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Month: October 2015 - Organic Lifestyle Magazine Month: October 2015 - Organic Lifestyle Magazine

Four Easy Ways to Improve Your Thyroid Function

If your thyroid isn’t working well, you can improve your thyroid function with diet. Of course, the optimal way to fix any health problem is to eat raw, organic produce. These types of foods help the body heal. If you’re specifically concerned about your thyroid, there are a number of easy, simple steps you can take to help it heal.

Eat the Right Foods

Certain foods help support thyroid function. Look for foods that are high in selenium and iodine. Good sources of iodine include meat, seafood, yogurt, milk, and eggs as well as seaweed, blackstrap molasses, navy beans, cranberries, and Himalayan salt. Good sources of selenium include organic meats, seafood, Brazil nuts, and shiitake/white button mushrooms as well as lima/pinto beans, chia seeds, broccoli, cabbage, and spinach.

Get the Right Supplements

Being deficient in some vitamins can inhibit thyroid function. If your body is low in vitamin B12, vitamin A, or vitamin D, your thyroid will show down its production of thyroid hormones. If your body is low in vitamin A, your levels of thyroid hormones will drop quickly. By supplementing with natural sources of these vitamins, you can help your thyroid function as well as possible. With B12, it is best to take a B vitamin complex that has extra vitamin B12 instead of taking vitamin B12 alone.

Avoid the Wrong Foods and Drinks

There are a number of foods and beverages that are important to avoid if you have thyroid issues. Consuming these substances aggravate your thyroid problems. Caffeine, and more specifically coffee, can inhibit your thyroid from producing thyroid hormones at optimal levels. Unfermented soy is a known endocrine disrupter, and as such, it will inhibit the proper function of your thyroid. Other foods that cause thyroid issues are foods that contain gluten. Wheat, barley, malt, and rye are some of the more common grains that contain gluten. If your body cannot tolerate gluten, it can damage your gut, causing leaky gut syndrome. So much of the body’s health is related to gut health. By avoiding caffeine, unfermented soy, and gluten you can help your body heal the damage to your thyroid and encourage it to produce at optimal levels.

Detoxify the Body

In order for your body to fully heal damage to your thyroid, you need to detox properly. While a number of specific detoxes would be helpful, these are the most important ones to focus on. The most important one is the gut. If you are suffering from an overgrowth of Candida, it is extremely important to rid your body of that pathogen, as Candida constantly assaults the body with toxins. Another important detox to focus on is ridding the body of heavy metals. If your body is toxic with mercury, arsenic, aluminum and/or other heavy metals, the thyroid will never be able to heal. Getting mercury fillings removed is vital. The blood is another important detox. If the blood is thick or toxic, it puts added stress on your glands, including your thyroid. A cheap and easy way to detoxify your blood is to use this cranberry lemonade recipe.


Taking just a few of the steps mentioned can help bring immediate relief to your thyroid symptoms, but the thyroid takes time to heal. A leaky gut is likely to be the source of the matter, so check out Gluten, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases and be sure to see Understand Hypothyroidism – Prevention and Natural Remedies.

Recommended Supplements:
Recommended Reading:

Five Symptoms Your Thyroid Needs Help

Millions of Americans today suffer from thyroid dysfunction, and many of them do not even know it. Startling enough, over 80% of people who suffer from poorly functioning thyroids do not show problems on standard thyroid tests. Knowing some common symptoms of thyroid problems can help you get proper treatment early.

The thyroid is part of the endocrine system that produces our body’s hormones. When the thyroid is not working properly, chances are the adrenals, the pineal gland, the hypothalamus, and all of the other glands are not working optimally either.

Neck Pain or Swelling

One common sign of thyroid problems is persistent neck pain. More specifically, a subluxation in the C3 through C7 vertebrae in your neck can be a major indication of problems with your thyroid. When your thyroid is not working optimally, it becomes inflamed and swollen. This pushes one of the nearby vertebrae out of place, causing a subluxation in the cervical spine.

Low Energy & Poor Sleep

Feeling sluggish and tired all the time is another sign of poor thyroid function. When your thyroid is not producing enough thyroxine (T4) and/or triiodothyronine (T3), it can affect your energy levels during the day as well as your sleep at night. Thyroid issues can cause insomnia or poor quality sleep in many people. If you find yourself always feeling tired during the day, despite sleeping enough hours at night, it is very likely that your thyroid is not working well.

