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Tag: PMS - Organic Lifestyle Magazine Tag: PMS - Organic Lifestyle Magazine

How to Make Your Period be a Reason for Celebration

In certain parts of Ghana and the Ivory Coast, it is common to find women on their periods gathered in a party like atmosphere while relaxing under beautiful umbrellas, receiving gifts and praises.
When you zoom in on America, however, women on their periods are going hysterical, driving to the pharmacy to stock up on tampons, Tylenol, and ice cream as preparation for the menstrual hurricane ahead.

Thankfully I’m here to give you great news!

It’s time to drop the box of tissues because you are officially about to learn how to end your menstrual torment and make your period an enjoyable experience.

What are Cramps?

Cramps are strong contractions of the uterus as they are triggered by a chemical called prostaglandin, commonly associated with inflammation and pain. Cramps usually start when a woman begins to ovulate regularly. It comes a day or two before the menstrual flow, though it can continue through the first 2 days of the period. The good news is that, generally, this pain gets better as a woman gets older, or after she has her first child.

Related: Natural Remedies for PMS, Mood Swings, Bloating, Cramps, Etc.

Menstrual pain in some women, however, can be associated with other conditions such as:

  • Inflammation of the uterine lining (endometriosis)
  • Passage of tissue and blood through a narrow cervix
  • Uterine fibroid
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine infections
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Use of intrauterine devices

But here you will find out how you can naturally treat the pain without having to take harmful medications and sacrifice your overall health in the long run.

Related: Holistic Guide to Healing the Endocrine System and Balancing Our Hormones

Natural Pain Relief for Cramps

Applying Heat

Looks like this method will never get old. Since the heat has the ability to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, pain dissipation comes as a consequence. A 2012 scientific study found the application of a heat patch at 104°F (40 C°) to be as effective as ibuprofen. If you don’t have a heat patch you can simply take a warm bath, or use a hot towel.

Essential Oil Massage

A study shows that 20 minutes of applying pressure on the right spots on your abdomen is enough to relieve menstrual pain in women with endometriosis (instantly as well as afterward). Here is a helpful how-to video below.

Related: Are You Suffering From Histamine Intolerance?

Whoopi & Maya Medicinal Cannabis Products

So Whoopi Goldberg got together with cannabis industry leader Maya and created a line of products (balm, bath soaks, chocolate and tinctures) that targets menstrual pain relief in women. The reviews are nothing less than incredible. Not only are these products relieving menstrual pain, mood swings, and PCOS, but they are also relieving other types of pain such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, insomnia and other chronic conditions. The downside here is that you can only purchase these products with a medical card or in states where recreational marijuana is legal.


This is a practice that is recommended by the National Institute of Health. An acupuncturist assesses the deficiencies or excessive energies in the patient’s meridians (the path through which life-energy “qi” travels throughout the body), then starts the needling in the respective spots. A study done on 43 women with dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) showed that the acupuncture treatment was effective at reducing the pain as well as the need for pain medications.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Some women find relief by attending chiropractor sessions. In a pilot study, it was found that pain perception and menstrual distress was reduced by two-fold.

Related: An Interview With a Chiropractor

Herbs for Menstrual Pain

Here are some effective herbs that you can try for your period cramps and see which best works for your body. They are usually available as pills, capsules, tablets, teas, tinctures, or liquid extracts (Mix the liquid extracts with your favorite drink).

  • Cramp Bark (Viburnum opulus)

Take in form of tea. If you take diuretics or lithium consult with your doctor first.

  • Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis)

Found to relieve PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) according to studies. Contraindicated for people who have a history of seizures.

  • Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa)

Can relieve menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms.

Can be used for inflammation. People with gallstones or gallbladder problems should ask their doctor before using it.

  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Can be used for nausea and weakness. Studies suggest that fennel can reduce the severity of symptoms.

Side note: If you have a history of hormone-related cancer or are taking hormone replacement therapy, have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood-thinning medication, you should consult with your doctor before taking these.

Related Product: Shillington’s Female Balance Formula

Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopaths like to prescribe these herbs and natural substances according to the patient’s constitutional type, emotional, physical makeup as well as other criteria:

  • Belladonna/Deadly nightshade

Used in cases of sharp pain and throbbing pressure in the pelvic region along with heavy bleeding, as well as pain that extends towards lower back.

