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Tag: EMFs - Organic Lifestyle Magazine Tag: EMFs - Organic Lifestyle Magazine

Study Shows Cell Phone Towers Harmful To Animals, Plants – 5G Will Be Much Worse

Electromagnetic Radiation From Power Lines and Cell Towers Disorientates Birds, Insects, Affects Plant Health

EKLIPSE is a UK based organization that aims to, “…improve the integration of emerging issues into policy development related to or impacting on biodiversity and ecosystem services.” The Telegraph reports that the nonprofit research group analyzed 97 studies and came to the conclusion that radiation from power lines, wi-fi, broadcast transmitters, and cellular towers pose a “credible risk” to wildlife and also degrades plant health. They warn that the upcoming 5G rollout could cause greater harm.

Animals including birds, mammals, insects and many others use the earth’s geomagnetic field as a magnetic compass. The EKLIPSE report showed that the magnetic orientation of birds, insects, spiders, and other animals including mammals can be disrupted by electromagnetic radiation. The report also established that these radiations also have an adverse effect on plant metabolism.

The report stated that “…serious impacts on the environment could not be ruled out.” They are asking for 5G transmitters to be placed away from areas where placement is likely to harm wildlife. The UK charity Buglife, after reviewing the report, is suggesting that 5g transmitters not be placed near LED street lamps, due to the fact that these lights attract insects and would thereby increase their exposure to the radiation.

The authors of the review concluded that there is

…an urgent need to strengthen the scientific basis of the knowledge on EMR and their potential impacts on wildlife.

… In particular, there is a need to base future research on sound, high-quality, replicable experiments so that credible, transparent and easily accessible evidence can inform society and policy-makers to make decisions and frame their policies.”

Matt Shardlow, CEO of Buglife, brought up a very good point:

We apply limits to all types of pollution to protect the habitability of our environment, but as yet, even in Europe, the safe limits of electromagnetic radiation have not been determined, let alone applied.”

This isn’t the first report on potential dangers with Electromagnetic Radiation.

A study from 2010 suggested that this electromagnetic radiation may be accelerating or causing a decline of certain animal and insect populations.

In the mid-1990s the cell phone industry commissioned a comprehensive research group called Wireless Technology Research to study cell phone health concerns. Dr. George Carlo oversaw the research. The commission started to reveal that there were serious health concerns with cell phone usage and then the industry decided to bury the results.

Researchers have been sounding the alarm for years.

The main health concern with electromagnetic radiation emitted by smart meters and other wireless technologies is that EMF and RF cause a breakdown in the communication between cells in the body, interrupting DNA repair and weakening tissue and organ function. These are the findings of Dr. George Carlo, who oversaw a comprehensive research group commissioned by the cell phone industry in the mid-1990s.” – James F. Tracy

How Negative Ions and Positive Ions Affect our Health

An atom or a molecule (a group of atoms) with more positive electrons than negative carries a positive charge. When there is an extra negative electron it has a negative charge. We call these positive and negative ions.

Positively charged ions do not have a positive effect on our physical and mental health. They are associated with an increase in allergies, infections, lethargy, depression, anxiety, suicide, and more.

Negatively charged ions have a positive effect. They elevate our mood by increasing serotonin levels, they help stabilize blood pressure, increase the body’s alkalinity, strengthen bones, heighten immunity, accelerate physical recovery, they purify and clean the air, and more.

Obviously, it is in our best interest to increase our exposure to negative ions. But how can we do this?

Spend more time outside. Negatively charged ions are abundant in nature with the highest concentrations forming near moving water and old growth forests. Have you ever noticed how you feel when you sit near a waterfall or walk along the beach? What about when you stand in a forest or stroll through a lush garden? You breathe in that fresh, clean air and you feel energized yet calm, alive, vibrant, refreshed.

Positively charged ions concentrate indoors. Electromagnetic fields, fluorescent lights, carpet, metal, plastics, and air pollution all increase the number of positive ions in an environment. Your first defense is to open the windows to fresh air! The next? Get rid of those fluorescent light bulbs! While you’re at it, toss the microwave.

While most of us will not give up our modern electrical conveniences, we can limit our exposure by turning off electronics that are not in use and by shutting it down at night. Turn off your “instant on” appliances. Yes, unplugging them and plugging them in again is a hassle. Why not plug them into a surge protector so you can just flip the switch?