Joint Pain

Another common sign of thyroid problems is joint pain anywhere in the body. Achiness, swelling, or a feeling of “being out of place” in any joints is your body’s way of telling you that your thyroid is not functioning properly. Most commonly this can show up in the neck and shoulders, wrists, elbows, or hips. Bursitis and carpal tunnel syndrome are frequent joint problems as well that indicate thyroid problems.

Hair & Skin Problems

A frequent, though not well-known, sign of thyroid issues is hair and skin problems. Dry, brittle, or thinning hair is a telltale warning that your thyroid is struggling. A dry, flaky, scalp is another sign as well. Also, if you notice that your eyebrows are thinning out, especially at the outer corners, then your thyroid is likely not working optimally. Dry, rough, and itchy skin are other warning signs of hypothyroidism or related thyroid issues. Hypothyroidism can also cause your skin to develop a yellowish tinge as a result of your body’s decreased ability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin A.

Sudden Weight Changes

One last major sign of thyroid problems deals with sudden weight changes. If you have sudden weight gain or struggle to lose weight despite exercise and a healthy low-calorie diet, chances are your thyroid is not working well and you may have a case of hypothyroidism. If you find yourself losing weight rapidly, you might have hyperthyroidism, a condition where your body overproduces thyroid hormones.


If you find yourself suffering from one or more of these symptoms, there are things you can do to improve your thyroid function. Thyroid conditions can be managed and fixed naturally with proper diet and supplementation. For more information, see Understand Hypothyroidism- Prevention and Natural Remedies.

Recommended Supplements:
Recommended Reading:

Optimize Your Candida Cleanse & Minimize the Symptoms of Die Off

You’ve finally figured out that Candida is causing so many of your health problems, and you’ve started the perfect protocol to rebalance your gut bacteria…but for some reason you feel even worse than before. There’s a moment of despair (I’ll never get rid of this ridiculous fungus!), but then comes a light at the end of the tunnel!

When Candida is killed it releases nearly 80 different toxins into the body, causing myriad symptoms from nausea to fatigue to fevers and headaches. There isn’t a way to avoid the release of these toxins, but there is a way to minimize their effect and the discomfort you feel while on your way to a healthier you.

Good news, though – if you’re following a protocol designed to eliminate your overgrowth and maintain a long-term balanced gut, you’re already doing a lot of things that can mitigate the die off symptoms. Here are some suggestions that can help you get over the die off more quickly.

Evacuation Station

The easiest and most accessible way to minimize Candida die off is to push those toxins out of your system as fast as you can. A diet consisting of 80 percent raw produce (more vegetables than fruit) has enough fiber to keep waste moving efficiently through your body. The longer it takes you to push out the dying Candida fungus, the longer you will suffer from the die off symptoms.

The same principle is true of liquid waste. Make sure you drink a large quantity of clean water from a trusted source. It is one of best things you can do to flush out Candida toxins. Upgrade your water to cranberry lemonade (see the link below and use stevia so you don’t feed the Candida you’re trying to get rid of), and you’ll also improve your kidney function and give your immune system a shot of much-appreciated vitamin C. The best part of upping your fiber and liquids to flush out the fungus die off? Everything you need is a trip to the nearest market away.

Super Charge the Immune System

Die off doesn’t effect everyone is the same way. Some people hardly notice the release, whereas other people experience particularly bad reactions. One of the most destructive toxins released during Candida die off is acetaldehyde, a neurotoxin that attacks red blood cells and destroys brain cells. If you’re having a difficult time dealing with the symptoms or worried about potential damage, it’s time to boost your immune system. Flushing the body with cranberry lemonade will provide vitamin C. You’re also going to get great immune system benefits from Echinacea or cat’s claw.

Get Sweaty

Exercise, especially exercises with up and down movements like dancing, rebounding, and jumping, lets you sweat out your toxins while also moving your lymph system. Since your lymph system doesn’t naturally circulate, this movement can increase its ability to expel Candida waste. Movement also gets your circulatory system moving and expelling more die off.

