology, “…to turn down the expression of PPO,” which virtually eliminates the production of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO), the enzyme that causes the browning in fruit when apples are sliced, bitten, or bruised.

When Will GM Apples Be Available?

If you live in the Western United States, the Arctic apples may be available in a store near you. The company is said to have prototype packaging with an Artic label and a QR code ready for test marketing in January or February of 2017.

Neal Carter, a bioresource engineer in British Columbia, founded Okanagan Specialty Fruits in 1996, in Summerland, British Columbia.

It’s awesome to think we’re going to be able to do additional Arctic apples and do them this quickly from a regulatory point of view – it’s faster, it cuts down on costs, it’s how we like it,” – Neal Carter,

In the past, flavor-altering chemical additives were typically used to retard browning by the “fresh-sliced” apple processing industry. Carter believes this is what makes Artic apples a better choice.

On our packaging also we speak to the fact it’s preservative free; the fact that Arctic apples will go to market without a preservative treatment like an antioxidant being used with less chemicals being used to treat the apple, more of that apple flavor instead of the antioxidant calcium ascorbate flavor.”

Carter, the creator of the GM apples, is confident the product will “sell itself.” If it doesn’t, we’re confident they’ll do their best to force GM apples onto the consumers.

What’s the Concern?

GM apples are highly controversial. Neither farmers nor consumers seem to want anything to do with GM apples. There have been protests and petitions, media coverage has been mostly negative, and many negative comments have been posted on the company’s website. Even McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Gerber have pledged not to use them.

Despite the controversy,  Artic apples received FDA approval in January 2015 without any independent safety tests or trials.

This whole thing is just another big experiment on humans for no good reason,” – Ronnie Cummins, president of Organic Consumers Association.

“Silencing” the genes that make apples turn brown when exposed to oxygen could have safety issues that will only be realized by hungry consumers. Regular apples turn dark brown when they are bad, as the enzymes do their job. Companies that pre-slice and package apples for other businesses (think sales to airlines, prisons, restaurants, buffets, salad bars, schools, biotech conferences, etc.) are the target market. Pre-sliced apples are often recalled for contamination and other safety reasons. There’s a concern that consumers won’t be aware of contamination or know if the apple they are eating is rotten if it can’t turn brown.

Some have speculated (in online comments) that this kind of gene modification seems much safer than the type Monsanto has become known for that makes plants resistant to massive amounts of Roundup, but “RNA interference,” may have unintended consequences:

This technology uses RNA to silence a target gene, but mounting evidence has shown that meddling with the genes could have unintended effects within the plant and also on organisms that eat the plant. […] The silenced gene is also heavily involved in a plant’s natural defense against pests and pathogens, which could lead to trees that are less healthy than non-GMO apples and rely on more chemical treatments to ward off pests and disease.” – Wenonah Hauter, executive director Food & Water Watch

It’s not just consumers and consumer advocates voicing their concerns. There is concern that the new unlabeled GMO apples may damage the apple industry’s image. The apple is a very trusted, iconic image. Many top apple industry executives and orchard owners have spoken out against GM apples.

Food companies and restaurants, apple growers and growers associations, and consumers don’t want GMO apples. Yet this company is introducing them,” – Ken Roseboro

And then there’s the well-known fear, especially from organic farmers, that genetically modified crops could spread and invade areas where they are not wanted. In response, scientists are working on developing techniques intended to keep GM crops contained (suicide genes). Many of the top apple industry players have already come out against them. They include the Northwest Horticultural Council, which represents Washington apple growers responsible for more than 60% of the U.S. crop, the U.S. Apple Association, and the British Columbia Fruit Growers Association.

As usual, this product only benefits the biotech industry and big food processing companies,” – The Center for Food Safety

How Can We Avoid Them

According to the agriculture publication,, about 1,000 to 1,200, 40-pound boxes of the Arctic Golden GMO apples will be sliced, packaged, and sold in grocery stores in the Western United States in January.

The company will require growers to label the apples as the “Arctic variety,” to be seen as apples are purchased, but no mandatory labeling identifying them as genetically modified will be required. It seems, at least initially, the Artics will be easy to spot. Of course, it may only be a matter of time before GM apples are in all non-organic apple sauce, baby food, apple juice, and other processed apple foods. Or, maybe they will go the way of the Flavr Savr Tomato.

The easiest way to avoid any GMOs is to always buy organic. Also, look for the Non-GMO Project Verified logo.

Non-GMO Project Verified

Avoid pre-sliced apples, which we should do regardless of GM concerns. Obviously, avoid the “Artic” label. And keep up with GMOs. Things change quickly.


AlterNet summed it up best:

After decades of promises from the biotech industry that genetically engineered (GE) food would feed the world, cure the sick, reduce agricultural dependence on toxic chemicals, and save countless crops from imminent collapse, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved a product they think will solve a problem humans have struggled with for centuries… an apple that doesn’t brown when you slice it.  Seriously; we couldn’t make this stuff up.”

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Renewing Health After Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is currently the most common treatment for cancer. While there are many well-researched and less-risky natural treatments available to cancer patients (The Gerson therapy, the Budwig protocol, and many others), the majority ends up choosing chemotherapy. Common reasons for this choice are fear, lack of funds, or lack of information about viable alternative treatments. (If you are newly diagnosed and still have time, I urge you to complete your research in order to make an informed decision).

Those who survive chemotherapy are sent home with little information. They are told the percentage of people who live for five years after remission. They are given a list of other chronic or even life-threatening illnesses they can expect to battle down the road. They are not given information on how to detoxify from the chemicals they were given or how to repair the damage caused by mainstream cancer treatment. They are not even given directions for lifestyle changes to address the original cause of their cancer.

Fortunately, there is a wealth of information out there from natural cancer research clinics and doctors of naturopathic and functional medicine. These practitioners look at the body as a whole. They can help you detox and bring your body to an optimal state of health to prevent a recurrence of cancer or the onset of other diseases.

Detox All of the Organs from the Effects of Chemo

Chemotherapy may easily be the most toxic treatment in modern conventional medicine. During the treatment, patients experience chemo brain (a special type of brain fog), extreme fatigue, nausea and vomiting, weakness, complete loss of appetite, hair loss, and mood swings. The side effects do not end with the end of treatment. The American Cancer Institute warns that long-term effects from the variety of drugs used include: memory issues, poor vision, poor thyroid function, weak bones, inflamed lung tissue, infertility, gum disease, heart disease at a younger age, emotional issues, and the development of other cancers. In children, the lifelong problems may also include behavioral problems and lower IQs. Most of these (and in some cases all of these) side effects can be prevented by eliminating the toxins left behind by chemotherapy.

The main organs to detox, restore and repair are the gut, liver, adrenal glands, and thyroid, plus any organ directly affected by cancer.

Detoxifying and Repairing the Gut

Many doctors say that health starts and ends with the health of the digestive tract or gut. If the gut is not functioning correctly, the body does not get enough nutrients and it is unable to perform normal detoxification on a daily basis. In addition, the immune system is severely compromised. Most of the people who have any type of dysfunction in the body or any chronic condition suffer from poor gut health. Gut health is adversely affected by many medications; it is greatly affected by chemotherapy.

First of all, clean up the diet. Remove all the junk: sugars; gluten; refined flours; GMOs; non-organic meats and dairy; foods that contain preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial colors, MSG or trans fats; commercial oils (such as canola oil); alcohol; tobacco; and coffee.

Replace these foods with fresh, raw organic produce, more vegetables than fruits, and foods that help heal the whole digestive tract: fermented vegetables, organic kefirs, raw dairy, turmeric and ginger, coconut oil, and aloe vera.

A good colon cleanse is a must. Every case and every body is different, and if you have the time and resources, consulting a certified doctor of natural medicine is the best way to find the best option for you. However, you can make your own cleanse at home as well, with no known risks (if you are not allergic to the ingredients).

Josh Axe, a doctor of natural medicine, recommends the following simple cleanse (everything should be organic):

  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp ginger juice
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 cup warm water

Mix all the ingredients together in warm water, and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

More info: Gluten, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases

Bringing the Liver Back Up to Health

If the gut is not functioning properly, our bodies cannot absorb enough nutrition, even from the best quality foods, green juices, and supplements. Healing the gut must come first. Once it is functioning well, other problems can be fixed.

