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Category: Blog - Organic Lifestyle Magazine Category: Blog - Organic Lifestyle Magazine

I Used To Be Anxious

I used to have terrible anxiety. Throughout high school, I had panic attacks so severe I felt like I couldn’t breathe. At my worst, I would shut down, in tears, unable to take a deep breath, while my whole body shook. The pit in my stomach would get so heavy I was sure I would be sick. Sometimes, I did get sick.

Image credit: Antonioguillem/Adobe Stock

I remember the progression from being a nervous person to realizing I had anxiety, to being able to recognize I was having a panic attack. Yet, I didn’t even realize how bad it was because I was used to living with chronic pain. But when I was 16, I had a severe panic attack, severe enough that I finally thought to myself, “This is not normal, and I am not okay. I can’t live like this.” It was another two years before I fixed the root of the problem.

For two years after that debilitating panic attack, I would practice deep breathing, and on rare occasions, take an anxiety pill to try and help calm my nerves. Unfortunately, my endocrine system was so messed up, there wasn’t much I could do to quell the anxiety without fixing the root of the problem.

I also used to weigh 320 pounds. I woke up anxious; I went to bed anxious. Every moment of my life was full of anxiety. After graduating from high school, I began to learn about the endocrine system. I’ve learned how my toxic lifestyle (diet, prescription drugs, and poor sleep habits) caused my hormonal imbalance and was at the root of my anxiety and numerous other health problems. If you would like to take a deep dive into how hormones work and how to fix the endocrine system, check out the following article:

The endocrine system is the collection of glands and glandular organs that produce hormones to regulate metabolism, tissue function, growth and development (which includes repair), sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood, the immune system, and more.


My anxiety was caused by two major things that were totally within my control:

  • Poor diet
  • Poor sleep

I’ve learned that my endocrine system was functioning so poorly because of my diet and poor sleep, which was also affected by my poor diet.


Diet is imperative to fixing the endocrine system and getting rid of anxiety. Just like with most everything else, it starts in the gut. When I eliminated refined sugars, gluten, and processed foods, I felt better within days. When I started eating a salad and drinking a gallon of cranberry lemonade every day, my life changed for the better, irrevocably.

We have an excellent article about the hormonal system that I urge anyone to read if they want to learn how to balance and heal the endocrine system. It goes into why diet is paramount to healing the gut, the endocrine system, and chronic illness in general:

As OLM always says, it starts with diet. Supplemental therapies are much more effective with a healthy diet, and for most people, the right diet is all they need. But there are plenty of people who do not have access to healthy foods, and there are many who have such a depleted endocrine system that the body is just plain going to need a lot of help.


Two months after fixing my diet, I decided to fast for a week. Within days my depression was back. I wasn’t as anxious as I had been, but the anxiety made it difficult to talk about how I was struggling. I had stopped eating vegetables, and I had stopped working out. I don’t think my gut was healthy enough for me to reap the benefits of fasting. A week later, the first thing I ate was a salad. I felt better immediately. As I incorporated exercise back into my life, my anxiety continued to fade.

I start to feel a little anxious when I don’t eat well enough as well as when I don’t take time to get enough sleep. When I say I’m not eating well I should be clear. My idea of junk food is stuff like homemade pesto with brown rice pasta, or organic brown rice chips with a chunk of goat cheddar cheese. Sometimes we make raw food chocolate pie or sourdough bread. While the average person wouldn’t notice any problems with these foods, and may even feel better compared to a typical diet, I get anxious when I eat wheat or pre-packaged processed “healthy” snack foods.


Throughout high school, I would regularly sleep between 12-14 hours a day. I would often joke with my friends about how much sleep I got. While they were on one end of the spectrum, pulling all-nighters, I was on the other end, sleeping as much as possible. None of us were healthy. I struggled with depression throughout high school. I was always exhausted, no matter how much I slept.

Fixing your sleep schedule can be difficult or impossible if you’re not taking care of yourself in other ways. I sleep well when I eat well. Exercise helps, too. When I mess up my sleep schedule (which doesn’t happen often, but it does happen), I find that exercise is the best way to help me get back on track. No matter how mentally tired I am at the end of the day, I can still have a hard time falling asleep if I don’t go for a run or work out in some other way.

I also find that having a set bedtime and wake-up time helps. I generally go to bed by 9:30 or 10:00 every night. My wake-up time is not yet as consistent. Sometimes I’m up at 6:00 am, but other times, if my REM sleep is off, or I’m working out very hard, I can sleep past 8. I’m almost always awake by 9.

I find that my sleep schedule and my endocrine system are intertwined. It can be a vicious cycle when things aren’t going well! An unhealthy endocrine system makes it difficult to impossible to fix one’s sleep schedule, and a messed up sleep schedule makes it difficult to impossible to have a healthy endocrine system.