In some cases, Candida die-off can make it difficult to exercise, due to nausea, joint and muscle pain, and possible infections. Even if exercising isn’t an option, there are still others ways to get rid of die off toxins through sweat, like saunas or hot and cold hydrotherapy. With exercise, it’s important to pay attention to your body, so as not to overdo anything or do anything you aren’t comfortable with.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

It seems unfair, really. After everything you’ve been going through with fighting actual Candida, you’re still not done, as you have to deal with the aftershock. Getting discouraged and letting up on your Candida treatment to make the fatigue and brain fog go away seems like an appealing solution, but making it through the die off and coming out on the other side will have you forgetting how awful you felt in the first place. Relief can come when you efficiently flush the body’s waste, sweat out the bad stuff, and keep your immune system functioning at a high level. Even if you’re still experiencing some of the symptoms, don’t stop all of your hard work or stop taking antifungal supplements because it’s likely you have a major overgrowth. Scale back for a little while. But don’t let yourself get caught up in an unhealthy cycle again. Keep pushing through and you’ll reap the rewards.

Recommended Reading:

Galactagogues Foods, Herbs, and other Ways to Increase Breast Milk Production

If you Google ways to increase your breast milk supply, you’ll find a wide range of advice, not all of it healthy. Ideas range from prescription medicines to drinking Gatorade, and most of them are poor choices. Many advocate increasing refined sugar intake through sugary drinks and fruit juices.

If your breast milk supply is low, the first two things you need to ask yourself is, “Are you getting enough to eat?” and “Are you drinking enough water?” While sugar can help increase milk supply, extra sugar can also lead to diaper rashes. Instead of fruit juices or refined foods, reach for fruit and water first. Here are four simple, healthy ways to increase your breast milk supply.


Proper hydration is the number one key to keeping a good milk supply flowing. Drinks like Gatorade, with all of their artificial flavors, colorings, and additives, actually hinder your milk supply. A good rule of thumb is to drink an 8-oz glass of water every time you breastfeed and carry around a water bottle to sip on throughout the day. Make sure most of what you drink is water, but if the idea of plain water is unappealing, other options do exist.

Other good sources for hydration include coconut water and fruit infusions. Besides tasting great, coconut water is a great source of minerals and electrolytes. Fruit infusions are flavored waters that have traces of vitamins and minerals; they are easy to make at home. Although it may be easier said than done for some, try to avoid caffeinated beverages. If you do drink coffee or tea, make sure to drink extra water.

On the other hand, too much water in the system can inhibit breast milk production. Stay hydrated, but don’t keep adding fluids to the body if hydration is not the problem.

Breast Pumping

While not the first go-to for many mothers, pumping, if done in addition to nursing, can be a highly effective way to increase supply. Tricks include pumping after each nursing session, adding an extra pumping session or two during the day, cluster pumping, power pumping, and nursing vacations.

Cluster pumping is when you nurse and pump every half hour or hour for a couple of hours.

Power pumping is like interval training for breastfeeding. Plan to do this for a couple of days. Pick an hour where you can sit and relax. Pump for twenty minutes, rest for ten, pump again for ten, rest for ten, then pump again for ten minutes.

Nursing vacations include spending two to three days, trying to relax and nurse and pump as often as possible.

All of these techniques help increase supply by mimicking the increased demand from a baby during a growth spurt. Simply put, increased demand for milk will increase the supply.

Natural Galactogogues

Because breast milk production is maintained by local feedback mechanisms (autocrine control), more frequent and more thorough emptying of the breast typically results in an increase in supply. A galactagogue is a substance that promotes lactation in humans and other animals. Natural galactagogues include foods, herbs, teas, and nutritional supplements. If the breast milk supply is low, even after breast pumping, it may be time to look at galactagogues, but do consider a thorough evaluation with a natural health care practitioner who is familiar with maternal health issues. Maternal hypothyroidism is a common cause of low breast milk production, and medications can also reduce milk as well.

Healthy Foods

Oatmeal is probably the most well-known choice of food for increasing breast milk production. If you want to try oatmeal, skip the instant ready packs and choose fruit instead of refined sugars to sweeten it. A well-balanced diet consisting of 80% fresh produce is is the foundation for optimal health, and for most moms, adding more fresh, raw, organic produce to the diet may be enough to stimulate milk production. Other favorites of nursing mothers include carrots, seaweed soup, garlic, fennel, fennel seed, cashews, alfalfa, asparagus, almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, coconut, fennel, chaste tree fruit, chicken soup, cilantro, papaya (some say green works better), pumpkin, dates, and ginger. All of these foods are powerhouse sources of nutrients that also help in milk production.

Herbs, Teas, and Nutritional Supplements

As mentioned, garlic, ginger, and fennel seed can increase milk production. Other options along the herbal variety include fenugreek, anise, coriander, cumin, dandelion, dill, caraway, red clover, red raspberry, nettle, marshmallow root, borage, and blessed thistle. These are commonly made into teas or tinctures and are widely appreciated for their ability to increase milk supply.

The most common herbal remedies for increasing breast milk production include:

Garlic & Ginger are two herbs that seem to help with almost every health ailment. Both are known galactagogues, and there are also additional benefits to consuming both of these while breastfeeding. Ginger root stimulates the body in many ways, including the release of milk. Eating garlic or taking a garlic supplement can stimulate the supply of milk and can reduce the risk of  mastitis (and alleviate it). Babies have also been found to enjoy the taste of breast milk when their mothers consume copious amounts of garlic and therefore, nurse more often.

Red Raspberry Leaf is a regular ingredient in pregnancy and breastfeeding teas and tinctures. It helps to increase breast milk production, and it also helps the uterus recover after birth. Red Raspberry Leaf is incredibly high in vitamins and minerals, including Niacin (a B vitamin).

Alfalfa is  great for increasing breast milk production while providing the body with many vitamins and minerals. It is particularly high in Vitamin K, which helps to staunch bleeding. Many midwives encourage clients to consume alfalfa for six weeks before birth and for several months after birth to help avoid hemorrhaging, to help the body recover from the birth, and to help the body produce plenty of breast milk.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a member of the pea family and is  commonly used around the world for centuries as a herbal galactagogue. It has been theorized that fenugreek may affect milk production due tot he fact that milk glands are similar to sweat glands, and fenugreek stimulates sweat production. The herb is usually discontinued once milk supply has reached the desired output, but there is not risk with using the herb long term.

It’s said that with fenugreek you can judge the proper dosage by smell. Once you have reached the ideal dosage of fenugreek, your sweat is said to smell like maple syrup.

Goat’s Rue (Galega officinalis) is widely used in Europe due to the observation that it increased milk supply in cattle in the early 1900’s. No human trials have been done; however, limited studies involving animals have shown a milk supply increase of up to 50%.

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum), also known as St. Mary’s thistle, has been historically used in Europe. Early Christians thought that the white veins on its leaves represented Mary’s milk.

Inositol and Choline are two vitamins in the B complex family that have been used for centuries to help increase breast milk production. Too many B vitamins in the body can hinder milk production, and taking just one or two B vitamin nutrients without the other B vitamins for long periods of time can cause problems. The effectiveness of nutritional supplementation is highly individualized, as it depends upon whether someone happens to be deficient in something they may never have otherwise noticed.

How To Increase Your Milk Supply Without Losing Your Mind (By Mom Loves Best)


Not all breast milk is created equal. The better the mother’s diet, the better her breast milk will be. Eating a truly healthy diet consists of 80% raw produce, more vegetables than fruit. A healthy diet isn’t found in packages. Healthy foods don’t have ingredients that only a chemist would understand. A healthy diet eliminates artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, MSG, trans fats, and GMOs. The healthiest diet is a diverse, organic diet filled with nutrient dense foods and plenty of clean water. A healthy diet makes the healthiest breast milk. If a breastfeeding mother consumes pesticides in her food, they will be passed on to her baby in her breast milk.

While building a good milk supply may seem challenging, the number one thing to keep in mind is that the more you feed the baby, the more your body will produce. The ideas mentioned in this article are meant to help support your body’s efforts to produce milk. Keeping yourself in the best possible health will help your body in your endeavors to feed your baby. Taking a nutritional supplement can help with making sure you get all the nutrition your body needs.

Supplements that Promote Lactation:
Further Reading:

What Is Causing Your Depression?

If you have been diagnosed with depression, you’ve probably been told you have a chemical imbalance and the only way to manage your condition is through pharmaceuticals. Has anyone thought to tell you about other things that might be causing your depression or contributing to it?


Aspartame is nasty stuff. There is much anecdotal evidence that shows aspartame is toxic. As usual, industry trials do not confirm these reports; however, independent double-blind studies tell a different story.

A decade-long study of 264,000 American adults by the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, showed an association between soda, diet soda, sugar-free fruit drinks, and clinical depression.

  • 4 or more cans of regular soda per day = 22% increase in depression
  • 4 or more cans of diet soda per day = 31% increase in depression
  • 4 or more cans of diet fruit drinks = 51% increase in depression

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

If brain damage, behavioral disorders, endocrine disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases are not enough reason to avoid MSG, it is also linked to depression. The most likely reason is due to the fact that MSG blocks serotonin receptors. B6 deficiency appears to enhance adverse reactions.

Sugar and HFCS

Excessive sugar intake, whether from refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup, also causes a host of medical conditions in addition to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. There are more than 100 diseases caused or exacerbated by sugar. Depression is one.


Gut health is essential to physical health and well-being. So is our mental health. A full 80% of our serotonin – an essential neurotransmitter – is produced in the gut by our beneficial bacteria. An overgrowth of Candida in the gut will result in a depletion of serotonin and an increase in depression along with anxiety, irritability, cognitive difficulties, headaches, autoimmune diseases, and more.


Our health, both physical and mental, relies on our bodies’ ability to attain nutrition to repair cells and maintain functionality while it eliminates wastes and toxic substances. To attain and maintain health, we need to actively increase nutrition while avoiding toxins and detoxifying.

To improve nutrition and gut health, eat a diet that consists of at least 80% fresh, raw, organic produce (more vegetables than fruits), healthy fats, and detoxifying foods such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, cilantro, and onions. Eliminate artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives; MSG; GMOs; trans fats; sugar, HFCS, gluten, and any other chemicals. Eat real whole foods, not processed foods. Avoid foods you know cause an allergic reaction. Always choose organic when possible, and never eat meat that is not organically raised. Eliminate or restrict alcohol and caffeine intake.

The 80% Raw Food Diet along with exercise, vitamin D, and multi B vitamins will give your body what it needs for optimal performance.

Recommended Reading:

Natural Cures for Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety can cause your life to feel like it’s caving in on you and you have nowhere to run. While these conditions often exist together and can create deep rivers of stress that flow throughout various areas of your life, there are natural remedies that can help reduce and even eliminate the negativity. Consider the following methods for reducing anxiety and depression.

Create Routines and Goals

When you’re depressed, everything feels like a struggle. It is for precisely this reason that structured routines and clearly-defined goals can help you wade through the muck. In addition, structure gives you something to fall back on when motivation lags. Finally, setting goals can help you keep your eye on something you look forward to in the future, something to work toward. Anticipation promotes optimism.


While rigorous exercise produces endorphins, even something as simple as a short walk can calm your mood and provide a heart-healthy boost. The body craves movement, so everything from dance to weight training to yoga increases your health and well-being. Depressed individuals are less likely to feel motivated to exercise, and this is precisely why they should. Getting out and moving can often help shake off a dark mood, and the satisfaction of accomplishing something mentally and physically challenging can be a boost unto itself. Getting out and moving in nature is even better! Nature has been proven to alleviate depression simply by being in the midst of it.

Reboot Your Diet

We are what we eat, and for those with chronic depression, food becomes particularly important. Depression and anxiety can originate from poor nutrition, so making sure you are getting enough B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D are essential to balancing your mood and evening out your emotional responses. For individuals living in the Pacific Northwest, Vitamin D is particularly important, as we do not activate our natural stores as often due to reduced sun exposure during the long, rainy winter months. A naturopathic physician can help you develop self-care routines and examine your diet in more detail, aiding you in determining what best to eliminate from your diet and what to keep.

Increase Sleep

There’s a reason that cults use sleep deprivation to emotionally manipulate their members. Missed sleep can produce highly detrimental states of mind, particularly in those who are prone to depression. When you are exhausted, you’re much less likely to ignore the lure of negative thinking. In addition, you’ll have less energy to seek productive, mood-enhancing behaviors like exercise and natural healing. Aim for 8 hours per night for positive results.

Stay Involved in Your Life

Depressed individuals often fall off the wagon in terms of keeping up with friends, participating in activities they love, etc. However, these are the very uplifting exchanges that are vital for feeling supported and loved. Do your best to engage in conversation or activity with one person you care about every single day, and do your best to continue to attend to your job and your various responsibilities. The more you invest in your life, the more it will give back.

Eliminate Negative Thinking

Negative thoughts cause negative feelings. Vow to identify and reduce all negative thinking by keeping a thought journal. Each time you experience a negative feeling, identify the thought behind it. Then, create a positive, believable thought with which to replace it. By running through your mental patterns, you’ll be more likely to maintain a positive outlook and move forward with enthusiasm.

