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Author: Mathews McGarry - Organic Lifestyle Magazine Author: Mathews McGarry - Organic Lifestyle Magazine

The Truth About Obesity and Physical Activity

You have probably heard the good, old mantra – it is not food that is making you fat, it is the chronic lack of physical activity. In some cases, the adage is true: you cannot expect to lose weight unless you get up and start working out. Unfortunately, tough trainings alone will not get you far on your slimming path because excess weight and obesity cannot be always pegged on sedentary lifestyle alone. Hormones, diet, gender, age, genes, and certain medical conditions also play an important role when it comes to the figures on the scale, and there are numerous science-based facts to support this.

Health Issues and Medications Can Trigger Obesity

Although scientists have not yet figured out all of the complex connections between body mass and hormones, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) was found to be a factor in obesity and chronic weight issues. Around 50% of women diagnosed with PCOS are either overweight or obese, and some studies show that 70% of them suffer from insulin resistance, a condition that also contributes to weight gain. Other health issues hiding behind the obesity label include Cushing’s disease (a condition characterized by the excess production of cortisol in the adrenal glands) and hypothyroidism (an insufficient production of the thyroid hormone by the thyroid glands). Depression and disruption of sleep cycles can also fuel an existing weight problem, but medications used to remedy them do not always promise hope. In fact, some drugs can even trigger weight gain.

Certain Medications Can Contribute to Weight Gain

The list of medications linked to unwarranted weight gain and obesity includes certain antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antihistamines, oral contraceptives, a few diabetes and high blood pressure medications, and most corticosteroids. This is bad news for both patients with chronic disorders and the pharmaceutical industry, but it is true: treating one problem can impact the development of another health issue, especially in terms of body mass. In these cases, physical activity can promote weight loss, but trainings alone will not be an effective remedy for obese and overweight persons whose primary cause of body mass problems is concealed behind pharmaceutical products and not just a sedentary lifestyle and an improper diet.

No Amount of Physical Activity Can Burn Thousands of Calories

We all know that habitual consumption of starchy foods, sweets, and too much trans fat inevitably shows in the belly area – but workouts are not a sufficient lifestyle change to reduce waistline inches. Do not fool yourself. According to the simple laws of physics, the more empty calories you eat, the chunkier you will be, and no amount of training will produce a visible effect without long-term dietary adjustments. Our bodies are intelligent mechanisms; they use fuel obtained through food for everyday activities, and store extra calories as fat for a rainy (i.e. foodless) day. This means that overweight and obese people (those of us with more than 20% weight than is considered ideal for our build, age, and gender) have surplus energy accumulated as fat, and they need to burn it off. Admittedly, you cannot starve for days and weeks on end so that your body could shed all the built-up fat – but what you can do is watch your daily calorie intake and swap foods that promote weight gain for figure-friendly alternatives. Of course, an odd cheat day is okay as it can help keep leptin levels and your dieting motivation in check, but bear in mind that cheat days occur usually once a week, not every time you feel sad, lonely, or bored.

Heredity Is a Force to Be Reckoned With

Some people use genetics as an excuse to justify their extra pounds, but heredity is not just a phrase to be thrown around lightly. Although their share in the total obesity count is relatively limited, certain hereditary conditions such as Prader-Willi syndrome can in fact be a major stumbling block on the quest for a lean figure. Certain studies note that heritability estimates for corpulence are surprisingly high (typically >0.70), as four genes in the human DNA (MC4R, PCSK1, POMC and BDNF) are responsible for monogenic and polygenic obesity. In addition to that, defects in eight genes have been linked to appetite regulation disorders, and there are also scientific studies that argue weight and body shape can be influenced by as many as 97 different gene variants. Although training can help with the fat-to-muscle ratio, certain genetic factors can get in the way of weight loss success and cause persistent chubbiness in spite of everyday workouts and an active lifestyle.

Although exercising is inextricable from increased muscle mass, weight loss, and a slender shape, it will produce little or no results unless other long-term factors that contribute to your weight problems are tackled as well. This means that you should run medical tests and establish the real reason behind your chubby looks, such as a lack of hormonal balance, insulin resistance, heredity, or simply one too many trips to the cookie jar.

Recommended Reading:

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs – What’s the Difference?

You have probably heard that carbs are bad for both your health and your figure. Most weight loss diets advocate reducing carb intake, but since carbohydrates are important for seamless functioning of the human body, their role as a primary energy source should not be overlooked even if you have a good few extra waistline inches. That is why knowing the difference between good carbs and bad carbs is essential for good health – and a sexy shape as well. Here are some major differences between the two types of carbohydrates to help you structure your diet in order to maximize the health benefits of every single bite.

Structure of Simple vs. Complex Carbs

The main difference between good and bad carbs is found in their chemical makeup. Bad carbs are also known as simple sugars, and the name itself points to their less complex molecular structure and therefore, easier and faster digestion. Unlike simple carbs, good carbohydrates consist of longer chains of sugar molecules that take more time for the human organism to digest.