  • Chamomilla/Chamomile

For menstrual pain with mood swings and irritability.

  • Citrullus Colocynthis / Bitter apple

Used for sharp pains with anger outbursts and irritability.

  • Magnesia Phosphorica

Used for cramps and sharp shooting pains that are relieved by bending forward or by warmth.

  • Nux Vomica /Poison Nut

Can be used for cramping pains that extend to the lower back along with chills, irritability, nausea, sensitivity to light, noise, and odors.

  • Pulsatilla /Pasqueflower

For menstrual pain with irritability, moodiness, dizziness, nausea, headache, back pain, fainting. Pain may be more intense without a menstrual flow.

Treating PMS and Mood Swings

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome and for some women, it comes with a giant ball of symptoms such as:

  • Mood swings
  • Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Bloating
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea
  • Breast tenderness
  • Vomiting

No wonder some girls want to do at this time is crawl up into bed and ride out this storm in their own cozy space. But fear not, below you will find a quick period go-to guide. It will let you know what to do, as well as what not to do during this time. Keep in mind that if you are very health conscious, which I hope you are, you should follow the “Not To Do/Have List” always, and not solely on your period to achieve a high level of health/well-being.

What Not To Do/Have During Your Period

Vegetable Oils

These contain fats that are capable of causing acute inflammation and mutations in your body – it’s moderate or high consumption can cause problems in the reproductive system such as endometriosis, PCOS, and cancer. That’s a no-no for sure.


Dairy has been found to congest the body and some doctors believe women who quit ingesting it completely can reduce their menstrual pain. I know you probably love ice cream, but there’s no need to worry. If you must have some, pick a vegan/dairy free ice cream instead and your body will thank you.

Red Meat or Egg Yolk

These both contain arachidonic acid which in many people can cause an increase in cellular inflammation, and let’s face it…you don’t need any more inflammation.

Dangerous Everyday Household Toxins

  • Teflon (non-stick pans)
  • Birth-control
  • Plastics
  • Bug sprays/pesticides
  • Conventional cleaning products

These substances are a lot more a lot more harmful than you think, as they disrupt your entire hormonal system. Try to at least stay away from them during your period so that you give your body a chance to heal and reorganize itself.

Side note: We must understand that if these foods and substances are harmful during your period, to the point where they are contributing to your physical pain every month, they aren’t good for any point and time.

What to Do During Your Period

Get Enough Sleep/Rest

When you don´t get enough sleep on a normal day, how do you feel?

Fatigued, moody, easily irritated and simply off, right?

Can you now begin to imagine the importance of sleep time during our periods? A deficiency in proper rest can contribute to the pain and discomfort during this time. Help your body help you by allowing it to have some much-needed rest and rejuvenation.

Move Your Body

Who here has heard of endorphins? Endorphins are neurotransmitters responsible for pleasure and well-being. Doing light aerobic exercise can release endorphins into your nervous system, which will help relieve pain.

Some great low-intensity exercises that you can do while you are on your period are:

  • Yoga
  • Walking
  • Having good sex (The orgasm leads to increased blood flow and contraction of the uterine muscles, giving you a double dose of endorphins.)

Eat the Fats Your Body Actually Likes

  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Butter (unless you’re vegan)

These should be your new best friends. Coconut oil actually helps your body by boosting the production of healthy hormones, reducing inflammation, aiding in weight loss and it even fights fungi and harmful bacteria! This BFF won’t let you down as long as you remember to not overconsume it.

Eat More Brassica Veggies

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cauliflower

These contain carbon-3-inositol, helping to regulate estrogen activity as well as it eases bloating and discomfort during your menstruation.

Eat Fresh Fruits and Veggies

Fruits – sweet and exactly the kind of carbs you need to thrive. While processed sweets destroy your health, fruits and veggies are responsible for regaining it. Stick to having fruits (and no processed sugar) for dessert while you are on your period and see how you feel.

Take the Right Supplements

These can help to decrease inflammation. A couple of studies have found that women who took fish oil had less menstrual pain than those who took a placebo.