Cell phones are great when you’re out and about, but many of us have done away with our landlines and use our cell phones exclusively. If you or a family member spends lots of time on the phone, consider the benefits of maintaining a landline. More evidence is mounting that links brain cancer to extensive cell phone use, especially when usage begins in the teen years.

In addition to stopping some of the electronic pollution at its source, you can invest in ways to produce negative ions in your home. How can we increase negative ions on the home? Open windows, eliminate carpet, buy an all-natural mattress, set up an indoor waterfall, use salt lamps, or try a negative ion generator. We recommend utilizing all of these options.

Increase your exposure to negative ions and start grounding (or earthing) each day as well, and your body will thank you!

Further Reading:
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How Himalayan Salt Lamps Work

Have you been wondering what the deal is with those salt lamps? It’s not just the nice ambient light. Salt lamps actually help filter the air, removing dirt, pollen, bacteria, viruses, pet dander, mold spores, positive ions, and more. Right now, salt lamps seem to be all the rage within the natural health community. Users report a dramatic change in the quality of air in their home, leading to many health benefits.

Reported health benefits of Himalayan salt lamps include:

  • Improves difficulty with breathing
  • Reduces allergy symptoms
  • Less stress due to a calming and soothing effect
  • Better cognitive function, ablility to concentrate
  • Less fatigue when working for long periods around other electronics
  • Fewer headaches and migraines
  • Reduced symptoms from many autoimmune diseases like rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Skin is healthier, more supple
  • Insomnia is relieved (though those who suffer from insomnia may not do well with the light on at night; reviews are mixed on this issue)
  • Fresher air that smells better and feels better to breathe
  • A better overall sense of health and wellbeing

See for yourself. If you typically sit and work at a computer for your job, this will be easy. Put a salt lamp on your desk next to you for a day and compare the difference. Anyone who is in tune with their body will be able to feel it easily, but understanding why this happens is a bit more complicated, but very illuminating (pun intended).

(you can purchase salt lamps here)

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Positive and Negative Ions

An ion is a molecule that, through environmental influences, has lost or gained an electron. The names seem a little backward from our perspective. Positive ions have a negative effect on us while negative ions have a positive effect. Positive ions are usually carbon dioxide molecules that have been stripped of an electron. Negative ions are usually oxygen molecules that have gained an electron. Negative and positive ions are drawn to each other. They bind to neutralize.

Positive ions are created by electrical equipment: clothes dryers, computers, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, microwaves, televisions, electric stoves, wireless networks, etc. They are also created by pollution. City air is filled with positive ions.

Negative ions are abundant in nature, especially in forests, near the ocean, and near waterfalls. They are created by the movement of water, by sunlight, and by the Earth’s radiation. When you sit beside a waterfall or stand on the beach near the ocean, you breathe in air that just seems to fill you with energy. This is the effect of negative ions.

Incidentally, old growth forests produce many more ions than young forests.

The trouble is, with our lives predominantly spent in offices, houses, and cars, we’re blocking out nature’s negative ions while we produce positive ions that bombard our bodies virtually every minute of every day.

EMFs, like daylight, and blue and white lights, depress the conversion of serotonin to melatonin, and melatonin is what the body needs for quality sleep.

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The Positive Health Benefits of Negative Ions

This is what most sellers of salt lamps focus on.

Bacteria, mold, and yeast flourish in a positive ion environment. Many allergens and other air pollutants are positively charged, and the positive ions themselves are believed to have a detrimental effect on our health as well. Research is really just getting started in this area, and it is a source of much debate and contention. A this point, we do know that at least there are serious health issues with some people when exposed to EMFs.

Negative ions will “detoxify” the air. The negative ions attach to the positively charged particles in large numbers, causing mold spores, pollen, pet dander, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, odors, dust, and other hazardous airborne particles to become too heavy to stay airborne. But negative ions by themselves seem to provide health benefits as well. This surfeit of negative ions has long been associated with improvements in mood and physical health. It’s still early, but research conducted in the last decade is now starting to show that negative ions have a net positive effect on our health (aside from the aforementioned benefits of neutralizing the air). Ideally, we should be spending most of our time in nature not only to get away from positive ions, but to immerse ourselves in negative ions.