Depression and anxiety can be strong adversaries, but you are always stronger. Consider the above strategies your guide to natural health and wellbeing!

Recommended Reading:

Salad Recipes For Good Eye Health

Are you beginning to feel eyestrain from staring at your laptop screen for hours on end? Are you having headaches, too? You’ve been putting off that visit to your ophthalmologist, haven’t you? The visit to the doctor can probably wait if you make some necessary changes to your diet. Here are some salads you could include in your diet that will benefit your eye health:

Chicken Chopped Salad

The chicken chopped salad is both appealing and appetizing. The brightly colored vegetables, along with the lean meat, prove to be an extremely healthy meal option. They are loaded with lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins E and C, as well as the mineral zinc that prevents retinal damage and consequent loss of vision. 


  • one cup of romaine lettuce chopped up into bite-sized bits
  • 1-2 cups of cooked chicken
  • one cup of baby spinach
  • ½ cup of frozen peas
  • ½ an orange pepper – diced
  • ¼ cup of slivered almonds
  • ½ an orange, peeled and chopped


  • ¼ cup of nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 1 garlic clove – minced
  • 1 tablespoon of curry powder
  • Juice from the remaining 1/2 orange.

Prepare the dressing in a separate container by mixing all the ingredients and whisking till you have a smooth, creamy consistency. Next, throw all the other ingredients in a large bowl and drizzle the vinaigrette over it. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.

Springtime Green Salad

Green salad is the perfect option for a summer afternoon. It also provides several nutrients that are beneficial  for your eyes. 


  • one English cucumber
  • 2 granny smith apples
  • one lime – peeled
  • 4 cups of baby spinach leaves
  • 4 cups of baby kale
  • 2 cups of thawed frozen peas or fresh peas
  • 2-3 cups of loosely packed mint leaves


  • 1 ½ cups of plain, non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Rinse the cucumber, spinach, kale, peas, mint leaves, and the lime. Next, peel the cucumber and finely chop it. Also, chop the spinach, kale and mint leaves haphazardly. Put all these ingredients in a bowl and add  yogurt honey to it. Mix well. Squeeze the lime and add slivered almonds to garnish. The cucumber in the salad will leave you refreshed while spinach and kale will aid digestion and skin health.

Deli- Styled Kale Salad 

Kale is a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin that help keep your eyes healthy and prevent ocular damage or cataracts. 


  • 2 cups of kale cut into 2 in strips
  • an onion – cut in half and then thinly sliced
  • one cup of roasted and sliced almonds
  • 3 peaches sliced
  • ¾ cup of gold raisins


  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 and ½ tablespoons of Dijon mustard
  • 1 and ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

First, prepare the greens by cleaning and chopping the kale. Next, slice the peaches and the onion, and toast the almonds and slice them. Prepare the vinaigrette. Keep whisking so that the ingredients mix properly. Season with salt and pepper. Lastly, combine all the ingredients together by adding the vinaigrette to the kale, peaches, onions, and almonds. Toss well and allow the salad for sit for some time before serving. Kale can take a little time to break down and become soft. You can garnish the salad with some crumbled cottage cheese.

Editor’s Note: If you are in a hurry, pour a little of your olive oil onto the kale and massage it into the leaves with your fingers. This takes a minute or so to soften the leaves.

Romaine Salad

Romaine lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, and folate and it is a good source of other nutrients as well. Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes.


  • 2 cups of Romaine lettuce chopped into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 cup of radicchio that has been chopped into bite-sized bits
  • 1 cup of thinly sliced fennel bulb
  • some freshly cracked black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley or cilantro
  • 2 tablespoons of thyme
  • 2 tablespoons of fennel leaves


  • 1/2 cup of olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon
  • 1 tablespoonDijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup

Add all the ingredients in a large bowl and drizzle the salad dressing. Keep mixing and season with sea salt and pepper. Allow the salad to sit for some time before serving. This will ensure that the vegetables absorb the flavor from the dressing. It will also ensure that the nutrients of the romaine lettuce and other vegetables are more easily absorbed by your body.


Salads are an extremely healthy addition to your diet. All colorful vegetables and fruits are rich sources of antioxidants and vitamins that ensure good eye health. They also contain adequate amounts of dietary fiber that facilitate weight management. With these salads, you would be protecting your vision as well as ensuring weight loss. That’s killing two birds with one stone!

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