Sources of Good vs. Bad Carbs

Simple carbs are usually found in processed food such as refined sugar, sodas, artificial syrups, candies, pastries, white bread, white rice, pies, cookies, cakes and other additionally sweetened foods. Complex carbs, on the other hand, have a lower glycemic load, which points to their lower but more consistent energy release.  They are normally found in natural, fiber-packed food such as brown rice, whole grain bread, oatmeal, peas, beans, lentils, fruit, seeds and nuts, soybeans, skimmed milk, and low-fat yoghurt.

Effects of Intake of Simple vs. Complex Carbs

Due to their faster molecular breakdown, simple carbs lead to quick energy boosts and improved focus, but these positive effects are short-lived and wear off within an hour or so. Not so with complex carbs. Due to their slower digestion, good carbs may not produce an instant energy spike, but they do provide lasting energy and keep you full for longer periods of time.

Vitamin and Mineral Content Makes a Difference

Unlike complex carbs, simple sugars have low or no nutritive value because they do not contain vitamins, minerals or phytochemicals necessary for normal bodily functioning. That is why simple sugars are often termed “empty calories” – they have nothing except fast energy that your body could use. Complex carbs normally go hand in hand with fiber, vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients, so their effect is twofold: they provide energy and other aspects of nourishment that living cells need to function.

Simple Carbs Can Contribute To Development of Health Problems

Since simple sugars contain few or no nutrients other than instantly available energy, a diet high in simple carbs can play a significant role in the development of various health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and obesity. On the other hand, complex carbs contain both energy and beneficial nutrients, which is why diets focusing on complex carbs accompanied by high fiber, minerals and vitamins are considered healthier than those that rely on refined sugar and products with added sugar.

Simple Sugars Can Be Good in Some Circumstances

Although most nutritionists swear by complex carbs, there are certain times when simple sugars can be extremely useful. For instance, foods high in simple carbs can be a great post-workout meal for professional athletes as the muscles require extra energy for repair and recovery after periods of intense physical activity.  Most runners and other endurance athletes use industrial-made snacks during matches and marathons. The body needs more easily digestible fuel to function during intervals of added physical strain, so an energy bar with high quantities of simple sugar will produce positive effects on overall performance.

Desserts Can Contain Complex Carbs, Too

Do not write off all desserts as bad for your health just because they have a sugary taste. In fact, various homemade sweets can pack good carbohydrates, too. For example, protein gingersnaps, baked oatmeal cups, and chocolate-coated desserts packed with fiber and fresh fruit are a healthier alternative to donuts, regular ice cream, and cheese cake. To maximize health benefits of your sweet snacks, prepare desserts with sweet, fiber-packed natural ingredients such as fruit, pumpkin, squash, or potato, without the use of processed sugar. Carbohydrates are a necessary part of the human diet and the body uses them to generate energy, repair, grow, and recover from periods of strain.

A diet low in carbohydrates can result in fatigue, weakness, and susceptibility to infections and viruses as well as prolonged healing and recuperation. That is why you should not write off all carbs as an enemy, rather, restrict intake of simple sugars, make sure your energy comes from raw or at least natural and not industrial sources, and enrich your diet with ingredients that pack complex carbs, fiber, vitamins, and minerals instead of monosaccharides, and you will stay healthy, slim, happy and well-nourished in the long run.

Recommended Reading:

Symptoms and Signs of Gluten Intolerance

If you have celiac disease, gluten will damage your body. Even a tiny crouton will set off a chain reaction causing your immune system to go into defensive mode and start damaging the small intestine. According to Holly Strawbridge of Harvard Health, this reaction can “…interfere with the absorption of nutrients from the food, cause a host of symptoms, and lead to other problems like osteoporosis, infertility, nerve damage, and seizures.”

Many people don’t know they are sensitive to gluten or that their health problems are directly related to gluten consumption. The world’s #1 tennis player, Novak Djokovic, changed his entire diet during his career. By eliminating gluten, he experienced a drastic physical and mental change. His energy and concentration skyrocketed, which influenced his abilities on the court, helping him reach the top of his game.

So what are the symptoms and signs of gluten intolerance?