The liver is arguably the hardest hit by chemotherapy. Chemo drugs are so toxic, they may even cause sudden liver failure. To avoid further damage to the liver, the following should be avoided:

  • Alcohol
  • High-sodium junk foods
  • Sugar
  • Red meat (and limit all meat products)

Instead, pack your diet with garlic, green tea, dark green leafy vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, turmeric (with black pepper), and avocados. All of these contain lever-cleansing and liver-building compounds.

As far as detoxing goes, milk thistle is the number one herb for cleansing the liver (as well as the kidneys and gallbladder). It is also recommended for people who have gone through radiation. This herb not only supports the liver with its active ingredient silymarin, it helps prevent cancer and other diseases by increasing glutathione levels. Milk thistle is a master antioxidant. It will help improve skin health, kidney health, brain function, and cholesterol levels. Dr. Axe recommends taking 150 mg 1 to 3 times daily when using it to treat liver dysfunction, 50 to 150 mg daily when using it as a preventative.

More info: Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting - Recipes Included

Rebuilding Adrenal Glands: No More Fatigue

It is common for cancer survivors to experience lifelong adrenal fatigue, which comes in cycles of complete burnout, followed by “feeling better” and increased energy only to have a stronger burnout later on. That is symptomatic of adrenal glands that are exhausted and are working in complete overdrive.

The symptoms of adrenal fatigue are:

  • Always feeling tired and overwhelmed
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Irritability
  • Racing and troubling thoughts
  • Body aches
  • Depression
  • Trouble focusing
  • Hair loss
  • Trouble getting up in the morning

The adrenal glands are responsible for our stress response. Besides the toxic chemo drugs, most cancer patients can burn out the adrenal glands from the overwhelming stress brought on by their diagnosis.

Do everything you can to decrease your stress levels. Get plenty of sleep, eat well, and exercise. Avoid getting stuck on negative thinking and find a way to deal with emotions in a healthy way (meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga are just a few options).

When it comes to a healthy diet for optimal adrenal health, follow the guidelines above and enjoy plenty of cruciferous vegetables, avocados, nuts and seeds, kelp, olives, coconut, and sea salt. Add adrenal-boosting herbs and vitamins to the diet, especially vitamins C, D, and B-complex; magnesium; zinc; fish oil; holy basil; and ashwagandha.

Most importantly, be patient. It can take up to 2 years for adrenals to fully recover.

More info: Holistic Guide to Healing the Endocrine System and Balancing Our Hormones

Restoring Healthy Thyroid Function

Thyroid and adrenal glands are most often linked when it comes to health. If one is not functioning properly, the other is likely struggling as well. The thyroid is also easily damaged by stress and toxins, and adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) often go hand in hand.

When the thyroid is not functioning properly, you can develop hypothyroidism, when the thyroid is not producing enough hormones (often leading to fatigue and weight gain), or hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid is producing too much of the thyroid hormones (often leading to insomnia, weight loss, and muscle weakness).

Whether it is hypo or hyperthyroidism, thyroid-nourishing supplements can be used to help heal the thyroid and help regulate its function. B vitamins are the main vitamin for thyroid health. Selenium improves general thyroid function, and ashwagandha helps with stress.

More info: Hypothyroidism - Natural Remedies, Causes, and How To Heal the Thyroid

Foods that Help Prevent Cancer

Many foods from the above categories that need to be avoided and need to be added are the same for every organ. Fortunately, the lists are also similar for general cancer prevention, so you can adapt one diet that helps your whole body rebuilt itself while preventing cancer at the same time. The basic rule is to stop eating all processed foods. Your diet should consist of 80% raw, fresh, whole, organic produce. Foods that are beneficial for almost everyone (apart from people who have specific allergies or rare conditions) are:

  • Leafy dark green vegetables: kale, spinach, etc.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc.
  • Berries: blueberries, goji berries, camu camu
  • Fresh herbs: turmeric, garlic, oregano, cilantro, basil
  • Raw and cultured milk products: raw milk, kefirs
  • Nuts and seeds: chia, flaxseeds, hemp, sesame seeds (soaked before eating to release enzyme inhibitors)
  • Healthy oils: coconut, flax, and extra virgin olive oil
  • Herbal teas: green matcha, dandelion, chamomile

Besides eating well, it is also crucial to take care of your physical and emotional health.

Also: How to Use Turmeric to Kill Cancer

Other Lifestyle Changes: Physical and Emotional Health

When it comes to physical health, it is not the strength of the muscles that is the concern but preventing stagnation in the body tissues. Going to the gym and lifting weights every day does not do much for overall health. A healthy body needs good circulation, flexibility, and a type of physical exercises that addresses every part of it. Yoga has repeatedly been proven to be one of the best options. Yoga poses address the whole body and are gentle enough for anyone, regardless of age or health. There is even chair yoga for people with movement restrictions. Tai Chi and Qigong are other gentle exercises that address whole body health and proper breathing.

In addition to exercising, add the following to your regular routine:

  • Dry skin brushing (aids the lymphatic system)
  • Hot/cold hydrotherapy (aids the circulatory system)
  • Epsom salts baths (cleanses and detoxifies and the body absorbs magnesium)

While taking care of physical health, it is important to remember to address emotional health as well. If the mind focuses on fear of cancer or feeling traumatized by the cancer experience, stress will prevent healing and the body’s return to its optimal state. If you decide to seek professional help, be selective in your choice of a therapist. Look for someone who will help you let go of the trauma you have endured, not dwell on it. You are not your cancer. You are not a victim. Find a therapist who can help you feel empowered and help you let go to make cancer a thing of the past. Emotional Freedom Technique is one example of a therapeutic modality that may help.

Speaking of making it your past, Dr. Richard Schulze adds a curious protocol to his healing – get rid of 1/3 of what you own. While the number is not important, here is what is: people “collect” bad memories and tokens of the past as if they were valuable. For example, many people keep mementos such as old wigs used during hair loss, photos of the hospital,  clothes worn on the day of the surgery, etc. Get rid of any item that reminds you of what you just went through. Both the body and the mind react each time you look at something that reminds you of a traumatic time.


While chemotherapy is extremely toxic, there is no need to focus on fears of the lifelong health effects it may have. Instead, focus on healing. It is possible to bring the body back to health – or at the very least, significantly reduce the aftereffects. Find a doctor of natural medicine who is knowledgeable and has a positive outlook to help guide you, and listen to your body’s needs. Our bodies have an enormous capacity to heal. Let the mainstream doctors call it “spontaneous recovery” or “a miracle.” A body is a miraculous creation, but staying healthy is not. Follow the healthy diet, detox from toxins, and keep your mind positive. You will be surprised what positive effects this will have on your heath and your life.

Recommended Reading:

Charlo Greene – Cannabis Hero Faces Possible 54-Year Prison Term

Is She Targeted to Be Mary Jane’s Martyred Sister?

Alaska was the first state in the union to pass a law legalizing the use of marijuana. In the 1970s, a law was passed authoring in-home use. In 1998, a law was passed pertaining to medical use. In 2014, a law was passed making Alaska the third state in the union to legalize recreational use.

…the prosecutor blatantly lied to the grand jury, telling them that the Alaska Cannabis Club was a sole proprietorship, so there was no corporate liability shield.

The latest law legalized the manufacture, sale, and possession of marijuana. One would think Alaska was through with prosecuting its citizens for the possession or sale of marijuana. Tell that to Charlo Greene, president and CEO of the Alaska Cannabis Club who faces a possible 54-year prison term for 14 counts related to the sale of marijuana.

Greene, the registered owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, is a former on-air reporter for KTVA news. While airing a news report about the Alaska Cannabis Club on September 22, 2014, she identified herself as its owner and dramatically quit her job, saying, “Everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska. And as for this job, well, fuck it. I have a choice but, fuck it, I quit.” She then walked off camera leaving a co-worker to stumble through apologies.

This event took place just weeks before the 2014 vote on legalization. Green believes the viral video helped bring in the 53% win for recreational legalization. The Alaska Cannabis Club was raided well after the law took effect.

Although Alaska passed laws legalizing the use and sale of marijuana, regulations and licensing for its sale lagged behind. Currently, the state has approved 83 licenses, 17 of which are for retail businesses. The first retail stores are scheduled to open in November 2016, two years after the final legalization law passed – 40 + years after the first law legalizing its use.

The Associated Press quoted Greene as saying, “We don’t sell any recreational marijuana. We don’t sell any medical marijuana. This is a place for cardholders to come and share their own cannabis.” It is unclear how the club worked and Greene declined to explain the details. Knowing how the “justice system” works due to our own experience, we can certainly support her decision to keep the details to herself prior to her day in court.

In September of 2015, Greene was charged with 8 counts, which could bring a total of 24 years in prison. She listed them as follows:

  • 4 felonies: each carrying a potential 5-year term
  • 4 misdemeanors: each carrying a year each
  • All of the charges are for possessing small amounts cannabis
  • All of the charges and allegations were made after Alaska legalized cannabis.

Since that time, her charges have changed, and not for the better. On September 29, she made the following post on her Facebook page: “I just found out I’m facing an additional 6 felonies – 30 more years. That <sic> 54 years in prison for a plant. Aaaaand the attorney I paid to handle my case, who’s been working it for the last year, just let me know she’s quitting to join the prosecution and not giving me back any of the money she was paid to finish my case.”

The lawyer who is now working for the district attorney’s office, was the 4th lawyer Greene has hired to represent her for these charges.

The following is the timeline of events according to Greene:

  • Alaska Cannabis Club was created on April 20, 2014
  • Incorporation papers were filed on May 4, 2014
  • November 4 of 2014, Alaska legalized recreational use of marijuana
  • September 22, 2014, Greene made “fuck it” speech on air, quitting her job
  • February 24, 2015, Alaska’s new law legalizing recreational use took effect
  • March 20, 2015, Anchorage Police Department (APD) made their first raid on the Alaska Cannabis Club
  • August 20, 2015, APD again raided the Alaska Cannabis Club
  • September 2015, initial charges
  • September 29, 2016,  new additional charges
  • February 26, 2016,  arrested at Canadian Border for alleged marijuana residue in purse

In a video, Ms. Greene states, “Each time the officers acted outside of the scope of the warrant, conducting unlawful body searches on patients, threatening all patients and club volunteers with arrest if they didn’t consent to taking mug shot-like photos on the scene, destroying cameras, seizing vehicles not included in the warrant, and not leaving the lawfully required notice behind. “

“What’s more, in order to secure the ten felonies and four misdemeanors I was charged with for creating the Alaska Cannabis Club, the prosecutor blatantly lied to the grand jury, telling them that the Alaska Cannabis Club was a sole proprietorship, so there was no corporate liability shield.”

Meanwhile, another previous shop owner who was previously prosecuted claims that 6 months in prison, 6 months of in-home detention, and 1 year of probation has become the common sentence handed down for these cases in Alaska. Why are they throwing the book at Greene?

On February 25, 2016, Greene was detained and strip-searched at the Canadian border. Customs officials allegedly found marijuana residue mixed with lint at the bottom of her purse. She was charged with “suspicion of smuggling marijuana residue” and sent back to the United States after being held in customs for 9 hours. Charges were dropped, but entry to Canada was denied on this and on a later occasion.

Green’s Cannabis Freedom Fund has raised a mere $2,806 dollars from 80 contributors in 16 days. She fought back tears in her video when she disclosed that of the 4,000 medical marijuana card holders her club serviced, only one stood up for her in court. (Click on the link above to make a donation.)

Where is the financial and emotional support for this woman who was awarded the High Times Courage in Media Award, a woman Elle identified as one of the “13 Most Potent Women in the Pot Industry”? A woman who stuck her neck out to help others when her state was failing to deliver the promise they made when they legalized marijuana use for medical purposes? A state that has now legalized it for recreational purposes?

It is time for a smart, savvy lawyer to step up and defend this young woman. It is time we rally around and give her our support. And it is well past time we repeal every ridiculous law criminalizing the use, possession, and sale of marijuana.

Recommended Reading:


Sleep More, Sleep Better

Sleep deprivation is responsible for an estimated 100,000 car accidents every year. This equates to an average of 1,550 deaths and 71,000 injuries. It has been linked to such disasters as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant blow-up, the Challenger space shuttle explosion, devastating oil spills in the ocean, and commercial airline crashes.

Sleep is non-negotiable. It’s an integral component of health, wellness, and basic functionality. Our bodies rely on this sacred time to heal, assimilate nutrition, and decode the subconscious. Yet, so many of our daily habits sabotage the integrity of this essential ritual and the natural balance of melatonin, serotonin, and cortisol.