This is the easiest form of calcium for the body to absorb. It is essential for healthy bones and can reduce menstrual pain as it helps to maintain proper muscle function and prevent cramps.

Related: Homemade Calcium and Magnesium

Important to help your body utilize calcium properly and may also reduce inflammation.

One study suggests that vitamin E is effective against period pain. In the study, 100 women were given a Vitamin E supplement or a placebo for 5 days. Those who took vitamin E reported less pain than those who took the placebo.

Preliminary studies show that magnesium may help reduce menstrual pain. It is important to note, however, that an excessive amount of magnesium can cause diarrhea as well as lower blood pressure. If you take prescribed or OTC medications (especially blood-thinners) or suffer from any disease, it’s important to check with a physician before supplementation.

Related: The Rocky Road to Menopause and How Essential Oils Can Help

The Importance of a Positive Outlook Towards your Period

In contrast to Native Americans, we tend to associate our periods with an illness or inconvenience. This is a side effect of the push for equality in our society, and especially in the workplace. We promised we are just as good as any man, and in return, they demanded our utmost and unfailing efficiency. So in other words, ” If you’re in pain or feeling moody, we don’t want any of it, you’re meant to be as efficient as a machine, stuff it down.” But there is a problem with that. By not listening to our bodies needs, it responds with pain, in hope that you will finally “listen”.

The truth is we are not men, and we are not simply women. We are bearers of life, and we must be recognized as such in any place we find ourselves in, first and foremost by ourselves. So as crazy as this sounds, if we need more sleep, we should have it. If we don’t feel up to going to work, the best thing would be not to go. This will decrease much of the stress and agitation common to us women during our periods. Owning up to it will lead us to another outstanding victory.

A victory of self-love, power and of a painless period.

From now on, I hope you choose to fully accept the gift of life and renewal that your period brings every month to see your period transition from a burden to an enriching experience.

Much love!


Marijuana Suppositories Provide an Interesting Next Move for Medical Cannabis

Foria, a California company, has found a way to combine two of this today’s biggest issues -women’s rights and marijuana – into one tiny item: a suppository.

Oddly enough, the meeting of these issues has resulted in a treatment that’s better than ibuprofen for PMS and menstrual discomfort. The suppository, marketed under the name Relief, consists of organic and biodynamic THC and CBD (the active cannabinoids in the product) and organic cocoa butter. THC and CBD have been chosen for their ability to relax the nerve endings in the pelvis and surrounding areas while blocking out pain and soothing inflammation. The jury is out on whether Foria’s product is able to regulate hormones to the point that PMS is alleviated permanently, but women looking for an alternative to damaging ibuprofen, antidepressants, or synthetic hormones could do worse than use the THC and CBD in Foria’s suppositories for cramps, mood swings, and other menstruation issues.

Why You Can

Long-term use of antidepressants and pharmaceuticals with synthetic hormones impedes the body’s ability to produce its own hormones, and prolonged use of ibuprofen can cause kidney and liver damage. Herbal remedies like chaste tree berry, cohosh, dandelion root, and wild yam have been shown to relieve PMS symptoms.

Marijuana’s primary PMS relief comes from its status as an antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, and anti-anxiety substance. Foria’s Relief has found that these qualities result in a significant reduction in cramps and other menstruation issues. In contrast to conventional PMS relievers, the amount of cannabis used in Foria’s Relief is not enough to disrupt estrogen levels.

Why You Can’t

Sounds like it’s worth a try, doesn’t it? But here’s the bad news: you can’t get it unless you live in Colorado or California. There’s also the issue of price and it’s not clear how long the suppository works. At 11 dollars for each one, they have the potential to be rather expensive. There is also the issue of drug tests. While medical marijuana is legal is CA and all marijuana is legal in CO, people working jobs that require negative drug tests will have to be careful about their usage.

The Messy Details

Foria is in a unique position with this product – a new frontier, if you will, in marijuana medication. Inserting medications rather than ingesting them has the potential for its own problems, although the company is being transparent with their growing process and quality controls. Not everyone can afford or attain this product. But this is an interesting development in using marijuana as medicine, and with the current flux state of marijuana policy, it pays to be prepared.

Recommended Reading:

Relieve PMS with these Foods, Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements

Suddenly you realize there’s a little black cloud over your head. Or maybe it’s a big one. Things that usually don’t bother you are getting on your very last nerve. You’re not sure if you want to pick a fight or cry. Before you tell your boss what you really think of him or confront your significant other about his shortcomings, stop and check the calendar. Is this PMS? Is “estrogen poisoning” ruining your day? If that’s the problem, there are supplement and herbs you can use to get back in control.

Herbs known to relieve symptoms of PMS

  • Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa)
  • Burdock
  • Chaste tree or chasteberry (Vitex agnus castus)
  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
  • Dong quai (Angelica sinensis), also known as Chinese Angelica
  • Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis)
  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
  • Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
  • Maca (Lepidium meyenii)
  • St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  • Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa)

Vitamins, minerals, and supplements to relieve symptoms of PMS

Chocolate candy is not your best friend right now. You do not need to add unstable blood sugar to unbalanced hormones and underachieving neurotransmitters. If you are craving chocolate, your body is craving magnesium. But that is not the only supplement you need right now. Your first aid supplements should include the following:

  • B vitamin complex
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Chromium
  • Omega 3s (either as a supplement or take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, fish oil, or a blended omega 3.6.9. oil)

If you take a really good multi-vitamin with all of the above included, unless it is very high in B vitamins, it’s not a bad idea to include a B complex. B vitamins are nature’s Valium; many women feel considerable relief fifteen minutes or so after taking a large dose of Bs.

This is a day to be on your best behavior. Not only do you need to hold your tongue, you need to watch what you put in your mouth. This is a perfect day to snack on fresh organic veggies and fruits all day long. And all those things you’re not going to say? Write them down and see if those are issues you need to deal with next week, when you’re not feeling so intense. Chances are, you really do need to deal with those issues, just not right now.

Shillington’s Female Balance Formulas

Shillington offers three formulas that help balance female hormones.

Female Balance Formula

This formula is the 3 balancing herbs to balances the hormones. It’s good for alleviating cramps and anxiety. Ingredients include Chaste tree berry, wild yam root, and dong quai root in a base of grain alcohol and distilled water.

Female Formula

This formula is predominantly the 3 balancing herbs from the Female Formula along with a few others making it an overall female tonic for balancing hormones, relaxing,, as well as a cramping and anxiety handler. Ingredients include wild yam root, chaste tree berry, Dong Quai root, blue and black cohosh, valerian root, passion flower, uva ursi, hops flowers, cornsilk, juniper berry and dandelion root in a base of grain alcohol and distilled water.

Female Energy Formula

With Damiana leaf, wild yam root, licorice root, siberian ginseng roots, sarsaparilla root, saw palmetto berry, oat seed, kola nut and ginger root in a base of grain alcohol and distilled water, this formula works well at balancing the hormones and improves energy as well as sex drive.

What typically causes PMS symptoms

An inability to process and assimilate B vitamins, a lack of vitamin D, and other hormonal imbalances can be traced back to an overabundance of candida. Like so many diseases, candida  is often the underlying cause. Even when candida is not the source, at the very least, candida exacerbates PMS symptoms. Check out the first source below for information about candida and the gut.

While it is great to know that there are natural remedies to alleviate the symptoms of PMS, alleviating symptoms is a short term strategy, not a cure. If you are ready to rid yourself of these miserable symptoms and get your hormones in balance, it’s time to make some lifestyle changes.

If you’re on the lookout for some healthy chocolate recipes, go to And see Natural Remedies for PMS for more information on diet, herbs, and other supplement options.

Recommended Supplements:
Further Reading:

Natural Remedies for PMS, Mood Swings, Bloating, Cramps, Etc.

PMS is a touchy subject. In recent years, it continues to be an issue used to undermine women’s rights and equality. Due to this fact, it seems that it is no longer politically correct to honestly discuss PMS, for fear an open discussion will fuel the fire for those who claim women are less capable of handling certain jobs and or responsibilities. There is no doubt that women are just as smart, just as capable, just as able to do every job a man can do unless brute strength is the primary measure, and many women hold their own on this level as well. The argument remains centered on the issue of emotional control. Do you want your plane piloted by a woman suffering from PMS? Do you want the finger poised on the trigger or, God forbid, on the red button to be the finger of a woman with raging PMS? Let’s face it, no you don’t, and neither do I!

That doesn’t mean a woman should be denied the highest office in this land due to her gender. After all, how many wars have been spawned by testosterone poisoning? But tit for tat is beside the point. The real issue at hand is that PMS is not an inherent curse of womanhood. It is a symptom of hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalance and nothing more–an imbalance that can and should be corrected through a healthy diet, supplements, and a healthy lifestyle.

What Causes PMS?

PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome refers to particular physical and emotional symptoms women may experience during their monthly cycle, after ovulation and up to the onset of menstruation or a day or two into menstruation. The majority of women with PMS experience symptoms for a few days prior to the onset of menses; however, some women experience symptoms for the full two weeks from ovulation through the first few days of menstruation. PMS symptoms can be mildly uncomfortable or so severely disruptive they are considered disabling.

Physical symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman and range from mild to severe. Some women have several physical symptoms, some only a few or none.

Physical symptoms of PMS include:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating with possible weight gain
  • Headache
  • Backache
  • Changes in appetite with or without food cravings
  • Digestion issues (upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation)
  • Breast tenderness
  • Skin outbreaks (pimples)
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Insomnia

Emotional and behavioral symptoms of PMS include:

  • Irritability or anger
  • Moods swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depressed mood (with PMDD suicidal ideation may be included)
  • Crying spells
  • Poor concentration and/or memory

When emotions spiral out of control due to PMS, the consequences can be severe. Loss of emotional control can affect parenting, relationships with spouses or significant others, job performance, and more.

How to Manage and Eliminate PMS

First stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Stop believing PMS is natural or normal. It’s not. It is not something you are forced to endure because you are a woman. It is a symptom of unbalanced hormones and low levels of key neurotransmitters. Yes, there is a genetic component. That still doesn’t mean you have to live with this debilitating condition every month for years of your life. It does mean you have to make changes–significant changes–if you want to take control and end the roller coaster ride.

All health begins with the foods you eat. And for the body, the gut is the center of the universe. Our gut is filled with bacteria–300 to 1000 varieties. If we are healthy, the vast majority of bacteria in our gut is beneficial to our health. Friendly bacteria line and coat our intestines, crowding out unhealthy bacteria that try to take root and multiply. These friendly bacteria make up 80% of our immune system. Some of these bacteria aid us in synthesizing vitamins. They produce vitamin K, and create 90-95% of our serotonin. The friendly bacteria also keep fungi and parasites in check.

Health begins with a healthy gut and the only way to promote a healthy gut is through a nutrient dense diet. A full 80% of your diet should consist of fresh, raw, organic produce (more vegetables than fruits). Eat a large variety of healthy foods. Eat foods rich in B vitamins. Be sure your diet includes healthy omega 3 fats and fatty acids. (See links below).

An unbalanced, unhealthy gut leads to an overabundance of candida. This causes, or at least intensifies, all of the symptoms of PMS. Read How to Kill Candida and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem. THis is the first step to almost very single health issue. A few days before PMS is scheduled to begin, some SF722, FloraMend, and some B vitamins should be taken daily, until the period is over.

Avoid all artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Eliminate MSG, GMOs, and trans fats. Do not eat soy unless it is fermented. Unfermented soy disrupts hormones. Do not drink soy milk or eat soy based margarines. Soy sauce is an example of fermented soy and can be eaten. Do not eat conventional sugar. First of all, it is probably GMO since our sugar usually comes from sugar beets and most of the crop is GMO. Sugar feeds unhealthy bacteria, Candida, and parasites. It does not promote health in any way. It is void of nutrition. If you choose to eat dairy, do not drink any milk or consume any milk products unless they are organic. Most of today’s conventional dairy includes growth hormones.

Detox, detox, detox. Do a thorough detox cleanse and repeat at least twice each year. Parasites and fungus in the gut interfere with nutrient absorption, with neurotransmitter production, and create a host of other problems. Make sure your detox addresses parasites and Candida in addition to other toxins. (See link below).