One of the most tantalizing hints regarding negative ions and health surfaced when German researchers discovered a link between catecholamine regulation and lifespan after depriving experimental animals of negative ions. First, researchers at the Goldstein and Lewin Dept. of Medical Research in Stahnsdorf, Germany isolated mice and rats in air-tight, sealed acrylic cases. Next, they filtered the ambient air to remove all negative ions from the sealed cases. Their research led to the discovery that a prolonged deficiency of negative ions led to an accelerated rate of death for the experimental animals. Examination of the animals led researchers to conclude that the results ‘…strongly suggest that animal death is related to disturbances in neurohormonal regulation and pituitary insufficiency.'” –

Outdoor conditions away from the city have an average ratio of 40% positive ions to 60% negative ions. Inside our homes and offices, there’s a huge buildup of excess positive ions. This is why we have static electricity inside buildings. Rub your feet on carpet and touch a doorknob and you might get a shock, but you won’t be able to repeat this process out in a forest.

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Common building materials that contribute to electrostatic buildup include carpets, vinyl, plastics, drapes made with synthetic materials, wallpaper, paints, varnishes, dimmer switches, poorly wired homes (not up to current code), smart meters, and much more. Fluorescent lighting is a huge source of EMFs. Forcing people to work or attend school under this fluorescent lighting was one of the worst ideas of the 20th century. Most of our buildings also have poor ventilation and low humidity which allows static energy to build up.  As if that wasn’t enough, the ductwork, copy machines, printers, computers, and other devices that ground will actually ground off the beneficial negative ions, leaving a greater number of positive ions.

Bacteria, mold and yeast flourish in a positive ion environment. Ductwork, copy machines, computers and other devices ground off negative ions resulting in a greater number of positive ions. The grounding off of negative ions in HVAC systems contributes to bacteria and mold growth in the air distribution network. Frequent cleaning of ductwork and sanitizing it with a non-toxic citric cleanser can eliminate a predisposition to ‘sick building syndrome,’ but will not solve negative ion depletion.”  – Richard Crowther

How Do Salt Lamps Generate Negative Ions?

Salt attracts moisture. The small amount of heat given off by the light bulb inside of the block of salt creates heat, evaporating the moisture. This evaporation action, as previously mentioned, will reduce the amount of positive ions in the room, which in turn increases the amount of negative ions, and many also believe the evaporation process itself also creates additional negative ions. There’s some debate on this issue. Salt lamps may not actually literally generate negative ions themselves. Regardless, we do know for sure that they do reduce the amount of positive ions in the air, increasing the ratio of negative to positive ions by way of attracting positively charged water molecules and exhausting neutral vapor into the air.

When a negative ion comes in contact with a positive ion they neutralize one another. Negative ions attach themselves to the positively charged molecules floating in the air and the molecules become too heavy to remain airborne. And as they fall, they take the airborne allergens and toxins with them, as mentioned in an earlier paragraph.

If salt lamps produce negative ions, even a very large salt lamp will only produce them in a small radius. But as mentioned, after some time, the room will be full of negative ions. A negative ion generator would produce far more negative ions in the room more quickly. On the other hand, ionizers are more expensive, they aren’t as pretty to look at. Salt lamps definitely do remove positive ions, and salt lamps offer other benefits, too. While the ions are what most people who sell salt lamps have been focusing on lately, consider negative ions from salt lamps as an added benefit. They have much more to offer.

Salt, Water Vapor Attraction, and Evaporation

Water vapor is in the air we breathe. Indoor humidity carries a positive charge. Airborne pathogens (bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, etc.) and other irritants and toxins use the airborne water molecules (humidity, vapor) to travel onto our skin and into our lungs.

Salt is hygroscopic, which means that it attracts and holds water molecules from the surrounding environment. The bigger the block of salt, the more water vapor it attracts, carrying with it the airborne contaminants. When the salt is heated, more vapor is attracted to the salt lamp, and the water is then dispersed back. Particles are left stuck to the salt lamp. The pathogens die while the heat from the light bulb causes the water to evaporate back into the air.

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The ambient air surrounding a salt lamp is measurably cleaner by the transformation cycle of hydrogen and oxygen, as well as sodium and chloride ions. This characteristic is especially helpful for relieving the symptoms associated with asthma and allergies in general.

The range for the wattage of bulb that should be used is pretty wide, but large salt lamps need more wattage to produce desired results but too much wattage will retard the lamp’s ability to absorb the water from the air.

Every week or so turn off your salt lamp, let it cool off for an hour, and wipe the lamp with a barely damp cloth.

Electromagnetic Oscillation

An electromagnetic field surrounds the Earth.  All life on this planet depends on this electromagnetic field of vibration. This field is known as the Schumann resonance frequency. The frequency of this electromagnetic field resonates at 7.83 Hz (cycles) per second. We also know that our brains (and we believe our entire body and all other mammals) operate on this frequency.

In its neutral state, a salt crystal exhibits the very same frequency oscillation value, just under 8 Hz. EMFs caused by electronic devices have very diverse, chaotic frequency values. As mentioned above, we now know that these frequencies disturb our natural electric field, which upsets the natural development of our cells, unbalances our hormones, disrupts our natural sleep rhythm, and promotes illness. We are electrical beings, and the wrong electrical energy surrounding us robs our bodies of energy we use to live.

The atomic structure of salt is neutral. It is believed that salt lamps are a natural amplifier of frequencies around 7 to 10 Hz and can neutralize those harmful, chaotic, electromagnetic wavelengths caused by electronic devices.

Himalayan Salt Lamp Color Therapy

The light emitted from a salt lamp may not strike most people as a substantial health benefit, but light color has huge effect on our lives!

  The Healing Effect of Light Colors on our Body and Mind:

  • Pink – Supports loving emotions, trust, compassion.
  • Brown – Supports emotional balance and emotional clarity, a “grounded” feeling.
  • Orange – Facilitates a feeling of security, beneficial to our nervous system, and helps to activate the kidneys and bladder.
  • Yellow – Encourages mental comprehension, and activates the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.
  • Red – Strengthens the heart and blood circulation, contributes to a feeling of alertness.
  • Blue – Raises energy levels, suppresses melatonin, boosts mental clarity, and elevates mood.
  • White – This is balanced light which includes all of the other colors. White light has a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body.

Consider our sunsets and sunrises and the different colors that come out of the sky. It makes perfect sense that we react to colors the way we do.

While we recommend LED lights over fluorescent lights for health reasons, it should be know that LED lights emit a blue light. It looks very white to most, and some bulbs look whiter than others, but it’s still a blue light to our body, which is great for daytime, but should be totally avoided as the sun goes down. This blue light from our computers, TVs, cell phones, and other electronics, inhibit the release of melatonin, which causes sleep disturbances and leads to other hormonal imbalances.

Salt lamps don’t emit blue light. The soft pink, brown, and/or orange light of a Himalayan salt lamp is soothing. The specific oscillation values of salt crystal lamps depend upon the crystalline color structure of the salt.

Some people choose to sleep with the lamp on. Some lamps have dimmers, but dimmer switches may put out enough EMFs to counteract the lamp’s effects when the lamp is turned down low. Some people say it helps to leave the light on while sleeping, but while it certainly is not as disruptive as some of the other light spectrums, no light is usually considered best for facilitating deep sleep.

It does make sense to use the light of a salt lamp before and after bedtime. If you want to leave the lamp on all night, but don’t want to see the light, try this: When you’re just about to go to sleep, move the lamp behind something and drape some dark fabric on the lamp, like a hand towel.

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Where and How To Use Himalayan Salt Lamps

To receive the maximum benefit from salt lamps, position them close to you in places you frequent. For instance, if you work at a desk, put one on your desk, closer to you than your computer and other electronic devices. If possible, place one in every room.

Remember the salt attracts moisture and the light bulb evaporates that moisture. If the light is not turned on for several hours a day, it will become wet, enough to cause a puddle. If your lamp will be turned off for a long period of time, wrap it well in plastic, sealing out humidity.

As mentioned previously, it’s a good idea to unplug the lamp once a week to let it cool off, and wipe it off with a damp rag. Don’t use a damp or wet rag on the lamp when it is hot.

How to Choose a Himalayan Salt Lamp

There are plenty of low priced salt lamps on Amazon, at Walmart, etc. Most of them work (check reviews), and if you’re unsure, a cheap one may be a good place to start. But cheap salt lamps really are a pain in the butt. A high-quality salt lamp looks much better, should last for decades, and you’ll see its worth in comparison to a cheap lamp. Cheap lamps have cheap bases that break in no time, bulb fixtures that don’t stay in, and the larger lamps often come with a bulb that doesn’t have enough wattage.

Every Himalayan salt lamp is unique. The shape and colors vary. Generally, the darker shades of pink and orange are considered higher quality. Cheap lamps are usually a very light pink and typically have visible black deposits within them.

The bigger the size, the bigger the effect. The weight of a salt lamp is a good indicator as to how well it can clean the air. Price is, of course, a factor, so if your budget is limited, use these salt lamp sizes as a rough guide:

  • On a desk, a smaller crystal salt lamp between 5 and 10 pounds is large enough as long as the lamp is positioned closer to you than the computer itself. If this sort of positioning isn’t possible, 10-15 pounds may be a better choice.
  • For small- to medium-sized bedrooms that do not have heavy EMF loads (no TV, etc.), 5 to 10 pounds is enough.
  • For larger rooms, 10 pounds and up will yield the most benefit. If possible, get a very large lamp for large rooms and open office environments.

The shape of the lamp does not affect its ability to clean the air, but the type of surface area is important. Polished salt lamps like orbs and pyramids, while very pretty and still very beneficial, do not have as much surface area as the roughly chiseled versions.


If your lamp isn’t warm or drips too much water, particularly in humid environments, try increasing the wattage of its light bulb. Also, remember that you need to use light bulbs that produce some heat. This is no place for the eco-friendly LED. Most cheap salt lamps within the 6-12 pound range and any good quality salt lamp will come with the right kind of light bulb, but you will need to replace them.

Start with one salt lamp. Chances are, you’ll end up with at least one for every major room in no time.

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Is Wi-Fi Making Your Child Ill?

Lately, there have been claims that radiation from Wi-Fi technology can lead to certain types of cancer and other diseases, especially in children under 5 years of age.

France recently banned Wi-Fi in day care centers to protect the children from exposure to electromagnetic wave radiation and reduce their risk of incurring cancer or other diseases.

Though there is no concrete scientific proof that relates diseases to the use of Wi-Fi technology, a British radiofrequency and electromagnetic fields expert, Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, is advocating for relinquishing wireless gadgets.

In 2009, Dr.Mallery-Blythe noticed the increase of certain ailments among people exposed to wireless technology. Some of these issues include insomnia, fatigue, headaches, palpitation, and even neurological disorders, like Alzheimer’s and autism.

One of her strongest cases was a nine-year-old girl who experienced headaches and other neurological symptoms in 2011. Dr. Mallery-Blythe determined the culprit was the wireless technology close to the young student’s classroom seat.

According to the school, the Wi-Fi exposure in their building adheres to internationally accepted standards set by the government. Dr Simon Mann of the Department of Health said that they stand by Public Health England (PHE), that there is no evident reason Wi-Fi shouldn’t be used in schools and other places.

Claims of Harmful Effects

There has been a lot of literature about the harmful effects of wireless technology on the biological system. The powerful Council of Europe committee, which is composed of 47 member states, claimed back in 2011 that devices with wireless capabilities have “potentially harmful” effects on people and should be banned from schools. The Council had been calling for the ban since 2011, even before France did.

Germany has taken steps to persuade people to avoid using wireless technology whenever possible, so has Los Angeles in the USA.  In 2007, a BBC Panorama programme found that the readings next to a classroom laptop showed radiation at double the level only 100 metres from a mobile phone mast.

According to studies, children who are five years old and below absorb up to 60 percent more radiation than adults because they have thinner skulls and their brains still have a high water content. In some Western countries, brain tumours have become a more prevalent health condition among children than leukaemia. Glioma, a brain cancer related to mobile phone usage, has increased fivefold among people age 20 and below since 2008.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer and some parts of the World Health Organization claim that electromagnetic fields can be carcinogenic. The Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure further claims that EMF is even more harmful to children and foetuses.

Disputes Against EMF’s Harmful Effects to Humans

There may be a lot of claims from the growing anti-wireless technology groups about how EMF can harm humans, but there are also a lot of disputes over these claims and there are studies that conclude these fears of adverse effects are actually myths.

The Australian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Agency, the Australian government’s agency that looks into radiation, claims that there is no scientific evidence that “low” RF-EMF from WiFi technology has any adverse effects on children and human beings. According to the agency, WiFi radiation in schools is low powered.

EMF expert Dr. Vitas Anderson from Two Fields Consulting reassured people that there is no need to relinquish their wireless gadgets. He claims that France’s ban on Wi-Fi in schools is “over the top.” Anderson said there were two views when it comes to EMF: the government’s view of WHO claiming that EMF exposure below the international limits is safe and the minority view that asserts Wi-Fi is dangerous. And just like climate change, even if there is a consensus of 98 percent that it actually exists, sceptics will still find studies to prove otherwise.


Dr. Mallery-Blythe recommends keeping your mobile device switched off unless it is really needed and to avoid carrying it close to your body. She suggests using Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi and disabling the Wi-Fi if possible. The Australian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Agency suggests the same protocol if you are skeptic about Wi-Fi safety.

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