The loss of a single night’s sleep will have a negative effect on mental clarity, work efficiency, and physical capability. It can even obscure your brain’s ability to articulate ideas and its decision-making faculties. Long-running sleep deficiency is linked to increased systemic inflammation and hormone dysregulation. These, in turn, can be the catalyst for disease, dysfunction, and chronic illness.

A lack of sleep is associated with, but not limited to:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Immunity suppression
  • Libido reduction
  • Decreased fertility
  • Stress
  • Premature aging

The solution: sleep more, sleep better. Sleep is a vital function your body is desperate to experience at regular intervals. Let yourself steep in the optimal rest your body craves so it can thrive every single day.

By employing some simple strategies, you can dramatically improve both the quality and quantity of your shut-eye. Let sleep do the work, so you don’t have to.


The average person spends roughly 25-30% of their life in bed. Though we often give much consideration to the plush design and comfort of our clothing, cars, and couches, the way we equip our beds tends to be sorely lacking. However, given the crucial role sleep plays, it is absolutely worth spending the time and effort getting the details right. Your health literally depends on it.

What to Look For

Mattresses, Pillows, and Padding

Over the course of ten years, a mattress can double its weight due to the accumulation of  dead skin cells and dust mites! Opt for a 100% natural latex-filled mattress. They are antimicrobial, antibacterial, dust mite free, and they inhibit the growth of mold and mildew.

According to materials published by Ohio State University, a typical used mattress may have 100,000 to 10 million mites inside. Ten percent of the weight of a two-year-old pillow can be composed of dead mites and their droppings. Mites prefer warm, moist surroundings such as the inside of a mattress when someone is on it. One of their favorite foods is dead skin, and people shed about one-fifth of an ounce of the stuff every week, some of which surely ends up flaking into your mattress.” -Live Science

Conventional mattresses are full of harmful chemicals and fire retardants – up to 4 ½  gallons per mattress! Modern beds are rife with petroleum based foams, synthetic substances, and toxic industrial byproducts.

[…]  the chemicals in a mattress can be a big source of exposure and have been linked to problems like allergies, asthma, fertility problems/hormone imbalance and even autism in sensitive individuals.“ -Wellness Mama

With all natural mattresses and bedding (trusted source), you don’t want to skimp on quality. Check for legitimate organic certifications, check into the businesses, and be wary of labels that tout “all natural materials,” as these labels are not reliable.  There are some very nice, high quality all natural mattresses labeled as such, but there are also many more brands using the label meaninglessly.


You can produce up to 26 gallons of sweat per year – while sleeping! Going for organic, chemical-free linens will help with this issue by absorbing and dispersing that moisture. Wool stuffing, cotton, and silk bedding are excellent choices that provide both lasting comfort and hygiene. These materials optimize body temperature and prevent sweating. Avoid down filled pillows and duvets, as they are prone to mold and dust mites, which add an average of 7 lbs per year in mite droppings and debris!

Grounding/Earthing Mat

Earthing is credited with everything from lowered blood pressure and reduced pain and inflammation to an increased quality of sleep, allowing you to feel calmer and more energetic.

Earthing can be accomplished by connecting your body to the ground or a natural body of water (think sitting in the park, taking your shoes off outside, playing on the beach), but for many, it is a difficult practice to do every day. Grounding mats provide a convenient way of connecting to the many benefits of earthing for those who cannot incorporate daily doses of rivers and tree climbing into their routine.

Grounding restores the healing energy that can get depleted through modern lifestyles, over exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) sources, and a lack of connection to nature. Various sizes and shapes of mats are available, from those that fit comfortably into your shoes or on your desk chair, to sheets that you sleep on.

Your Room

The second factor to consider when developing better sleeping habits is your room. Even the softest organic cotton sheets aren’t going to mean much if you’re setting up camp in the middle of Grand Central Station. Calm it down and create a gentle ambiance that balances your cycles and rhythms of sleep, making the most out of your shut-eye hours.

How to Create an Amazing Sleep Space/Sanctuary

Feng Shui

Implement a little ancient Chinese wisdom in the form of Feng Shui. This practice is all about creating a sense of energy balance and flow that will calm the senses and encourage restfulness in your temple of sleep.

Disconnect from Technology

The blue light emitted by most modern bulbs, electrical appliances, and devices is extremely disruptive to our circadian rhythms. Avoid watching TV or using phones, tablets, and computers for 90 minutes before bed.