I find it interesting to pay attention to what happens when I don’t get enough sleep, and I get to experiment with this regularly. I have friends in college who often aren’t ready or able to talk or hang out until 8:00 or 9:00 pm when I’m ready to go to bed. And sometimes I can’t help myself, and I find I’ve pulled all-nighters or had too many consecutive days running on 3-4 hours of sleep while sticking to my very healthy diet.

when I don’t get enough sleep, the first thing that happens, obviously, is exhaustion. I have a hard time focusing and I feel very drained. Then I notice the anxiety. I notice a small pit in my stomach at the thought of doing something I don’t want to do. Something as simple as going on a run when I don’t want to can cause a slight twinge of anxious nausea.

The longer I go without sleep the worse my anxiety gets. It goes from that small twinge of nausea to a constant knot in my stomach at the thought of the unknown. My heart rate will spike unnecessarily at any unease. Happy excitement can turn into anxiety very quickly.

After one all-nighter or 2 days with less than 6 hours of sleep, I notice the bags under my eyes. They’re faint. Someone who doesn’t know me might not even notice them, but they’re there. Shortly after the sun comes up, I can barely see the purple-blue hues beginning to appear under my eyes.

I also experience dizziness when standing up if I’m not getting enough sleep. Recently, for two weeks, I did not get nearly enough sleep and was alternating between all-nighters and getting a couple of hours of sleep a night. Every time I stood up I would get lightheaded. I nearly fainted twice. There are multiple factors that go into this, but I believe that had I been getting proper sleep, it wouldn’t have been a problem. Since correcting my sleep schedule, the issues have gone away.


I remember what it was like to have severe anxiety. I know how hard it can be to treat. I find that like almost all other things health related, it starts in the gut. Fixing anxiety can take time. My panic attacks went away within days of fixing my diet, but it took months of regular exercise and a healthy diet to fix my endocrine system enough to alleviate my anxiety completely.

Federal Government Posts New Dietary Guidelines Without Recommending a Reduction in Sugar or Alcohol intake

Earlier last week the federal government released new dietary guidelines. The new guidelines disregard advice from the Nutrition Coalition to reduce sugar intake from 10 percent of daily calories to 6 percent and limiting alcohol intake to one drink a day.

Photo: Adobe Stock

The average American consumes 2.3 gallons of alcohol a year and 57 pounds of added sugar a year. Both sugar and alcohol play a large role in overall health.

A scientific advisory board recommended reducing added sugars and alcohol for a reason. More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, which is associated with a higher risk of developing serious diseases, like COVID-19. Plus, the science is leaning toward the fact that drinking more alcohol may increase the risk of death. 

New dietary guidelines fail to recommend further reducing sugar and alcohol intake

Federal dietary guidelines are updated every five years. They create guidelines for federal programs like SNAP, and the national school lunch program.

Related: Sugar Leads to Depression – World’s First Trial Proves Gut and Brain are Linked (Protocol Included)

At OLM we know that sugar and alcohol go way beyond just contributing to chronic illnesses. Sugar and alcohol feed infection and allow candida and other harmful bacteria to take over the body. Cutting out refined sugars, including alcohol, is one of the most important steps you can take to living an organic lifestyle.

New Study Connects Gut Health and Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D seems to be the new cure-all for many health problems today. The reality is many of us are low on vitamin D, and with people just now figuring that out, it seems to be fixing many problems.

Low vitamin D levels have been shown to contribute to many diseases including but not limited to cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and most recently, severe covid-19.

Related: Natural Coronavirus Prevention

Despite the correlation some have found between vitamin D levels and disease, other studies have found no health benefits to taking a vitamin D supplement.

A new study may explain the reason for this. Scientists at the University of California have found a link between gut health and vitamin D.

When measuring how much active vitamin D older males had in their blood, the UC San Diego researchers found that its levels correlated with the diversity of the community of bacteria living in their gut, or gut microbiome.

Gut bacteria and vitamin D: What is the link?

The results, published in Nature Communications, show that the body’s ability to convert inactive vitamin D into active vitamin D may make all the difference. Having healthy gut bacteria that are able to metabolize vitamin D is more important than having high levels of vitamin D.

New Study Links Fatal Skin Disease in Dolphins to Climate Change

Fatal freshwater skin disease in bottlenose dolphins is now said to be caused by the increase in devastating storms. A team from the Marine Mammal center worked with Australian researchers to conduct their findings. The results were published in Scientific Reports.