  1. Depression and anxiety. Symptoms include a feeling of hopelessness, loss of appetite, anger, sleep deprivation, lack of interest and energy, inability to relax, heart racing, chest pains and other psychosomatic symptoms. Medication is sometimes required to fight off the persistent imbalances, but once gluten is removed from the diet, this mental condition may be resolved.
  2. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This disorder affects both kids and adults. When on a gluten-free diet, you’ll get your kid focused and sitting in one place much easier than before.
  3. Fatigue and brain fog. It can be quite debilitating not to be able to think straight, but not every sense of disconnection originates from the head. A 2002 study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry found that there may be significant cross reactivity of IgG (immunoglobulin G) antibodies to gluten and other different antibodies that could result in mental fogginess.
  4. Autoimmune diseases. Gluten sensitivity can contribute to development of other diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma or multiple sclerosis among many other.
  5. Digestive issues. Gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation are usually the culprits. Also, constipation may occur in children after gluten consumption, an obvious indication that they cannot tolerate it.
  6. Low immunity. Our bodies have IgA, a class of antibodies that are found in our saliva, tears, and sometimes in our blood and gastrointestinal tract. These antibodies are the first line of defense against any disease, but gluten can diminish their level and consequently make you prone to other illnesses. If you want to stay healthy, stay away from gluten.
  7. Hormone imbalance. This protein can cause menstrual irregularities, weight gain or loss, low energy, hot flashes and more. Once women with gluten sensitivity reach pre-menopause, the ovarian output of sex hormones (progesterone and estrogen) drops and serious problems start to reveal themselves. The adrenal gland starts working like crazy causing unstable blood sugar, gastrointestinal tract inflammation, increase in fatigue, as well as body fat and unstable mood swings.
  8. Migraine headaches. Millions of people around the world suffer from this condition. Not all causes are linked to gluten; however, if you free yourself of this protein, you may find it was the cause of yours.
  9. Body issues. Your teeth, bones, skin, joints and muscles can also be affected by gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease. As soon as you do an elimination diet, you can determine if gluten is the main cause of such ailments. It may take some time, but once you have the diagnosis, you can immediately start treating yourself and discover other delicious dishes that help heal and restore balance to your body and mind.

If you have a gluten sensitivity, do your research. You will need to be vigilant in avoiding obvious as well as hidden sources of gluten. Although this will cut many grains and many processed foods out of your diet, gluten free foods are becoming more popular.

Suggested Reading:

The Role of Supplements in Bodybuilding

In a nutshell, dietary supplements help us get all the necessary nutrients needed for building lean muscle mass. When combined with a good diet, they can improve your training performance and results. However, there are some big truths and even bigger lies about supplements. While experts agree that vitamin or mineral supplementation is beneficial in our diets, they also point out that they are supplements, not replacements, and that they should fill in the nutrient gaps, not take over our diet.

Secondly, supplements are of little use if you don’t push hard in the gym. The same goes if you are feasting and overeating three times a day. In other words, you should make everything else right before supplements enter the scene. This includes regular training, proper diet, and enough recovery period and sleep.

Dietary Supplements, Supplement Food

Dietary supplements are not designed as a substitute for food. They simply cannot replace all the nutrients that whole foods contain. They can patch nutrient holes here and there, but the true power lies on the plate, not in the powder. There’s no doubt that whole foods are the best source of nutrients, as they contain phytochemicals, fibers, and other elements that contribute to good health. They simply cannot be simulated with a pill or a supplement powder.

Supplements and Health

Supplementation is a great way of boosting nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, which modern lifestyle and popular foods often fail to contain. In this case, vitamin and mineral supplements are helping the body alleviate nutrient deficiency and reduce the risk of chronic medical conditions. And while it’s true that you can build a good body based on proper diet like guys did back in the 50, it’s much more time consuming, and it requires regular tours to the supermarket. For bodybuilders, supplements are the more convenient way of ingesting enough muscle-building nutrients.


Fiber has many advantages in maintaining normal cholesterol levels. It regulates the amount of cholesterol our body absorbs from food. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes are natural sources of fiber. And while, as always, it’s better to ingest fibers directly from food, you can enhance fiber intake by 25 to 30g of fibers from supplements. Psyllium husk, which is a common ingredient in fiber supplements, is known to reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol while raising good HDL cholesterol.


The role of creatine monohydrate supplements is to boost the creatine level in you muscle tissue. The level of creatine phosphate in muscles is directly related to the amount of weight you can lift and your ability to perform short-term maximum strength reps. High-intensity anaerobic workout performance can be increased by creatine supplementation.


This amino acid makes up over 61% of your skeletal muscle. Its benefits include improving immune function, which is crucial for athletes in high-intensity training. It was also shown that glutamine may prevent muscle catabolism. Glutamine supplements are believed to boost the amount of growth hormone levels.


The group of branch chained amino acids consists of valine, leucine, and iso-leucine. These amino acids are compounds that your body cannot generate, so their level must be increased through diet and supplements like casein protein. Not only has BCAA supplementation shown better results in gaining strength and muscle mass, but it is also essential for energy production during workouts, while reducing post-exercise muscle soreness.

Editor’s Note:

Creatine is hard on the kidneys. There’s much debate about this, but it’s a fact. This is why creatine is known to cause flatulence. Do not take creatine if you have any kidney related health issues. Other supplements commonly taken by body builders are typically acidic and toxic to the body, but the supplements mentioned above can be purchased from qaulity companies. I recommend you avoid bodybuilding supplements from body building companies.

Also, when body building, be sure to eat an alkaline diet. No matter how much protein you feel you need, if you’re eating an acidic diet full of refined foods and factory farmed meats, your body will stay sore longer. Speed up recovery time by eating a diet that is balanced with lots of produce and healthy fats. When the body is healthy, bodybuilding is easier and much more beneficial for overall health.

Recommended Supplements:


Further Reading: