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Category: Holistic Health - Organic Lifestyle Magazine Category: Holistic Health - Organic Lifestyle Magazine

Natural Remedies for Canker Sores

Canker sores (apthous ulcers), are small, painful sores inside the mouth that are either white or yellow with a red border. Canker sores are often confused with cold sores, but unlike cold sores they are caused by a bacterial infection rather than the herpes virus. Canker sores can be caused by irritation or abrasion of the tongue or mouth tissues from sharp foods, vigorous brushing with rigid toothbrushes, or orthodontia. Swollen lymph nodes and fever may accompany an outbreak.


Lysine is a natural remedy for canker sores. Begin with 4 grams daily for the first four days followed by 500 mg three times a day for two weeks on an empty stomach.

Other Vitamins and Supplements

If you find you suffer from recurring bouts of canker sores, you may be deficient in B12 or vitamin C. Always remember to take multi-B vitamins rather than taking just one B vitamin for long term treatment to avoid causing deficiencies in the other B vitamins.  Iron, zinc, vitamin C and acidophilus may also help.

Diet and Health

You may also be sensitive to milk and wheat and may need to eliminate them from your diet along with other foods.  There are also many other possible causes including poor nutrition, digestive disorders, and autoimmune problems. Increase your fresh fruits and vegetables and maintain your body’s proper pH.

Natural Arthritis Remedies

What Causes Arthritis?

  • Inflammation
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Protein deficiency
  • Dehydration
  • Misalignment

This doesn’t mean it’s time to make an appointment with your chiropractor and then go to the grocery store to purchase milk, steak, and Advil. Milk is a terrible source of calcium; the body has a hard time fully digesting and assimilating protein from cooked meat; and Advil is toxic. And chiropractic alone wil not offer anything more than temporary relief for arthritis.

When a body is calcium or protein deficient, it cannot properly regenerate joints, ligaments, bones, and other internal structure with the proteins and minerals needed for proper mobility.

Ridding the body of arthritis is often one of the easiest and fastest natural remedies.

Quick and Easy Natural Arthritis Remedy

This is a quick fix. It’s like a Band-Aid. It’s a natural remedy that works, but you need to change your diet and lifestyle to restore your health.

Mix one packet of Knox gelatin in ½ cup of cold water and drink once or twice a day depending on the severity of the symptoms.


There are three steps for most people to eliminate inflammation. Kill Candida and balance the gut flora (eliminate wheat and refined foods), eat an 80% raw food diet, and balance the body’s fats and minerals.

Dr. Budwig’s quark and flax recipe is the fastest way to infuse anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids into the body. Check out What Causes Chronic Inflammation, and How To Stop It For Good.

Calcium Deficiency

Nearly every calcium supplement on the market is terrible. Conventional calcium supplements are actually likely to cause kidney stones, arthritis and many other degenerative diseases.

An acidic diet is leads to calcium deficiency.

Vegetables are the best way to ingest, absorb, and most importantly, fully assimilate calcium. Beet greens, broccoli, bok choy, swiss chard, dandelion greens, kale, mustard spinach, sprouted soybeans, spinach, turnip greens, and collard greens are all very good sources of calcium. No supplement can replace the benefits of a diet full of these vegetables.

One other way to get some extra calcium into your diet is from raw egg shells, which contain not just calcium, but also other microelements, i.e. magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sulphur, silicon, zinc, and more.

Egg Shell Calcium

Place whole raw uncracked organic eggs in a glass jar or container. Add fresh squeezed organic lemon juice (concentrated will not work!) until eggs are completely covered. Cover the jar loosely and put into refrigerator. Agitate the liquid in the jar, gently, a few times a day. Two days later (48 hours) or when the bubbling has stopped, gently remove the eggs from the jar without breaking the egg membranes. The leftover lemony liquid is rich in all the aforementioned minerals and easily absorbable calcium. Store with airtight lid. Consume 2 to 4 ounces daily. Read more Homemade Calcium and Magnesium.

Protein Deficiency

Cooking meat binds the proteins making them hard to digest and assimilate. The more the meat is cooked, the more this is an issue. Some better sources of protein include raw eggs (dangerous if not organic), hemp powder, spirulina, and chlorella. Raw fresh vegetables have proteins as well. Remember, it’s not how much protein or calcium (or any other nutrient) that one eats; it’s how much of the nutrient is assimilated.


This is an easy one, but it’s not always as easy as “just drink water.” If the kidneys are not functioning properly due to an unhealthy diet, drinking more water is similar to dumping more water into a stopped-up toilet hoping to eliminate the clog.


If the neck is not in proper alignment, this can cause pain and limited mobility in the wrists, shoulders, and pretty much anywhere else. While chiropractic adjustments can help realign the neck, a healthy diet along with a low toxin lifestyle is essential to holding a chiropractic adjustment. An example of this is when the thyroid and adrenal glands become overtaxed by stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine, the neck will come out of alinement which aggravates arthritic conditions in the arm from the shoulder to the fingers.

Thyroid Problems

A thyroid that isn’t working right caused pinched nerves in the neck, tension headaches, and poor blood circulation through the whole body. See Understand Hypothyroidism – Prevention and Natural Remedies.


While proper diet and elimination of toxins can eliminate most any disease, some take longer than others. But arthritis is one of those ailments that is easy to completely eliminate in a matter of a few days to a couple of weeks for most cases. Arthritis in the elbows, wrists, knees, hips and shoulders are often caused by, and/or exacerbated by thyroid problems and a leaky gut. Check out, How To Kill Candida and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem and see Understand Hypothyroidism – Prevention and Natural Remedies.

Recommended Supplements:
Further Reading:

Natural remedies for a Hangover

Home Remedies and Cures for a Night of Over- Indulgence with Alcohol

Your best bet to avoid a hangover is by not drinking, of course, but that’s not what you came here for. The next best step to avoid a hangover is to be healthy. If you eat lots of fresh raw fruits and vegetables, get lots of vitamins and enzymes, don’t have Candida, and don’t have an overly toxified liver, chances are you won’t even get a hangover. Or if you do, it will be mild.

Every single one of these hangover remedies can be done for any reason at any time and will make you feel great. If you’re sick, tired, sore, depressed, or just looking to take better care of yourself, give these ideas a try. And if you know you’re about to go get hammered, go ahead and drink plenty of fluids and take  B vitamins and potassium and all the other good nutrition you can right beforehand.

Since these are natural remedies, forget the Gatorade and the Advil. And avoid coffee. Your kidneys and liver have been through enough.


For a headache, you should always have this amazing natural cure: Doc Shillington’s Pain and Headache Formula.

Kill the Yeast

Drinking alcohol can wreck havoc on your body’s digestive ecosystem. Thorne’s SF 722 is undecylenic acid, a potent fatty acid that kills Candida. This is the best there is to kill yeast. Everyone should have this supplement at all times. And after a night of heavy drinking, Candida can be a serious issue. Take 10 capsules twice a day and rid your body of most of its Candida faster than any other remedy available. And if you’ve ever woken up with an itchy crotch, itchy armpits, itchy feet, and/or a white itchy tongue and mouth, these are most likely symptoms of yeast problems. And yeast can inhibit the body’s ability to do its job in many ways, including processing alcohol. Plus it causes terrible headaches and B vitamin deficiencies.

Renew the Bacteria

Probiotics can help someone get over a hangover and settle an upset stomach.

Yogurt or Kiefer are two good choices (goat milk or coconut milk kefir are good alternatives to cow’s milk). If you have access to it, get some BioK. The live cultures in BioK are strong enough to survive the stomach acid and flourish in the intestines where they are supposed to do their job.

Wake Up, Rejuvenate, and Detoxify

An Epson salt bath with wasabi is a great way to relax, detoxify, and ease an achy body. If you have access to a sauna, you can sweat it out. Bring peppermint essential oil and put some on your skin but avoid your eyes.

Take a 2 ounce shot of ginger juice. Make some green tea with ginger. Drink a few drops of liquid cayenne pepper extract.

Make a gallon of lemonade with stevia and cayenne and drink it all day to help further detoxify and rehydrate.

Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) and milk thistle can help you detoxify your liver.


Coconut water, fresh and raw, is an excellent source of the five essential electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and calcium. Coconut water is absolutely perfect for anyone anytime, but especially during a hangover. Water is the second best choice.

Balance Your PH

Alcohol makes your body very acidic. Body Balance balances the body’s PH. Purchase here.

You can make your own by mixing raw apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses, equal parts. (Take 2 tablespoons.) Black strap molasses is also a good source of B vitamins.


If you drank too much alcohol, you need lots of nutrition. Making a salad with a ton of different vegetables (like the one in this article) and eating a banana will go a long way in restoring the body’s vitamins and minerals and other nutrients.

While you’re at it, add some raw asparagus to that salad. Recent studies claim that eating asparagus before (and after) heavy drinking boosts key enzymes responsible for breaking down alcohol in your system. But remember that cooking foods kills enzymes, so eat it raw.

A great multivitamin to have, that is also one of the best sources for complete B vitamins, is Buried Treasure VM-100 Complete.

And Last but Not Least

If possible, get some more sleep! Alcohol damages the body. The body repairs itself when it sleeps. Sleep it off whenever possible.


Body Balance and ginger can make some people end up praying to the porcelain god. You should know how you react to the taste before you try to drink them on a queasy stomach from a night of drinking. On the other hand, vomiting may just be the best thing for you!

Natural Cure for Yeast Infection

Our favorite supplement for vaginal yeast infections (and any topical yeast infection) is Undecyn by Thorn. But if you need a home remedy for an acute situation there are plenty of options.

While looking at other home remedies, we were surprised to see how many terrible ideas there are on the Internet for natural cures for vaginal yeast infections! A couple of the most common are to eat yogurt or to insert a tampon soaked in yogurt, apple cider vinegar, or tea tree oil.

Tampons are a terrible idea, and commercial yogurts, even the kind that claims to have the right probiotics, are usually not at all natural, and dairy feeds yeast.

Tampons irritate the lining of the vagina and are made of toxic materials. To make matters worse, plugging up the vagina is extremely unhealthy. Pads should be used when needed. Check out Moonpads for an environmentally responsible and healthier choice.

Yeast infections can happen anywhere and to anyone. Men suffer from “jock itch”. Athlete’s foot is common. An ear infection can be yeast. Headaches are often caused by yeast. Even the nail beds of our fingers and toes can become infected with yeast. Yeast, like bacteria, can infect any part of the body.

Everyone has yeast, bacteria, and viruses within their bodies at all times. Vaginal yeast infections (and other yeast infections) are common due in large part to a diet high in refined sugars and other refined foods, and antibiotics which kill bacteria, including beneficial bacteria that helps us digest our food and keep yeast in check. Yeast infections are very common after taking antibiotics.

Topical yeast infections can be transferred during sex.

When a vaginal infection is present, yeast is out of control within the whole body. Addressing the yeast topically is a temporary fix, and it does not address the larger problem within as well. That said, if a yeast infection is irritating the skin, whether it’s inside the vagina, outside the vagina on the genitals, or anywhere else, treating the infection both internally and topically will yield faster and more permanent results than treating just one or the other.

Natural Yeast Infection Cures

Garlic, high-quality probiotics (the few that can survive stomach acid), oil of oregano, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, neem oil, and 10-undecenoic acid (SF722 and Undecyn) all kill yeast topically.

Garlic can be crushed and applied directly on the yeast infection, but this can be painful. Apple cider vinegar, neem oil, and tea tree oil can also irritate at full strength. A few drops of any essential oil go a long way, and apple cider vinegar should be cut in half with water. Oil of oregano can be very harsh to irritated skin, even more so than tea tree oil, so use carefully. Dilute oil of oregano and tea tree oil with another oil such as almond oil. And of course, you can combine remedies to make your own solution.

A proper diet and the right supplements are essential for treating yeast infections whether they are topical or internal. For ridding the body of yeast from the inside read Natural Candida Remedies in this issue.

Fungal Supplement Stack – Knock Out Yeast, Candida, Mold, Fungus, UTIs

The first three should be plenty for most people, but for really prominent fungal issues or for impatient people with a bigger budget I’d recommend all of these:

Further Reading:

Natural Remedies for Constipation – With Recipes

Anyone who suffers from constipation has serious diet issues. The best foods to promote regularity and a healthy gastrointestinal tract are raw fresh vegetables and fruit. They contain fiber, and the digestion process of raw vegetables and fruits promotes healthy intestinal flora. Diets high in refined sugar encourage yeast to flourish in the whole body, including the colon. Yeast overgrowth can overrun the beneficial bacteria, causing digestive problems.

Lack of exercise and dehydration also lead to constipation.

To prevent constipation, eat a healthy diet rich in raw, fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Exercise, stay well hydrated and consider doing an intestinal cleanse to heal and strengthen the entire gastrointestinal system.

Dr. Shillington offers the Intestinal Detox and the Intestinal Cleanse formulas for detoxifying the bowels, and we have the recipes for these formulas at the bottom, after the other home remedies below.

If you need to move your poop, there’s nothing more effective than Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse formula. It also kills parasites, heals the intestinal tract, and is a healthy means to promote bowel movements for those who have trouble defecating. Shillington’s Intestinal detox, draws out old fecal matter from the walls of the intestine, while it removes poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and more. Due to the charcoal and clays in the Intestinal Detox, it actually slows things down a bit, but the two also work very well together to heal the gut and get bowel movements normal and healthy.

Related: Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections

Immediate, Natural Relief for Constipation

There are many quick and easy natural remedies for constipation, from prunes and prune juice to enemas. Many of them are handed down from generation to generation.  Epsom salts are a commonly known laxative when taken orally or when used as an enema. But even the directions on the package contain a warning if you have kidney disease or are on a magnesium-restricted diet. Though rare, there have been reports of death due to magnesium toxicity. And while Castor oil has been used for generations, there are also concerns about ricin poisoning. Two tablespoons of honey will often relieve constipation, but honey, even with its antimicrobial properties may not be the best choice for people with an abundance of Candida.

More Constipation Home Remedies

There are plenty of other home remedies, but if you suffer from chronic constipation due to an injury, surgery, or a medication, chances are you’ll need more than the typical home remedies. We recommend Dr. Shillington’s intestinal cleanse for cases like aforementioned. For anyone who is constipated due to built-up fecal matter, we recommend both the previously mentioned cleanse and Dr. Shillington’s intestinal detox.


Often called “Nature’s Remedy,” dried plums contain sorbitol, a natural laxative. Dried plums have both insoluble and soluble fiber.

Olive Oil

Pure olive oil can also help relieve constipation. It’s not surprising really when you consider how it works; the oil makes things very smooth and slippery, plus olive oil also stimulates your digestive system which can help get things moving. Try a tablespoon and increase if needed until you’ve achieved the desired effect. It works best on an empty stomach. You can mix it with a little bit of lemon juice if you like to lighten the flavor (lemon juice also acts as a natural aid for constipation.)

Flaxseed Oil, Coconut Oil

Just like olive oil, but with flax or coconut oil.


Blackstrap molasses a (don’t get it confused with regular molasses) contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, a natural laxative. Some say to start with a teaspoon, others recommend a tablespoon.


Coffee can have a laxative effect on the body, but we won’t get into it here because we’re not fans of coffee from a health standpoint.


You can probably figure out why squats can be so helpful, but exercise, in general, is one of the best ways to eliminate chronic constipation and squats help organs detoxify and function better.


It’s best to use pure aloe vera gel straight from the plant. Start with about 2 tablespoons. If you don’t have an aloe plant, try store bought aloe gel or aloe juice.

Baking soda

It’s is so incredibly versatile. Baking soda works for constipation, indigestion, and other tummy issues because it is a bicarbonate. Baking soda will encourage air to come out of you one way or another, which will relieve pain from pressure., but may cause some in the meantime. Try a tablespoon in warm water.

Epsom salt

Epsom salt is an effective home remedy for constipation because the salt draws water from its surroundings, softening up stool, and Epson salt contains magnesium. Try two tablespoons mixed with water or prune juice.


Dandelions make it a gentle laxative as well as an effective detoxifier. A cup of dandelion tea can be made with dried dandelion leaves, or you can eat the leaves fresh with a salad. Bacteria is necessary


Unhealthy, imbalanced gut flora can cause constipation, leaving the undigested fecal matter in the intestinal tract to feed the bad guys. If constipation is caused by Candida or other nasty flora than probiotics can get things moving and keep things moving quickly. Typical store-bought yogurts and fermented foods are not the best probiotics because the bacteria gets killed in the stomach acid. Get probiotics that are designed to pass through stomach acid.

Related: Start Eating Like That and Start Eating Like This – Your Guide to Homeostasis Through Diet

Shillington’s Formulas

As mentioned above, Shillington’s Intestinal Detox and Intestinal Cleanse may be what you need. Shillington’s intestinal cleanse restores the colon to optimal health by stimulating the peristaltic action and strengthening the muscles of the large intestine. It also halts putrefaction, disinfects, soothes, and heals the mucous membrane lining of the entire digestive tract. The result is improved digestion, relief of gas and cramps, increased flow of bile (which, in turn, cleans the gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver), and it kills Candida, all while promoting healthy intestinal flora. It even destroys and expels intestinal parasites and increases gastrointestinal circulation. For minor constipation, a few intestinal cleanse capsules can help relieve and evacuate the bowel within a few hours. If you want to make your own, the recipes can be found here:


Related: Shillington’s Total Body Cleanse


Poor diet and poor colon health cause constipation. Overuse of laxatives causes weak bowels and chronic constipation. Bowel movements should be effortless and fast. If constipation still occurs after eating healthy for some time, a colon cleanse is in order. For anyone who has central nervous damage, or hypothyroidism, or is on medications that prohibit regular movements, or for any reason fecal elimination is a problem, the combination of Shillington’s Intestinal Detox and Shillington’s  Intestinal Cleanse will get things moving and help to repair the gut. For more on gut health, be sure to check out What Can Berberine Do For You and How To Heal Your Gut.

Natural Cough and Sore Throat Remedies

Recipe for Natural Cough Remedy

Juice one small carrot, one small apple, and one piece of ginger about the size of a thumb. Add four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and two drops of liquid cayenne pepper extract. Heat to no more than 110 degrees, remove from heat, and add 2 tablespoons of raw unrefined, unpasteurized, unfiltered honey and stir.

Do not cook the honey. Unpasteurized honey is anti-bacterial. Once it reaches 108 degrees, it becomes no better than regular refined sugar.

If no juicer is available, grate ginger and make into a tea. Do not use store bought apple juice or carrot juice;, they must be fresh.

Sipping this will relieve most coughs and help soothe a sore throat.

If the throat is raw and irritated, gargle with apple cider vinegar as often as possible. Do not, under any circumstances, eat ice cream, soda, yogurt, candy, or any other sugar or diary when sick, especially with a sore throat. Sugar (including agave nectar and high fructose corn syrup) and refined starches feed bacteria, virus, parasites, and Candida (yeast).  No matter how good ice cream feels on a sore throat, the price far outweighs the benefits, as one pint of it can add a day or two to the duration of the illness.

There are a lot of natural cough remedies out there that suggest using sugar or honey without specifying that the honey be raw and unrefined. Any such advice is garbage. Advice likes that soothes the throat while feeding infection. The goal is to sooth the throat while fighting infection.

Herbal Cough Suppressants

Oils from eucalyptus, peppermint, anise, and fennel help suppress a cough. They also increase the production of saliva which helps to clear the throat of irritating mucus. Most cough drops contain one or more of these herbs; unfortunately, most cough drops also contain sugar. Any of these herbs can be made into a tea and sipped for better results than conventional cough drops.

Slippery elm makes a natural cough remedy by forming a soothing layer around the irritated mucus membranes of the throat. Slippery elm teas and cough drops are available at most health food stores.

The two best herbal throat sprays that we know of are Micro-west Homeopathic Combination Throat Spray and Mediherb Herbal Throat Spray.

Other Natural Cough Suppressants and Sore Throat Remedies

Take a lemon and cut it in half. Add unrefined sea salt and black pepper powder to the pulp. Suck.

Make lemonade with fresh lemons, stevia (to taste) and cayenne pepper (to taste). Drink warm or cold. Great detoxifying aid, too.

If coughing is due to lung congestion, hot showers should be taken throughout the day allowing hot water to spray the chest.

The Best Natural Cough and Sore Throat Remedies

We saved the best few for last. But these two are also the most difficult. Organic raw garlic, and/or oil of oregano. With the garlic, take a big clove, and chew, swish the juice, get into the back of the throat. If you can stomach it, swallow it when you’ve chewed it as much as you can (it can be hard on an empty stomach). Or just spit it out. It stings the mouth, so you’ll want to rinse, but after the stinging sensation is gone, your throat will feel so much better! And you can do the same with oil of oregano. Or you can combine the two if you’re feeling brave.

And you can also take some time to try these recipes. With the total tonic you can gargle and swish with it before you swallow, and take as much as you want throughout the day to fend off a cold. The herbal snuff is hardcore! You snort it. You can also apply directly to the tonsils, but I recommend both. Let me apologize in advance, it’s not pleasant, but it works and works well.

Doc Shillington’s Total Tonic Recipe (or purchase here)

  • 1 handful of garlic cloves
  • 1 handful of chopped onions
  • 1 handful of chopped ginger
  • 1 handful of chopped horseradish
  • 1/2 handful of chopped habanero peppers
  • Raw apple cider vinegar

Throw in a blender and cover with an inch or two of organic raw apple cider vinegar. All ingredients should be organic, but don’t let that stop you from making this great formula (as long as the garlic is not from China). You can use the mash right away or wait two weeks and allow it to turn into a tincture.

Doc Shillington’s Herbal Snuff Recipe (or purchase here)

A part is a measurement by volume (cups, tbls, etc.)

  • 7 parts goldenseal root powder
  • 7 parts bayberry bark powder
  • 1 part cayenne pepper powder
  • 1 part garlic powder

All the above must be ground up very finely. It is best to use habanero cayenne as it is the hottest. Mix it very well as a clump of cayenne could keep your eyes in tears for an hour. It won’t hurt you, though.


Excellent nutrition feeds the immune system and will help anyone avoid the pain of tonsils overwhelmed with infection.Check out Bullet Proof Your Immune System, and be sure to balance your gut flora. A strong immune system is impossible with an excess of Candida. The strength of our immune system starts in the gut. And don’t forget, sinus infections are the number one cause of sore throats, so check out How To Use a Neti Pot For Sinus Infections.

Recommended Products:
Further Reading:

Natural Heartburn Remedies

Heartburn and acid indigestion are very common, affecting more than half of all Americans at least once a month. Most people choose to ease their suffering with various over-the-counter antacids, the worst treatment for heartburn or acid indigestion.

If the body is producing too much stomach acid, the body is having trouble digesting food. Neutralizing or decreasing the stomach acid will cause the body to pass partially digested food through the digestive system where it will rot and feed parasites and yeast, causing long-term, serious health repercussions. A study in Holland showed that people using acid suppressing drugs were four times more likely to develop pneumonia when compared to people who did not use those drugs.1

Antacids are never good for your health (and the calcium antacids are a terrible source of calcium). There are easy, natural alternative treatments that work and work fast.

Common Causes of Heartburn

Chronic heartburn is a sign of poor health, which is a result of poor diet. When coffee, soda, dairy, fried foods, or refined foods like cereal or bread cause heartburn, your body is telling you to stop eating these foods. Obesity can cause heartburn by causing the stomach and/or the esophagus to be squeezed out of its proper position, a condition called hiatal hernia. Pregnancy can also cause displacement.

Smoking and overeating are also causal factors. Symptoms increase if you lie down immediately after a meal.

If you have chronic heartburn or acid indigestion, you need to change your lifestyle. Start with a healthy diet. Lose weight. Avoid trigger foods. Stop overeating. Stop smoking. Don’t lie down right after you eat. And don’t practice yoga handstands on a full tummy either!

When you do overindulge or eat trigger foods, try a natural cure that’s good for you.

The Fast and Easy Natural Cure for Acid Reflux

Apple cider vinegar is a healthy, fast, and easy natural remedy for heartburn. Take half a shot, about one ounce. If need be, you can dilute it 50/50 with water, but it works best straight. It will burn a bit going down, but within seconds, it will relieve your symptoms. And unlike antacids, apple cider vinegar is good for you.

Why Does Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Heartburn?

Though vinegar is acidic, apple cider vinegar is alkaline-forming. It is an alkaline-ash food, which means if burned it would leave ash with an alkaline pH. Though food is not “burned” within the body, alkaline-ash foods are generally alkaline forming.

The acid in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, a weak acid. When it meets stomach acid (which is hydrochloric acid, a strong acid), the overall acidity of the stomach is reduced but not rendered too alkaline to digest most foods. And since the apple cider vinegar is alkaline forming, it has an overall alkalizing effect on the body, which most people need due to our modern, acid-forming diets.

Other Natural Acid Reflux Treatments

While apple cider vinegar is the fastest and best natural treatment for heartburn, there are other choices as well.

Aloe Vera and Coconut Water

Aloe Vera and coconut water are both natural acid neutralizers. Depending on the severity of the heartburn, coconut water or aloe vera can bring immediate, soothing relief. Drink as much as you need.

Acupressure Heartburn Treatment

Relief from heartburn may also be found by pressing on the acupressure point CV 12, which is found in the front, center of your body, halfway between the breast bone and the navel. If this does not work, try a higher point right below the sternum and then move lower as the pain subsides. While this usually does provide immediate relief, the effects are temporary.

Reflexology for Heartburn

Reflexology uses massage techniques on the hands and feet at various acupressure points to relieve symptoms. The reflexology point on the left hand is under the thumb close to the wrist up to the middle of the palm. On the right hand, it is a much smaller point in between the thumb and the wrist (see image).

Here is an image for hand reflexology and one for foot reflexology (click to see full size).

hands stomach pressure points

On the right foot, the stomach area is halfway down the foot, on the inside arch. On the left foot, the area is much larger, spanning nearly the whole width of the arch (see image).

feet stomach pressure points

Massage the areas slowly and gently (it doesn’t matter which you start with). Each point should be firmly messaged for approximately one minute followed by one minute of massaging the entire hand or foot. If you feel a crunchy sensation (as if there is gravel under the skin), the area needs more attention.

Herbal Heartburn Treatment

Ginger tea can immediately relieve heartburn or acid indigestion. Put one teaspoon of shredded fresh ginger into one cup of boiling water. Let the ginger steep for ten minutes, strain, allow it to cool, and then drink. This works very well, but obviously, when heartburn is burning a hole in your esophagus, time is of the essence and ten minutes can feel like ten hours. For that reason, planning ahead with ginger tea while preparing a meal likely to cause heartburn is a good idea.

Fenugreek seeds can relieve heartburn and acid indigestion by coating the lining of the stomach. One to two teaspoons in your food or eaten separately is enough to provide relief for many acid reflux sufferers.

Acid Indigestion

Heartburn is commonly called acid indigestion. But indigestion is the body’s inability to properly digest food. If antacids do not help or only temporarily relieve burning, then indigestion is more likely to be your problem. Indigestion is often caused by a lack of hydrochloric acid and/or a lack of pancreatic enzymes, which can also cause a burning sensation when acidic foods are digested, as well as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and food allergies.

We recommend Thorne Biogest for acid indigestion and for anyone who regularly consumes cooked meat. It takes a lot of stomach acid to breakdown cooked meat, and the more cooked it is, the more acid is needed. Take one capsule with a meal or as recommended by a health practitioner.


Chronic heartburn and any kind of indigestion is a serious health issue that should not be ignored. Suppressing the stomach’s ability to produce acid or neutralizing the stomach acid with over-the-counter antacids on a regular basis will also cause very serious health issues. As easy as antacids work (for some), chronic heartburn is not a small thing. Please do not ignore it. Take care of yourself.

Recommended Supplements:
Recommended Reading:
  • Risk of Community-Acquired Pneumonia and the use of Gastric Acid-Suppressive Drugs Journal of the American Medical Association Journal Vol. 292, No. 16 10 /27/ 2004