Drink plenty of good clean water throughout the day. Cranberry lemonade water is especially good if you are experiencing back pain or cramps. (See link below).

Add an excellent nutritional formula to your daily diet. You can purchase a good one, or make your own. (See the link below).

Supplements that Help with PMS

B vitamins need to become your best friend. Eat foods rich in B vitamins and supplement with a good, high quality B complex vitamin. Do not take B6 or any other B vitamin by itself. B vitamins work together and need one another to properly perform functions throughout the body. Taking just one for any length of time has been shown to actually cause you to be deficient in others. B vitamins are essential to cellular functions throughout the body including metabolizing carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Our cells would not receive any nutrition—any energy—without B vitamins. In addition, they are essential to the nervous system and to neurotransmitters. They balance mood, reduce anxiety, soothe irritability. Yes, you should always take B vitamins at the first sign of PMS. Better yet, take them daily.

Take a vitamin D supplement unless you get plenty of sun. Look at a map and mentally draw a line from Atlanta to Los Angeles. If you live north of that line, you will need to supplement with vitamin D in winter months. If you live on the line or south of it, you still need to supplement if you don’t spend at least 15-20 minutes in the sun each day. Vitamin D helps the body with calcium and phosphorus and is therefore generally thought of as the vitamin for bones and teeth, but it also is essential to the immune system and brain function.

Calcium and magnesium have both been shown to reduce physical symptoms. And take omega 3 supplements, if you have not added an omega 3 source to your daily diet.

Supplementation should be taken as a daily nutritional boost, not as a “pharmaceutical” for PMS symptoms. If you are suffering from PMS, your body is deficient in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Food comes first along with nutritional powder. Feed your body what it needs on a daily basis to restore your health and hormonal balance. If you feed your body well, in time you will not need to supplement your diet if your food is fresh, nutrient dense, organic, and is grown in good soil.

If you need immediate relief for PMS symptoms, reach for extra B vitamins first and then consider the following herbal remedies:

Herbs Known to Relieve Symptoms of PMS

  • Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa)
  • Burdock
  • Chaste tree or chasteberry (Vitex agnus castus)
  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
  • Dong quai (Angelica sinensis), also known as Chinese Angelica
  • Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis)
  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
  • Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
  • Maca (Lepidium meyenii)
  • St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  • Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa)
  • Rasberry leaf (Rubus idaeus)

We recommend two herbal tinctures formulated by Doc Shillington: Female Balance and Female Formula. Both contain Dong Quai, Wild Yam and Chaste Tree Berry to balance hormones.

Shillington’s Female Balance Formulas

Shillington offers three formulas that help balance female hormones.

Female Balance Formula

This formula is the 3 balancing herbs to balances the hormones. It’s good for alleviating cramps and anxiety. Ingredients include Chaste tree berry, wild yam root, and dong quai root in a base of grain alcohol and distilled water.

Female Formula

This formula is predominantly the 3 balancing herbs from the Female Formula along with a few others making it an overall female tonic for balancing hormones, relaxing,, as well as a cramping and anxiety handler. Ingredients include wild yam root, chaste tree berry, Dong Quai root, blue and black cohosh, valerian root, passion flower, uva ursi, hops flowers, cornsilk, juniper berry and dandelion root in a base of grain alcohol and distilled water.

Female Energy Formula

With Damiana leaf, wild yam root, licorice root, siberian ginseng roots, sarsaparilla root, saw palmetto berry, oat seed, kola nut and ginger root in a base of grain alcohol and distilled water, this formula works well at balancing the hormones and improves energy as well as sex drive.


Exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. Whether you choose to go to the gym, walk, run, practice yoga, dance in your living room, or bounce on a rebounder, you need to move. Your heart needs it. Your muscles need it. Your lymphatic system demands it. It can’t circulate unless you move!

Chiropractic Care

Studies have shown that chiropractic care can provide a significant decrease in symptoms.

In Conclusion

If you want to end the monthly misery of PMS, treat the cause, not just the symptoms. The root cause is based in nutrition. Either you are not feeding your body everything it needs, or your body is unable to assimilate the nutrients you provide. Once you detox your body and focus on nutrient dense foods, your body will heal itself and find its natural balance. The two most significant supplements to help with PMS mood swings are B vitamins and Shillington’s Female Female Formula. For cramps, add Boswellia.

Recommended Supplements:
Further Reading:

Menstruation and the Moon Cycle

The Moondance

Although I began writing the following post with divine feminine energy in mind, I believe those of you embodying divine masculine energy might garner a thing or two as well…both for your partners as well as yourselves;)…

I don’t recall being “regular” during the first several years of my cycle. It could have been just an initial bodily adjustment curve or that I dabbled in birth control off and on for many years. It wasn’t entirely out of the norm for my body to skip periods altogether or for them to considerably vary in duration and/or intensity. It wasn’t until I began the practice of grounding many years later that I began to notice a connection with our moon. At first it was simply a kindred awareness. There was an innate pull to focus on her, her divine feminine energy, and how it reflected and seemed to strengthen my own. I began charting my cycles and noticed that they often mirror the moon’s rhythm. I am full as she is full…and I regularly bleed as she wanes.

The lunar cycle consists of 29 and a half days, shifting from the waxing moon of increasing light to the full moon of complete illumination, to the waning moon of decreasing light and beginning the cycle again with the waxing new moon of increasing light. It does not seem coincidental that the average length of a woman’s cycle is 29 and a half days as well, parallel to the moon’s cycle.

I have read that it was the norm for women to menstruate with the moon cycle before the addition of artificial light into our lives. Both the exposure to large amounts of artificial light as well as minimal amounts of natural light (and I’m certain a slew of other factors including the amount of pharmaceuticals and food additives that make their way into our bodies and our environment every year) create an inability to tune into the subtle cues and energetic shifts of the earth and moon. In the process of becoming disconnected with these sacred and celestial bodies, we’ve also journeyed a bit further into a disconnect, of sorts, with ourselves. Our bodies are no longer in complete sync with the harmonic structure of our surrounding elements, the rhythms of our natural world, which in part translates into a disconnect from who we innately are; our variant and unified ambitions, and our formations and routines in the interminable interim.

I’ve also read that Native American women would separate themselves from the tribe during menstruation. They cycled together in a “moon lodge” while the men and grandparents temporarily took over caring for the children and other responsibilities. During this time, women were considered even more powerful and would focus their individual and collective energy upon meditation, transformation, reflection, decision-making, and, in general, deeper truth.

For me, it also serves as an energetic source of strengthening the bond between our collective divine feminine energy. I feel very close to my girlfriends during my cycle. And (maybe not so surprisingly) I would almost prefer to be around them during this time at the entire exclusion of masculine interplay.

There’s definitely a profound energy that streams into these few days. For myself, as well as many others, it’s the energy of creativity, of reflection, of letting go, and then, of nourishing and rebuilding.

Repeatedly, during this string of 5 days, I bring my A-game to the table. Close friends joke around with me about how I accomplish more during this stretch of time than I do during all other remaining days of the month combined. It’s true. It’s almost as if I go through a mini-nesting phase each month, working overtime to get everything in order in preparation for the arrival of a both an unclear and uncertain “something.”

Side note: before nixing processed foods, I experienced cruel and compassionless cramps each month. I’ve always been conscientious regarding medications, but my drawer was reliably full with one exception to my typical “tough it out” protocol: Midol! …and lots of it. I cannot recount the times that I sent a friend or lover on Midol runs if I had even the faintest notion that I might run low mid-cycle. When I was much younger, I recall a couple of family members experiencing this variety of near-debilitating cramps, as well. Admittedly, I thought that they were over-exaggerating their experiences, that is until I spent several times, myself, curled up in the fetal position on my bed. After switching to a whole foods diet, however, all cramps- every hint of them- entirely vanished. A very welcomed outcome, and alone, worth the dietary change.

It’s not uncommon to hear women complaining about the inconvenience(s) of their cycles. However, if we shift our understanding of what menstruation is, what it symbolizes and the ways in which it connects us to others and the world around us, we can better understand and lean into this time for the gifts of growth and change that come through release, reflection, and renewal.

While I’m certain that the crone years will hold their own unique offerings and energy, I occasionally imagine that I will miss this current sacred stretch of {methodically} dancing alongside the majesty and mystery of our moon.