Image credit: Bottlenose dolphin

Freshwater Skin disease first appeared in bottlenose dolphins 15 years ago, after Hurricane Katrina. Where outbreaks of the disease occur, an extreme drop in the saltiness of the water is the common factor. Severe storms like hurricanes and cyclones can dump excessive amounts of freshwater into saltwater areas.

With a record hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico this year and more intense storm systems worldwide due to climate change, we can absolutely expect to see more of these devastating outbreaks killing dolphins.”

Fatal skin disease in dolphins linked to climate crisis

Additionally, all four of the known freshwater dolphin species are at risk of extinction largely due to the climate crisis.

At OLM we believe the health of the environment is largely intertwined with our individual health. Consuming organically and consciously can make a big difference in your carbon footprint. Along with your organic lifestyle, the biggest thing you can do to help is compost your food waste.

Mexico to Phase-Out GMO Corn and Glyphosate

Mexico has put out a decree stating its plans to phase out glyphosate over the next four years. Glyphosate will not be used in any government-sponsored programs throughout the transition period. Mexico will also revoke existing and future permits for the cultivation of GMO corn as well as the use of GMO corn for human consumption. The use of GMO corn in human consumption is to be phased out no later than January 31st, 2024.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Round-up. It’s commonly known to cause numerous types of cancer, along with other health problems. Round-up has also caused detrimental damage to the environment.

Mexico’s Organic Producers’ Society has welcomed the proposal but has proposed a special label to certify certain products that are free of glyphosate.

“We do not use glyphosate on our crops, but we have been the victims of external contamination by this substance anyway. This has caused economic losses for organic producers, mainly of coffee and honey.”

Homero Blas Bustamante, president of the organic society.

This decree comes after the Secretariat of Environment and natural resources said that glyphosate-based herbicides would be phased out to protect the environment and human health.

Mexico has begun preparing government campaigns with the purpose of informing the public of the dangers involved in glyphosate and other herbicides.

Study Shows Antibiotics At an Early Age Linked to Health Conditions Later In Life

A new study has linked antibiotics in children under two, to illnesses and conditions later in life. Children under the age of two who received one dose of antibiotics were more likely to develop asthma, eczema, hay fever, food allergies, celiac disease, ADD, ADHD, and obesity, or general weight problems. Multiple doses of antibiotics were linked to multiple conditions. Conditions differed depending on the child’s age, gender, type of medication, dose, and number of doses.

“When antibiotics were first developed and deployed, the overwhelming consideration was control of pathogens. We now realize that their widespread application has considerable collateral effect on the microbiome, which may be of special importance in developing children,”

Antibiotic use in babies linked to allergies, asthma and other conditions, study finds

The study, published in Mayo Clinic proceedings, analyzed data from more than 14,500 children. Data showed that 70% of the children in the study received at least one antibiotic. Between one and two antibiotics prescriptions was linked to a higher risk of asthma and celiac disease in girls. Three to four antibiotic doses were linked to higher cases of asthma, atopic dermatitis, and excess weight gain in females, and obesity in boys. Babies who received five or more prescriptions were more likely to develop asthma, allergic rhinitis, obesity, and ADHD.

Antibiotics wipe out all your gut bacteria, both good and bad. Antibiotics at an early age can wipe out critical gut bacteria that you never get back. Read this article to learn how to detoxify from antibiotics.

New Study Shows Zero Emissions by 2050 in the U.S is Possible, But We’ve Got a Long Way to Go

Many members of the Paris Climate Agreement have made pledges to reach zero emissions by the year 2060 in order to be on track to limit warming to 2.1 degrees C by 2100. Japan, South Korea, and China are all among countries promising to reach zero emissions by 2060.

Image Credit: Dan Riedlhuber | Reuters

The U.S is not currently part of the Paris Climate agreement but president-elect Joe Biden has plans to rejoin. Additionally, the Biden administration has rolled out plans for the promise of being net-zero by 2050.

Unfortunately, many countries are already behind schedule for their emissions promises. Many countries have plans to increase fossil fuel production by two percent annually.

That being said, a new study by Princeton University presents many different paths for the U.S to get to net emissions by 2050. The U.S has serious work to do before it reaches its 2050 zero-emissions goal.

One such path requires an investment in solar and wind manufacturing, which offers long-term domestic employment opportunities without incurring too many additional technology costs. The caveat? Manufacturing capacity for turbines and photovoltaics would have to increase drastically by 2050 — up to 45 times for wind and 120 times for solar.

Yes, the U.S. can go carbon neutral by 2050, says new Princeton study

The health of our environment and our own health are very intertwined. Sustainable, organic, whole foods do good for our environment whereas overly processed junk food leaves behind a significant carbon footprint, in most cases. One of the best things you can do for the environment is to take care of yourself in a sustainable way.