Fill your home and bedroom with warm light sources. Bulbs that give off yellow, orange, or red tones send signals to your brain that it is time to wind down.

Use light filtering glasses with orange lenses to reduce the effect of blue light exposure or try the free computer app f.lux that warms the light of your screen. By sunset, a sedating copper filter ensures easy night viewing.

Declutter and Make it Sacred

If a pile of unmatched socks, old magazines, and the looming treadmill are the last thing you see before tucking yourself in, the physical clutter will amount to mental clutter. This is never a winning sleep formula.

Fire up the Feng Shui to keep your to-do list out of sight by making your bedroom a sacred space. Don’t let chores and projects spill into it. Remove anything that activates your mind away from a resting state. Books, paperwork, exercise equipment and anything that stimulates a stress response should be removed.

House Plants

Thriving green life in your bedroom naturally and efficiently filters and detoxifies the air, reducing the impact any disruptive chemicals may have on your sleep cycles.

Plants have a calming effect on the nervous system that promotes a sense of well-being. This is beneficial both upon waking and before turning in for the night.

Air Flow

Opening windows is the simplest and most effective way to introduce a fresh, de-ionized airflow into your room and house, creating a rejuvenating breathing environment.

Positive pressure systems can provide a non-intrusive solution to managing humid climates and preventing toxic mold accumulation.

Plenty of open space above and below the bed allows clean, replenishing air to circulate and prevent mold and dust build up.

Light Balance

Sleeping in darkness is essential for balancing circadian rhythms. Light pollution disrupts sleep, particularly in an urban environment. Black out curtains reduce exposure to artificial sources of light. The cumulative effect of small (often blinking) lights from electronic devices in your bedroom can add up. Remove devices from your bedroom (alarm clocks, phones, night-lights, chargers, etc.) or use dark electrical tape to cover the lights.

Conversely, sunlight exposure early in the morning increases cortisol production and helps regulate circadian rhythms. Open those curtains wide straight away! Getting outside during the day, even if it’s only for a short lunchtime walk, dramatically increases circadian balance and melatonin production later in the day.


This is a popular topic of discussion (or disagreement) between men and women, but stats show that the optimal temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. If you start decreasing the temperature a little before the PJs come out, you’ll send signals to your brain and body that it’s time for bed.

A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can significantly interfere with quality REM sleep. Make sure you have the best bedding to help regulate body temperature. Try natural fabrics that breathe properly for the your climate you’re in.


Carpets contain around 4,000 times more bacteria than your toilet. Additionally, they can be horribly toxic to humans and have a terrible impact on the environment, both through their production and disposal. Like conventional bed linens, synthetic carpets are petroleum based and laden with chemicals such as fire retardants.

Dust, dust mites (and their droppings!), moisture, and mold all accumulate in carpets. Opt instead for non-toxic, environmentally sustainable carpets and floor coverings. Better yet, remove carpets altogether and choose natural wood or stone flooring. If finances are a limiting factor, consider eco-friendly linoleum options.

Bright Colors in Room

Surround yourself with color and stimulate your nervous system with a bright pallet to welcome yourself awake. Striking up your senses in the morning helps to regulate your cortisol, the wake-up and activate hormone.

Always choose low VOC, organic, or water based paints to maintain low toxicity in your home.

Your Body

Sleep can also be deeply affected by what we put into our bodies. Take care to notice where these sneaky substances are cropping up, as some are much more obvious than others.

Both stimulants and depressants can disrupt sleep. Investigate, minimize, or eliminate the following for best dream-catching:

  • Caffeine
  • Nicotine
  • Sugar
  • Energy Drinks
  • Alcohol
  • THC/marijuana
  • Prescription medication
  • Over the counter drugs

Anyone suffering from regular insomnia should work on detoxifying the home, and balancing the body’s hormones. If the gut isn’t healthy, the endocrine system won’t be healthy, the body will not sleep well. It takes energy to sleep and to heal while we sleep. Check out Healing the Endocrine System and Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases, and also see How Negative Ions and Positive Ions Affect our Health (click on the image).

Final Thoughts

Sleep is not a peripheral adjunct to a healthy existence; it is the lifeblood. It’s time to overcome the modern model of perpetual exhaustion and rebuild the ritual of sleep. Adopt conscientious strategies and revitalize your waking life.

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